FEV is the equivalent of a chest x-ray.
Well, to be fair, you showed that you distrust all the common translations, so it's not like I could go and just read any of them and consider them an argument, right? Since I don't speak Hebrew and can at best only look at the Vulgata, I couldn't properly follow any of your arguments myself since my source would be different than yours.
It's still possible to do. The process just becomes more complicated because you have to read the same verse in multiple translations. But when in doubt, just fall back on the King James.
Stop blaming Jews. Start blaming the real enemy. The easy out to any criticism of them is always RACIST so you have to dig deeper than Jews my friend.
I never said it was all Jews and telling me to blame the "real enemy" is lazy and ignorant. Who is this enemy, hmm? Oh right, whatever nation is currently resisting the United States' Middle East destabilization plan.
The Jewish people, both the ancient and present, were just the topic that took the most hold.
So instead of vaguely telling me to fight the "real enemy" (whomever that is in your mind), you do some "real" research. Do you even know what the 'Bohemian Grove' is? Hardly anyone does and those that do, don't care. Then you have reporters asking Bush Jr. about the 'Skull and Bones' society and he refusing to answer. Said reporter than dies shortly after of heart failure. Right...
And it isn't just the U.S. either. You have secret societies everywhere. I mean, do people even remember what the Bilderberg Group does? But then I say "One World Order" and people laugh even though things like the RFID chip are a thing and do the exact same thing the Mark of the Beast will do which is control how you buy and sell among other things.
And I'm still called stupid even when people like General Albert Pike write that Satan is the god of Freemasonry, the largest secret society of them all which George Washington was a member along with most, if not all, male astronauts.
Hell, that letter I mentioned dated August 15, 1871 talks about three planned world wars to bring about the reign of Satan. But people don't care.
Watch this video, completaly unrelated to any of this, and wonder; if they can lie about that, what else could they be getting away with?
But I'm crazy. Crazy crazy crazy. Now, nobody in this thread has called me stupid (that I've noticed) so it isn't that I'm being defensive ahead of time or playing the victim card. That's just how people normally react when I talk about this stuff. They're conditioned to see all of this as "conspiracy theories" without even knowing what the word "conspiracy" means.