/pol/shit, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the shitposting

Here's something to have a laugh at. Ever wondered where Catholics got their infamous image of Christ?


Thought to be the best human there ever was.

Son of a corrupt Pope, suspected incest afficionado and confirmed homosexual and rapist of women.

90% of the things christians in Europe and the US do today, are customs stolen or incorporated from other cultures. Eggs on easter? Christmas Tree? Thank the norse people! And even better, the Santa Claus is an invention from Coka Cola. That's what christianty has become in the US, a corporate business XD. However, you could say that religion was always about power and money (wealthy).

He was homosexual but he raped Caterina Sforza after taking her prisoner as punishment. Don't ask me, the guy was crazy.
Na, more a man of his time really.
the Santa Claus is an invention from Coka Cola.

Are you joking or being serious? Santa Claus is a union of the demon Krampus and Nimrod. Christmas USED to be the worship of the Sol Invictus, otherwise known as the deified Babylonian king "Nimrod" that I mentioned previously.



Nimrod/Santa Claus


The entire world has been fooled into practicing pagan religions without them even realizing it. Even atheists. Again, the irony is overwhelming. Christmas isn't the birth of the Christian Christ but of a pagan Christ as "Christ" just means "Messiah." Scriptures even warn that there are many "Christs."

Man, this thread sure took a turn for me. I wasn't expecting to be giving a class on religious history when I logged in today. I just wanted to post funny pictures and jokes and get lots of upvotes because I'm jaded beyond belief by the world around me and want an escape.
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"Santa Claus" has his roots in Saint Nicholas who is remembered (at least in Germany) on the 6th of December. What Crni means is that the depiction of Santa Claus and his association with Christmas is more or less an invention by Coca Cola, using Saint Nicholas as a basis.
Early christianity took over a lot of pagan holidays and traditions, mostly out of convenience. Since it's mostly just made up stuff anyway, who cares if it has pagan roots?
Want my brutally honest opinions on them? Well, don't complain - you asked.

Islam is trash no matter how you look at it. Completaly racist towards anyone and everything that isn't Islamic. Judaism is the same. You see, Judaism is what the Pharisees that Yeshua (Jesus) condemned so much practiced. The religion wasn't given to Israel by the Fathers or God but instead finds its origin in the pagan religions and superstitions the Israelites brought with them when they left Babylon.

Islam is a religion that is about submitting to God, upholding monothieism, and emulating arabic culture though there are lots of people who have taken it and twisted it into their own things like Turks, indonesians, and central Asians.

You condemn the New Testament for having pagan influences and yet fall for its propaganda against the Pharisees? So what makes you think that wasn't Roman propaganda edited into it?

It is no coincidence these are the folks that took Christ to the cross and why He was so against them.

The majority of Jews didn't become Christians because they have no reason to, the Romans were the ones who executed him btw, and then worshiped him later while bastardizing his teachings creating a proto corporation in the form of the Catholic church.

The Talmud is a book they hold in higher regard than the actual scriptures and is full of racist, xenophobic garbage towards everyone that isn't Jewish.

It's a commentary on the Old Testament. Is there anything in the Old Testament to suggest that the messiah is Jesus?

If you compare how the Talmud teaches how to treat the "goyim" to how the Quran teaches to treat non Muslims, you would be hard-pressed to find differences. Both groups just happen to hate each other on ideological positions and of course, land.

I doubt it is any more anti-gentile than the Old Testament is.

People in Western society are, of course, oblivious to the beliefs and practices of these groups and Jews in particular have great pull in the U.S. thanks to families like the Rothchild(s) who own the physical land of Israel. Also thanks to things like the "Anti-Defamation League," Jews have enjoyed great success in the West and dumb Americans (especially dumb Christian Americans) throw their support behind the illegal nation of Israel.

The shit you said about the Rothschils is what the Nazis used as an excuse to go Hell-raising in Eastern Europe and killed millions of Poles, Slavs, and jewish peasants. The majority of Germans outside of Hitler's inner circle were also Christians! A family friendly religion that God's children would fight amongst themselves for centuries on end until the US put a leash on it! It is the right religion probably honestly!

Want me to go deeper? Most "Jews" today aren't even real Jews. Ashkenazi Jews, who make up 90% of American Jews and 50% of Israeli Jews, are really nomads (suspected to be from Kazakhstan) that converted to Judaism in the 6th century and have been passing themselfs off as "Jews" to get support from dumb Christians ever since.

