/pol/shit, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the shitposting

Pariah Dog, I think he was more refering to this part in particular:

I guess one problem is, that beeing 'Jew' is often seen as ethnicity and as religion, no one says Land of the Christians, or Christian State, or Muslim State, as there are many christian nations and muslim states, however when it comes to Jews, there is really only one Jewish state, where they have the majority. And that's Israel. And considering the Holocaust, it really doesn't take a lot of brian power to understand what would happen, if Israel stoped to exist. For many Jews the existance of Israel, is their way to make sure that the Holocaust doesn't happen ever again and when you look at all the ethnicites out there that have no own nation and how they are treated like the Sinti/Roma or Kurds or if you want the Palestinians, well than that thinking is kinda justified.

I wouldn't consider israel to be an ethnostate tbh, a large portion of the people there are arabs and strangely russian dispora of it.
I wouldn't consider israel to be an ethnostate tbh, a large portion of the people there are arabs and strangely russian dispora of it.

If Jews are an ethnicity and Israel is a Jewish state it follows that Israel is a Jewish ethnostate.

But that's not Israel, that's the Israelian government which is ruled by far right nationlist idiot Netanajau - an Israelian Trump really. Criticise him. Not the 'Jews'. It's not like his policiy isn't unqustioned by many Jews, even in Israel.

He may be the captain of the ship but he's not the only asshole in Israel. I mean, he got elected SOMEHOW.

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I wouldn't consider israel to be an ethnostate tbh, a large portion of the people there are arabs and strangely russian dispora of it.
Yes, it as a multicultural state, but the majority of citizens in the state of Israel, follow Judaism, aprox. 80% if I remember correctly. And this is of a very high importance, just recently (...) has Netanyahu pushed through the Jewish Nation State bill (...) The new Basic Law defines “the state of Israel” as “the national home of the Jewish people”, and adds “the right to exercise national self-determination in the state of Israel is unique to the Jewish people”.

I think it's very difficult to understand this from our perspective, as we havn't gone trough the Holocaust where 13 6 million people, which have been extremly well integrated in to their societies, ended up in concentration camps with the sole purpose of killing them, only because they have been Jews. The rise of nationalism in Israel right now, is in my opinion very ugly and again Netanyahu is nothing else but 'small' fascist really, but that's just my opinion. But apparantly, I am not completely alone with that idea:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday lashed out at critics of Culture Minister Miri Regev who was accused this week of making borderline fascist remarks, rebuffing the designation as a “derogatory term of the left for its enemies.”

There are leftist Jews in Israel, and they are for sure not happy with Netanyahu and his policies.

Explain to me why every elected U.S. president is required to visit Israel, wear that silly hat and kiss that stupid wall. Explain why the U.S. sends 3.8 billion dollars every year to Israel. Explain why Hollywood has an absurd ratio of Jewish actors. These are valid questions. But if you want to fall in the pitfall of "lol conspiracy theory" then that's on you.
For the same reason probably why Putin is allied with Iran and Syrah. Politics really.

Look. The issue here isn't the question you pose, the issue here is that you don't look at the things that contradict the interpretation. Why is every US president since the 1950s backing up Saudi Arabia, selling weapons and supporting them with troops, if they are so 'Pro-Jewish'? Remember that Saudi Arabia was and still kinda is, an arch-nemesis to Israel. How does that fitt into that whole, the US is controlled by Zionists narrative?

That's the reason why it's a conspiracy theory. We're talking about geo-politics here. And that's a very complicated and quite fucked up thing.

Besides when you really look at it, with what government in the middle east should the US allie them self with anyway? Syriah? Iran? Lebanon? Egypt? Almost all of them are dictatorships lead by a lot of religious fanatics which are not very amused about US intevention, or the west in general, and they have really good reasons for that when you look at the history. One of the few states that remained relatively stable over the last 60 years, was Israel, which also owns nuclear weapons. If you really want to get a foothold in the middle east and also keep it, Israel is one of your best bets. That doesn't sound very glamerous I know, but that's simply the reality of geo-politics.
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I think it's very difficult to understand this from our perspective, as we havn't gone trough the Holocaust where 13 million people, which have been extremly well integrated in to their societies, ended up in concentration camps with the sole purpose of killing them, only because they have been Jews.

