/pol/shit, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the shitposting

I'm perfectly fine, thanks for asking. Lots of turbulent things happened IRL meanwhile, won't bother local folks in this fine /pol/ thread with it though since I wrote it down in detail on other site already. Anyway, good to see you're the same retarded slimmy fag as before writting the same retarded slimmy faggy stuff on a daily basis, as before. ;)

Also where's @Atomkilla, that wana-be orderite sidekick of yours? Last thing I remember from more than half a year ago is that he broke up with his girlfriend and started masterbating furiously, while calling decent people living with their own families a wankers! The irony, guess that's how tO rolls nowadays. :D

Technically, I never said you're a wanker, more like a miserable piece of shit and a pathetic human being or something along those lines.
'Twas a long time ago though, I might have said a few more nice things, but you know, memoria fragilis est and all that jazz.

Nice to see you're still salty about it though.
Hope your life has been fine otherwise.
Technically, I never said you're a wanker
Correct, technically you wrote it, not said. The girlfriend you broke up with shortly before that is hopefully back and you fuck like a windrammer instead of masterbating. Or not and you just masterbate couple of months in a row, w/e
Correct, technically you wrote it, not said. The girlfriend you broke up with shortly before that is hopefully back and you fuck like a windrammer instead of masterbating. Or not and you just masterbate couple of months in a row, w/e

Yep, wrote it, you're right.
Nah, I broke up with her. Too many problems, including stuff like lying to me for 8+ months on various issues. At the time I also thought she cheated on me, which turned out to be false, but eh, there's only so much one can handle before they snap.
Heartbreaking, I know.

It's been fifth gear masturbation ever since and life is good.
Don't worry zegh, this is just the normal douchery going between us all here, but heh who am I telling this, how could an authist nerd who's horny for dinosaurs understand that.
Don't worry zegh, this is just the normal douchery going between us all here, but heh who am I telling this, how could an authist nerd who's horny for dinosaurs understand that.


That's the extent of my rage today, I'm still all clammy and sweatty :(

And I was refering to valciks sudden out-of-the-woodwork-esque entrance, as well as bronys table-flipping in the other thread. Not so much any subsequent reactions to these, which pretty much follow expected procedure

Man, I sound so douchy, don't I...

God, this heat...
The only ones that understand heat are the ones that have felt it at 130 degrees for longer than a week.

Donald Trump won me over because he gets shit done despite saying offensive/retarded shit all the time. I will point out he still does not look as incompetent as Bush Jr. because he doesn't bumble about and say PUT FOOD ON FAMILY. He doesn't always get the things done that I want, but he does get shit done. When he says he is doing something, he tries to do it. He doesn't say HOPE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN and then immediately bail out billionaires. Common response will be "But them tax breaks to the rich yall" which I tend to agree since I am in the class below the $200,000 bracket, and I do not benefit, but I have to think about the other ways I am now benefitting. It isn't as if I should expect a tax break when I don't pay taxes.

NATO is now actually paying for some of their military defense. Illegal criminals that rape and sell people like cattle are being deported in mass. Russians do not regard us with utter contempt. North Korea came to the table. We initiated the first strike against the EU Reptilians led by Merkel. We are growing our military back to fighting strength. We are finally starting the border wall which was already being started so Trump had little to do with it other than raising awareness to issues like millions of illegals using the system for all it is worth. Which is fine if millions of people on Welfare that are totally healthy weren't doing the same thing. The system has become like a big fat tit you come to get all the goodies you need, but it started to dry up around the end of the 90's when Clinton tried to 1984 us. Thankfully Bush Jr. won so he could finish the fucking job. Red/Blue? It all hurts when it slides in your ass without lube.

Trump will not right those wrongs. We lost surveillance. The contempt from the rest of the world once bothered me until I realized that everyone is so full of shit. Does it really matter what Spain thinks when this is happening?


Last I checked Mexico does not look that bad.




Germany tore down their wall Spain. Why let in Muslims, but not Africans? THEY MIGHT BE MUSLIM! Racists. You racist Spaniard fucks.


Everyone is full of shit. So full it is oozing out of all their orifices like some fucking horror movie.



Maybe if we didn't start wars all over the world people would not be trying to scale these walls. Instead of tearing down walls, stop fighting proxy wars in third world countries to destabilize your enemies. You fucks.







Ok, now I want to play Fallout.

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Yeah, just let me find the right song to all the images ...

*That was sarcasm by the way.

Hard to tell without the emojis.

I just realized JFK was in the Navy in WWII. I am certain I knew that at one point since I research the Presidents randomly depending on what world event I am looking into, but that makes sense. He carried himself really well. Survives WWII. Gets killed by his country in Texas. If that isn't irony...I don't know what is. What is irony? God's little punchline. Like TotalBiscuit Cancer.
Caring and being proud of your country is called Patriotism. Worshiping your country/race to the point where it becomes God and you want to deport/exterminate people who are slightly culturally different regardless if they contribute or hurt your country is what nationalism has come to be generally.

nazi = nationalist socialism
Caring and being proud of your country is called Patriotism. Caring about your country and wanting its violent, hateful, subversive, untrustworthy and unhelpful waste-of-benefits Gimmiegrants and illegal aliens to fuck off is a part of Patriotism.