False! DNA tests show ashkenazi, mizrhaim, beta israelites, sepharadic and so on as all genetically linked together. If they were all converts according to your "theory", it wouldn't matter because there's an entire book in the Old Testament about a convert called Ruth, whose line would give birth to King David of it. Judaism is a religion that is and always has allowed conversion to it.
Are you joking or being serious? Santa Claus is a union of the demon Krampus and Nimrod. Christmas USED to be the worship of the Sol Invictus, otherwise known as the deified Babylonian king "Nimrod" that I mentioned previously.

You're right of course, Coke didn't invent Santa, I mean they are big and powerfull, but not a religion. Yet. That's what we have Apple and Tesla (with Musk as messiah) for.

I appologize, I should have been more clear, just the modern idea or version of Santa is more or less an invention by the Coca Cola Company, which they made popular over the last 100 years. Everyone today, would immediately recoginze this guy as Santa without knowing that there have been many different versions floating around in the past:


The history behind this version came from the Coke Company.

The Santa Claus we all know and love — that big, jolly man in the red suit with a white beard — didn’t always look that way. In fact, many people are surprised to learn that prior to 1931, Santa was depicted as everything from a tall gaunt man to a spooky-looking elf. He has donned a bishop's robe and a Norse huntsman's animal skin. In fact, when Civil War cartoonist Thomas Nast drew Santa Claus for Harper's Weekly in 1862, Santa was a small elflike figure who supported the Union. Nast continued to draw Santa for 30 years, changing the color of his coat from tan to the red he’s known for today.


Turns out, the model for the guy was at some point even a retired salesmen.
I think I should also mention that again, so 4 post now say that Coke created the modern image of Santa. Did you know that?
If you criticize Christians, ok.
If you criticize Muslims or Jews, YOU ARE LITERALLY HITLER CALM DOWN YOU NAZI.

Shit like this is why I don't like to talk religion. Never can tell when someone will claim you're being a Nazi because you dislike ALL the religions of the book.

I critize Islam quite often. Islam is a death cult in my opinion, just like Christianity. I am not so versed about the Talmud, but both Christianity and Islam have a lot of passages about the apocalypse and the 'end times' and how everything is better in the after life. Now, when I say this of course I do not talk about every individual believer out there I know a hell of a lot of great muslims and christians and they are damn fine people, but the religion as ideology of course is a problem in my opinion, it's irational. However, some extremist groups do believe that the end is near and that we as humans should actively pursue it, this big fight where Jesus for example will judge everyone and so on, or where the rapture will happen and some other dellusions.

The criticism for it self though, isn't the issue here. It's often the context that's the problem. I mean when people try to explan how christianity is 100 times better than Islam. That's fucking cherry picking. There are literaly thousand of interprtations floating around about both the Bible and the Quaran. And extremist christians in the past have proven quite often, that they are no better than extremist Muslims.

Talking about which is the 'worse' religion makes no sense to me, as I would neither want to live in a state government and ruled by the 'Bible' or the 'Quaran'.
a conspiracy theory is not a criticism tho

The Talmud is, like the Quran, the Bible and probably a number of other religious texts, full of heinous shit. This doesn't mean "Jews are bad and need to be gassed", it means "the further they distance themselves from the most literal readings of their holy texts the better off everyone will be, including them". Generally this happens through progressive reformations.

AS A POINT OF REFERENCE: Israel's past and current behaviors are in line with Talmudic law. This includes but is not limited to systematic disenfranchisement and even genocide of entire peoples (like, you know, the people that were living in the area before the Ashkenazim rolled in on the carpet the Balfour Declaration rolled out for them). The Talmud is fucking garbage like the rest of the damn books.
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Pariah Dog, I think he was more refering to this part in particular:

People in Western society are, of course, oblivious to the beliefs and practices of these groups and Jews in particular have great pull in the U.S. thanks to families like the Rothchild(s) who own the physical land of Israel. Also thanks to things like the "Anti-Defamation League," Jews have enjoyed great success in the West and dumb Americans (especially dumb Christian Americans) throw their support behind the illegal nation of Israel.

Which in truth, is very close to conspiracy theories and what you often hear in circles of so called 'sceptics' having conversations about how Jews controll Hollywood, the Mass Media, sometimes the US politics etc. which if you really dig deep in to it, is just an extension of the 'Jewish Question'. Before someone gets the idea, I am NOT calling anyone here antisemitic, but I believe if you follow certain theories or ideas than you really should look where they are coming from.