What in the fuck, it's 6 million and that number glosses over the amount of other groups rounded up by the Nazi Party (like the Roma, political opponents of the Nazis, homosexuals, disabled and so on)
Yes, my bad, it was 6 million I mixed that up with the totall number of people killed in the concentration camps. Doesn't change the message of the argument though.
For the same reason probably why Putin is allied with Iran and Syrah. Politics really.

Look. The issue here isn't the question you pose, the issue here is that you don't look at the things that contradict the interpration. Why is every US president since the 1950s backing up Saudi Arabia, selling weapons and supporting them with troops, if they are so 'Pro-Jewish'? Remember that Saudi Arabia was and still kinda is, an arch-nemesis to Israel. How does that fitt into that whole, the US is controlled by Zionists narrative?

That's the reason why it's a conspiracy theory. We're talking about geo-politics here. And that's a very complicated and quite fucked up thing.

Look, I can give you my version but if I do I'll be labeled as the biggest nutjob on this site. Short answer is; the Zionists want "Greater Israel" and they need to destabilize the Middle East to do so. That's why the U.S. backs their enemies. It serves THEM in the long run.

Zionism isn't even the top dog in the game. Let's just say I have other, more grounded, reasons to believe scripture than fear of hades or belief in an almighty-creator-being.

What in the fuck, it's 6 million and that number glosses over the amount of other groups rounded up by the Nazi Party (like the Roma, political opponents of the Nazis, homosexuals, disabled and so on)

The media doesn't care. They just label all of them as Jews to garner more sympathy than they deserve. Hell, this post is a contradiction for me because I wholeheartedly believe not a single Jew was rounded up to make that figure.

WWII's holocaust was a repetition of the one that happened prior to WWI in Russia and that one was supported by Russian Jews. That's a fact.

Also, someone explain why, decades prior to the Holocaust, there were newspapers already saying "6 million Jews dead" and so forth? Oh yeah, I'm a nut, sure...
Yeah TheHouseAlwaysWins, but the irish are violent and drinkers. They could never take over the US. Or ... wait a min. KENEDY WAS IRISH!
I had been out of the loop of american politics for a while, what with my country being the new season of Narcos after elections, but... Is the whole "Incel" thing for real? At first I thought it was just a new version of callign someone a permavirgin but I now find out that it's actually an organized group who carry the name proudly who believe that there must be a "redistribution" of sex because they are dateless... What are you guys eating? Why do you keep coming up with this shit? Is it the corn syrup?
The media doesn't care. They just label all of them as Jews to garner more sympathy than they deserve. Hell, this post is a contradiction for me because I wholeheartedly believe not a single Jew was rounded up to make that figure.

You don't believe Jews were killed by Nazis?
I had been out of the loop of american politics for a while, what with my country being the new season of Narcos after elections, but... Is the whole "Incel" thing for real? At first I thought it was just a new version of callign someone a permavirgin but I now find out that it's actually an organized group who carry the name proudly who believe that there must be a "redistribution" of sex because they are dateless... What are you guys eating? Why do you keep coming up with this shit? Is it the corn syrup?

Incels are basically morons who think getting laid is going to solve all their problems. As for the corn syrup, I have no idea. I avoid the shit religiously.
Aren't there like a hundred dating apps now?

I don't know about a hundred, but there's enough. Plus the ones dedicated to simple hookups. Again, they're stupid to the point of almost being pitiable. Oh, and they fucking hate themselves like you wouldn't believe. No confidence at all.
You follow the same rules as muslims and jews by berating paganism. I assumed you were Jewish/muslim at first in your style of thinking because you don't have a religion and I was wondering of your opinion of those religion options.

Fair enough.

So why is it OK for you to shit on paganism but not for other religions to shit on outsiders? The Old Testament in specific shits on paganaism and other religions a lot - going as far for the creator to forsake the jews if they do idolatry. I am curious to why you dislike Christianity for being paganistic in its influence but dislike religions that are actually paganism in their modern forms?

