Those are not my only reasons for thinking the game is horrible. The game is near impossible to run without it crashing for starts. You have to scour the internet to get it to work on PC, and it even runs like shit on the consoles. The autosave bug has been around for how long? Why is it not fixed yet? Do they lack money and resources? I don't think so.
The changes that they made are usually stupid, and make no sense at all. Was it hard for them to make the right model for the Enclave armor, or did they just not give a shit about canon? The fact that you can nuke Megaton, but that stupid bitch Moira survives, just so she can give you the shitty Survival Guide Quest, is just one of the mindless "Illusions of choice" that they thrust upon you throughout the game.
You have no real choices in Fallout 3. Blow up Megaton. Don't blow up Megaton. The choices are endless right?
Here is a quick list of things that Fallout 3 did wrong in my opinion, other than the already mentioned ones:
You don't have to think about your character's stats when you create them, because you can amass enough books to max out your character completely.
I have to mention the plot again. Horrible. These things have been discussed countless times on here, and I hate to beat a dead horse, but give me a fucking break: Little Lamplight, Big Town, Canterbury Commons, Arefu.... These have to be the worst locations in a Fallout game I can possibly imagine. They make no practical sense whatsoever. I could elaborate on that one for hours though.
You can't even sleep in a bed after you kill the owner of it.
Harold is a fucking tree. Whoever thought of this should be kicked in their nuts.
Stat checks are practically non-existent minus a few exceptions.
Fallout 1 and 2 were known for their non-linear gameplay. Fallout 3 is about as linear as you can get with a RPG.
To me the locations in the game appear to be designed with the sole purpose of looking cool, without paying too much attention to the rhyme and reason behind it. To me it looked like this:
Lets make a town that was overrun by Ants like in the movie Them.
Lets make a vault with a bunch of clones of one guy.
Lets make a town built around a nuke.
Lets make a town on a boat.
Lets make a town populated with kids.
Lets make a town town run by a dumbass named Dave.
Lets make a town run by slavers.
Everyone praises the game because there are so many things to do. But really what the game boils down to is wandering through the same subway tunnels/buildings repeatedly, amassing lots of loot, dropping loot off at the house/trader, and completing simple inane quests that require 0 brainpower to solve. Basically you do the same thing over and over again until the game is over. Just because the game sold good, does not mean that it is good. I bought the game and tired of it fairly quickly. Many others did the same. It comes down to quality over quantity. Fallout 3 gives you a lot to do, but no reason to do it. Even with mods the game is barely playable in my opinion, but if people enjoy it that is fine.

Please don't get me started on how hard the game is to run, with the new patches out the game runs almost smoothly now on console versions and PC as far as I know. Quite frankly, the first two had major problems when I tried to run them on my PC, I ended up buying two different versions of the games to see if they would work and they didn't.
I tried changing background colour to solid, running compatibility mode and I still ended up with psychedelic colour schemes that made the game a nightmare to play and the fact that some of the endings are impossible to achieve even with damn patches installed. I love all the games of the series and never in my life have I come to a forum filled with so many biased people towards video games.
Wow, you hate a game because of some changes like aesthetics of how some damn armour looks? Canon? Are there rules for the Fallout series in that super mutants have to be friendly to talk to in order for the game to be good even though these ones come from the other damn end of the U.S? Or that the previous protagonists' siblings have to end up in the game otherwise it's 'too different and is horrible'.
Choices? Yes like there was a whole bunch of choices in Fallout; kill the mayor of a town or help a fat gangster take over? Work for a crime lord in a city or help the police kill the crime lord? Rescue the brotherhood initiate or don't help him? Destroy the mutants or join the mutants? Yeah, the choices are REALLY endless.
Why is Harold a mutated tree? Because he had a tree growing out of his head and a tree can grow by a lot in 80 years and I don't know about you, but I would find it very hard to walk around with a heavy ass tree growing out of my head. Let's make a town run by a crime lord working out of the Maltese Falcon bar (like the name of the movie!) A town run by slavers, was the den not literally run by slavers? They had a strong presence there.