However, anyone who questions the existance of Israel is an antisemite though. There is no way around it as you can't simply 'undoo' Israel today, without killing millions of jews, so there is no point in questioning the legitimacy or legality of Israel.

I guess one problem is, that beeing 'Jew' is often seen as ethnicity and as religion, no one says Land of the Christians, or Christian State, or Muslim State, as there are many christian nations and muslim states, however when it comes to Jews, there is really only one Jewish state, where they have the majority. And that's Israel. And considering the Holocaust, it really doesn't take a lot of brian power to understand what would happen, if Israel stoped to exist. For many Jews the existance of Israel, is their way to make sure that the Holocaust doesn't happen ever again and when you look at all the ethnicites out there that have no own nation and how they are treated like the Sinti/Roma or Kurds or if you want the Palestinians, well than that thinking is kinda justified.
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Islam is a religion that is about submitting to God, upholding monothieism, and emulating arabic culture though there are lots of people who have taken it and twisted it into their own things like Turks, indonesians, and central Asians.

Apologetics. I know what the Quran says about treating non Muslims. That's enough.

You condemn the New Testament for having pagan influences and yet fall for its propaganda against the Pharisees? So what makes you think that wasn't Roman propaganda edited into it?

Propaganda? lol ok :drunk:

The majority of Jews didn't become Christians because they have no reason to, the Romans were the ones who executed him btw, and then worshiped him later while bastardizing his teachings creating a proto corporation in the form of the Catholic church.

Yea, that's it exactly. You're just echoing my words here. But the Romans didn't want to crucify him and it was the Pharisees that formed a bogus case against Him.

It's a commentary on the Old Testament. Is there anything in the Old Testament to suggest that the messiah is Jesus?

Lots. Use Google. I can't be bothered to do other people's homework. Of course, I'm then blamed of having no argument.

If people can't be bothered to do the research...

There are even verses where Yeshua outright cites OT verses and says he just accomplished said prerequisite to be the Messiah.

I doubt it is any more anti-gentile than the Old Testament is.

The same OT that says to let the gentile live in Israeli lands as long as he follows the laws? Go to modern day Israel and do the same. You'll be treated as a second rate citizen if you're not an Ashkenazi Jew (white European Aryan Jews). Hell, Sephardic Jews are treated as second-class citizens. Discrimination awaits!

Ignorance is bliss huh.

The shit you said about the Rothschils is what the Nazis used as an excuse to go Hell-raising in Eastern Europe and killed millions of Poles, Slavs, and jewish peasants. The majority of Germans outside of Hitler's inner circle were also Christians! A family friendly religion that God's children would fight amongst themselves for centuries on end until the US put a leash on it! It is the right religion probably honestly!


False! DNA tests show ashkenazi, mizrhaim, beta israelites, sepharadic and so on as all genetically linked together. If they were all converts according to your "theory", it wouldn't matter because there's an entire book in the Old Testament about a convert called Ruth, whose line would give birth to King David of it. Judaism is a religion that is and always has allowed conversion to it.

The ignorance is staggering. I'm done with your ignorant and biased ass. If you want to live in the clouds and think because they were "victims" during WWII they can do no wrong, screw it.

Convenintly enough, nobody defends Christians when the JEWISH/RUSSIAN led Bolshevik revolution killed 66 million Christians inside Gulags in 1914 and burned 40 thousand churches.

Not too long ago a Jewish Christian church was burned in Israel. What a fun happy people. So tolerating of other ideas and beliefs.

Which in truth, is very close to conspiracy theories and what you often hear in circles of so called 'sceptics' having conversations about how Jews controll Hollywood, the Mass Media, sometimes the US politics etc. which if you really dig deep in to it, is just an extension of the 'Jewish Question'. Before someone gets the idea, I am NOT calling anyone here antisemitic, but I believe if you follow certain theories or ideas than you really should look where they are coming from.

Explain to me why every elected U.S. president is required to visit Israel, wear that silly hat and kiss that stupid wall. Explain why the U.S. sends 3.8 billion dollars every year to Israel. Explain why Hollywood has an absurd ratio of Jewish actors. These are valid questions. But if you want to fall in the pitfall of "lol conspiracy theory" then that's on you.
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I don't question the legitimacy or existence of Israel. I question their behavior and the precepts that guide that behavior.

But that's not Israel, that's the Israelian government which is ruled by far right nationlist idiot Netanajau - an Israelian Trump really. Criticise him. Not the 'Jews'. It's not like his policiy isn't unqustioned by many Jews, even in Israel.