Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Sure you don't, considering the fact you are second generation immigrant from a family that gave up and ran away from their homeland, exchanging everything good and wrong in their own cultural heritage for a system built by someone else, instead of staying and trying to improve the situation in a country fucked up by war. That's something a fair weather citizen and a perverted metrosexual pederast such as you can't grok at all - the concept of slowly building up your own social and cultural structures generation by generation, taking the good things from cultural background of your predecessors and improving the bad and ugly things in your own heritage. You cannot understand it since you're ready to do the same any day of the year - the moment your country would be endangered, you'll just pack your things up and run away to the most developed economy with strong social system willing to take care of your pitiful existence, willingly leaving behind everything your parents worked hard for and spent their lives to achieve.
The way you think is very European-centric and doesn't apply to new world. I am Irish and I don't think my family was here in WW1.
It's also easy to say stuff like this when you aren't in a war and are outnumbered by the other side of it.
So, this has nothing to do with concept of nation, it's much more related to the genealogical chain of your own predecessors, their hard work, or their own creativity forged into folklore through the centuries and preserved for future generations against all odds. Including wars, military occupation, slavery, or just any other systematicall attempt of your opressors to erase your own cultural roots in favor of something they consider to be more appropriate. Since you don't have anything like that and you don't know it personally, you simply can't understand it. No matter how advanced or different other cultures are, for me it's a matter of respect and personal responsibility toward my predecessors to preserve what they've created and I highly respect any other man trying to do the same for his own culture, as long as he doesn't try to achieve his goal by subduing or erasing my own cultural heritage in the process. The world would be incredibly boring place with one "universal" culture and unified society, controlled by global overlords and deprived of thousands flavours every single ethnic group is bringing in.
You dodged the question of nationalism's negative effects to make a "my ancestors" speech.
Caring and being proud of your country is called Patriotism. Caring about your country and wanting its violent, hateful, subversive, untrustworthy and unhelpful waste-of-benefits Gimmiegrants and illegal aliens to fuck off is a part of Patriotism.
The latter is generally known as nationalism. It relies on generalization to get rid of entire peoples that you consider threats because they don't believe that Jesus will come back after being dead for 2 thousand years, they don't have blue eyes or, whatever without considering their individual merits or accomplishments. That's racial profiling.
Would you let two hobos into your house? How about five? What if some of them are drug addicts, what if some of them shit on your stairs, what if you end up with twenty seven hobos living in your house, eating your food and draining your money, and only one hobo even bothers to do chores, and even then, all he does is help dry the dishes after you wash them?
You are dehumanizing even though you consider Christianity important? Christianity is a religion that's based on humility and helping the weak, why do you think its important if you completely miss the surface basics of it?
The entire history of America is based off immigration btw. I say this as someone who's family line is irish and only immigrated around WW1. Irish were hated along with everyone else as worthless hobos regardless if we served as veterans or not for it.
"Gimmiegrants should fuck off" is not extremist, and "Gimmiegrants should fuck off home" is not calling for extermination.
You think that Nazi Germany told the common peasant that they were going to destroy all the jews and the people they considered bad like poles, slavs, gays, disabled people, and so on with it? No, all they said was that they were going to solve the Jewish question. The nazis accomplished this by slowly dehumanizing whatever they considered their enemy before obliterating them completely.
"Gas the jews, race war now", THAT is extremist. And I think you've noticed it's only anonymous people on /pol/ who call for race wars against religions (seriously am i taking crazy pills or is everyone else taking them). Fuck those guys, and fuck anyone who tries to paint the entire alt-right as full of those guys. If you say "Pokemon fans, transgender people, and Batman fans are as bad as Nazis", you're going to piss off Pokemon fans, transgender people, Batman fans, and Nazis. It's the same deal here when liberals yelled "All white people are inherently racist" for sixty years.
The jews were a common minority in Germany but they weren't common enough to collectively fight back, a lot of jews were friends with common Germans and were even friends with members of the Nazi party. You don't attack a group like that all of a sudden, you do it through gradual dehumanization and violence. Why are you bringing up random fandoms in a discussion about politics?
As for the whole "Cultural differences thing", I'm starting to suspect you don't really get this topic.
It's ok for foreigners to celebrate their own holidays in my country. It's not ok for them to say I can't celebrate my holidays in my own country. And if Vegans were the ones committing a large majority of the rapes and aggravated assaults and crimes in general despite being a minority of the overall population, while committing acts of terrorism against me and my cops and my country and while calling me the evil white meat-eating Nazi who's inherently a Nazi because he eats meat sometimes, I'd be sick of their shit.
How are you being oppressed? Christians in western countries are the majority and don't have to worry about problems like having their country being destroyed by extremist movements/foreign interference like in the middle east or being shoved into ghettos. The US was found to be a secular country that supports freedom to celebrate ALL religions. If a muslim serves in a war for the US he's less of a citizen than some Christian who's on welfare in the south or midwest of it?
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