I guess I want my cake and to eat it too.

The majority of jews iirc did not convert to Christianity. Christianity mostly attracted outsiders while Jews kept to the laws they were given by God. The Romans hated the Jews for not being idolaters that would say their emperor was a God, to the points where the Romans burned israel down to the ground and scattered them through the world of it, and European culture all stems from civilizations like Rome and Greece, so what makes you think the Roman/Greek influences Christians didn't put propaganda against Jews in the New Testament to actually make Christians dislike them or something.

You're right, they did manipulate scripture. I pointed to @Hassknecht two obvious examples of such manipulations. But unless you have evidence to support the Pharisees being inserted as the villains to demonize Jews then why should I listen to you?

No evidence, no dice.

The Romans were the ones to put a crown of thorns on to Jesus

So? Does that prove the Pharisees didn't form a false case to kill him? Nope.

I've seen plenty of fake talmudic quotes that after googling show up different (the quotes were mistranslated to make them worse than actually they are) or they don't really show it up at all of it.

Well, I've done my research - and I trust my own research.

It's Reddit which sucks but this gives the reasons why Jews generally don't see as a messiah because he didn't do their requirements.

They hate Christianity, so of course they'll say that. It's called being 'biased.'

Askenazis aren't aryans, I believe they are half jewish disapora that got kicked out of their country and half Italians as a result of interracial

Netanyahu, the leader of modern Israel, is Sephradic.

The majority of jews in Israel aren't ashkenazi. About only 47.5 of Jews in iIrael are Askenazi, and that is about 33%

Ashekenazi Jews are fair skinned Europeans so to me, they're Aryan. I'm probably ignorant by saying that but I'm hispanic even though I look 100% caucasian so screw it.

I've never cared for skin color anyway.

I don't care what Natanyahu is. He's a pig and as bad as the rest.

And I did point out that Ashkenazi Jews make up roughly 50% of Jews in Israel and 90% in the U.S. in an earlier post.

I also never said they were the grand majority. What? You think just because they make up half the population they can't be in charge? Get off it.

Not an argument.

Says you.

Peasants were not the victims?


Christians do the same to each other all the time as well as other religions. Christian German soldiers are responsible for destroying hundreds of churches throughout eastern europe during WW2

Yea, because anyone who claims to be of a certain religion must be a fervent practitioner to the letter. I've criticized Christians as much as Judaists and Muslims so what you're trying to accomplish with this is beyond me.

Also, I'm not Christian. Using their hypocrisy against me won't get you anywhere. Just because I believe scripture doesn't mean I'm Christian. I do the Sabbath, they don't. I don't celebrate Christmas, they do.

is a mutual ally with a country in the midst of a lot of oil. Israel gets a little help to protect its borders, the US gets a lot of oil.

The U.S. is at the beck and call of Israel authority. That is the nonsense that they tell us to keep our mouths shut. But hey, I noticed you cut off the part about kissing the wall. Why is that I wonder? One thing is being business partners, another is for every Prez to have to visit the wall religiously. Almost, like they're required to...

I believe kippas are biblical.

No, they aren't.

Not a satisfactory answer.

Jewish culture is based on education at the core of it. Several books of the OT are just about teaching law like Deuteronomy or Levticus. The modern Jews enter areas like literature, movies, or other forms of art as a side effect of their study.

Yea, right, this is the reason. Sure... :whatever:
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Lots. Use Google. I can't be bothered to do other people's homework. Of course, I'm then blamed of having no argument.
Well, to be fair, you showed that you distrust all the common translations, so it's not like I could go and just read any of them and consider them an argument, right? Since I don't speak Hebrew and can at best only look at the Vulgata, I couldn't properly follow any of your arguments myself since my source would be different than yours.
Look, I can give you my version but if I do I'll be labeled as the biggest nutjob on this site.

Stop blaming Jews. Start blaming the real enemy. The easy out to any criticism of them is always RACIST so you have to dig deeper than Jews my friend.
Uribe and his followers are scandalized that the court got recordings of his calls.... yet they forget it was Uribe the one who stablished the infrastructure to Wiretap people's calls legally. Karma comes at you fast.