Would you let two hobos into your house? How about five? What if some of them are drug addicts, what if some of them shit on your stairs, what if you end up with twenty seven hobos living in your house, eating your food and draining your money, and only one hobo even bothers to do chores, and even then, all he does is help dry the dishes after you wash them?

"Gimmiegrants should fuck off" is not extremist, and "Gimmiegrants should fuck off home" is not calling for extermination.

"Gas the jews, race war now", THAT is extremist. And I think you've noticed it's only anonymous people on /pol/ who call for race wars against religions (seriously am i taking crazy pills or is everyone else taking them). Fuck those guys, and fuck anyone who tries to paint the entire alt-right as full of those guys. If you say "Pokemon fans, transgender people, and Batman fans are as bad as Nazis", you're going to piss off Pokemon fans, transgender people, Batman fans, and Nazis. It's the same deal here when liberals yelled "All white people are inherently racist" for sixty years.

As for the whole "Cultural differences thing", I'm starting to suspect you don't really get this topic.

It's ok for foreigners to celebrate their own holidays in my country. It's not ok for them to say I can't celebrate my holidays in my own country. And if Vegans were the ones committing a large majority of the rapes and aggravated assaults and crimes in general despite being a minority of the overall population, while committing acts of terrorism against me and my cops and my country and while calling me the evil white meat-eating Nazi who's inherently a Nazi because he eats meat sometimes, I'd be sick of their shit.
I never understood how people can be proud about something they never had any say in based on lines someone at some point has drawn on a map.

“The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”

- Arthur Schopenhauer
I never understood how people can be proud about something they never had any say in based on lines someone at some point has drawn on a map.

Because I am proud to be citizen of one of the more better countries in the world, having a very friendly citizens of the country, along with emphasizing my different culture compared to other countries?

I never hear people saying they are proud of being from USA, but considering what sort of state it is, no wonder.
Ok, so if your parents would do all the learning for exams and work for your graduation from a university while you did nothing to contribute to it, you can be proud about your doctor title?
I think there's a bit of ambiguity what "proud of" really entails.

Like, I guess I could be "proud of" our impressive mountains and imposing nature, but it's not like I am Jehova in the flesh, having had anything to do with creating this nature.
It's a sense of "this is mine, and therefore it's part of who I am. I AM THE MOUNTAINS!!!"
There is only one type of person who's allowd to boast about beeing mountains, Zegh baby.



I think there's a bit of ambiguity what "proud of" really entails.
I noticed that people which are often very patriotic and proud about their herritage and nationality live in a bubble of cognitive dissonance though. Everything positve is an attribut of their nation and national identity, and everything negative that happens, is either not that bad, something that all nations do, or the action of some individuals which has nothing to do with the nation.

"My nation is the bestest in the world! Look at XYZ!"

"You know the Indians that your nation ..."

"Shut your mouth with your (white)guilt, snowflake!"
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I never understood how people can be proud about something they never had any say in based on lines someone at some point has drawn on a map.
Sure you don't, considering the fact you are second generation immigrant from a family that gave up and ran away from their homeland, exchanging everything good and wrong in their own cultural heritage for a system built by someone else, instead of staying and trying to improve the situation in a country fucked up by war. That's something a fair weather citizen and a perverted metrosexual pederast such as you can't grok at all - the concept of slowly building up your own social and cultural structures generation by generation, taking the good things from cultural background of your predecessors and improving the bad and ugly things in your own heritage. You cannot understand it since you're ready to do the same any day of the year - the moment your country would be endangered, you'll just pack your things up and run away to the most developed economy with strong social system willing to take care of your pitiful existence, willingly leaving behind everything your parents worked hard for and spent their lives to achieve.

So, this has nothing to do with concept of nation, it's much more related to the genealogical chain of your own predecessors, their hard work, or their own creativity forged into folklore through the centuries and preserved for future generations against all odds. Including wars, military occupation, slavery, or just any other systematicall attempt of your opressors to erase your own cultural roots in favor of something they consider to be more appropriate. Since you don't have anything like that and you don't know it personally, you simply can't understand it. No matter how advanced or different other cultures are, for me it's a matter of respect and personal responsibility toward my predecessors to preserve what they've created and I highly respect any other man trying to do the same for his own culture, as long as he doesn't try to achieve his goal by subduing or erasing my own cultural heritage in the process. The world would be incredibly boring place with one "universal" culture and unified society, controlled by global overlords and deprived of thousands flavours every single ethnic group is bringing in.
I noticed that people which are often very patriotic and proud about their heritage and nationality live in a bubble of cognitive dissonance though.
I like how you put "often" and "very" on there so you have wiggle room.