You know, I'll be honest. I want to powerslide in here, air-guitaring along with "Sweet Victory" as it blasts out of the phone in my pocket.
I want to rub this victory in the face of every liberal here, and mock them for being so far gone on the wrong side of history, history actually invalidated them in their own lifetimes. I want to yell "How do you like them apples?!" as I mock them for being angry salty alt-left brownshirts with no reason to hate my race, political beliefs, culture, or children as muc as they do.
But instead, I will say... My condolences.
I know that recent developments must be pretty shocking. But it's alright. We aren't actually news, your worthless fake news "Sources" just said that their imaginary "Anonymous Sources" said we are. Remember, these are the news sources that got the American public behind the recent BS wars.
I know you have to be feeling pretty bad right now, and if you don't already, it's because you haven't realized what this means, but... The means to 3d-print untraceable firearms are out there. They're out there, not just on the dark web, but on the regular internet, as well. Your liberal dreams of a gun-free utopia where nobody can shoot each other/your liberal dreams of a crime-ridden shithole where everyone is oppressed by local gangs, but nobody expects you to do anything about it because they have the guns and you do not and gun culture is dead... Whether you have "I want to be free from my responsibilities as a man!" or "I genuinely think eroding human rights will help!" in your head when you repeat anti-gun lies, it just...
It just doesn't matter any more. The fantasy you have just can't happen, thanks to technology. You can no longer say "I think making it harder to obtain guns legally will make it harder for criminals to get guns illegally" without looking more wilfully ignorant than you looked a few months ago when you said the same shit.
The argument isn't "Should we remove X human right that could be abused?" any more, and it isn't "Are leftists malicious, stupid, or misunderstood freedom fighters for wanting human rights removed?" and more, either. 3d-printed guns don't have to obey your asinine Human Right Erosion laws on bump stocks and bullet buttons and stock widths and muzzle lengths and whatnot. Now it's "Should those who obey the laws have weapons that can protect them from criminals who now have near-unlimited access to 3d-printed guns or not?", and there's only one rational, humane answer.
Yes. Bubba McShrimp should have a gun. M'Bele Harambe should have a gun. Achtung Gestapo should have a gun. Apu Mehta should have a gun. Kevin McKillroy should have a gun. Even that bitch Karen should have a gun, because if she pulls her gun on any of the PTA moms during an argument over dried yoghurt-encrusted kale, they'll pull their guns on her and aim at her until she slowly and nervously puts her gun back. All good, honest people should own guns, and carry them, so that attempting to shoot up a restaurant, church, playground, movie theatre, old folks home, pretty much anywhere will go about as well for the criminal as trying to rob a Gun Store would go. The only reasonable limitation you can put on such a thing is "Should there be dedicated Concealed Carry Only zones where kids aren't supposed to be able to see the guns but should be protected by them anyway?".
I don't know how anyone could not want that level of protection and guaranteed security almost statewide. And the only reason I can see for wanting to be a disarmed peasant, the dream of an ideal disarmed world, just had its neck stepped on by the boot of science.
The ideal you want to work towards, the disarmed world where people will give you Fowts And Pwayers and precious sympathy points and victim points and attention and pity for getting robbed at knifepoint instead of saying "Lol, bet you wish you had a gun" to you over twitter just physically cannot happen any more unless cops decide 3d-printed guns should be more illegal than meth and child porn combined, AND they start performing "Random" weapon sweeps without a warrant on civilian houses, pissing off the local untraceably-armed populace. Which, uh... Well, I'm sure someone else who also likes human rights already told you the whole "The second amendment protects the rest of the Constitution" bit a few years ago.
Thank you. One of the few that gets it.
The government loves to keep those with enough energy to fight this never ending war, spinning their wheels with identity politics, while they strip away what little liberty we have left and nobody reports on it.
Wait, that sounds... smart. Are you a person?
Ok, good news, we just became friends. Let me see how much you've noticed here, just tell me when.
1. LeBron's school is publically funded. It's got his name on it, but Trump's America is footing the bill.
2. This bullshit is just a publicity stunt on Bronny's part.
3. This bullshit is trying to paint Trump as anti-black and Bronny, a man who hates Trump, as pro-black, because Trump's black approval ratings are "too damn high!" and too many black people are choosing to #walkaway from the "Democrat Plantation" as they put it.
4. Democrats fuck up black towns on purpose because they want angry benefit-eaters who'll buy into the "You're not eating enough cake! White people owe you more cake!" lie.
5. Fox News is shit. It's shit, it's controlled opposition, and liberal sponsors decide what it is and is not allowed to say. Which is technically better than the whole "Liberal sponsors decide what it says" nature of leftist media, which is the entire rest of it, but it's still shiiiiiiit.
6. The mainstream media was overwhelmingly against Trump, for Hillary, and for Bernie being used by Hillary during the elections. The rich and powerful untouchable bastards who run the country from the shadows hate and fear Trump and want him gone.
8. Having pointless arguments over whether it's heroic or evil to want human rights removed from the western world is pointless, because the people who want those rights removed AND have the power to remove them are at the top, and in the shadows, and in the political system. They fear him because he's "Populist", the people like him and he fights for the right of the people. You can tell the media's bullshit because it's telling you it's racistbadongsexist to be "Populist"
9. Donald Trump once brought Bill Clinton's rape victims to a public debate with Hillary Clinton. One of them was around 10 when Billy raped her and Hillary, in court, attacked the kid and called her a needy slut who sought him out and begged for it. She was why Bill got away with it.
10. The "Conspiracy Theory" about Benghazi is that Hillary did those titanic fuckups(Reduce the defenses of the american embassy in Benghazi to save cash, ignore requests to bump defense back up, ignore protocol when the place gets threats from terrorists, and for no apparent reason proceed to stall the F.A.S.T. anti-terrorism team by making them deplane, undress, dress in civvie outfits, and then get back on the plane with only the guns they can hide in their outfits) on purpose. The fact is, she did those fuckups, and got a big donation from the Big Oil pricks in the middle east for it two weeks later. The Conspiracy Theory is that she did them on purpose and got paid for it.
11. Trump made border control, the effects of illegal immigration, the insanity of the mainstream media and their obvious lies, and more into things that are "Okay" to talk about.
12. Violence only happens at Donald Trump rallies when violent funded-by-Soros Domestic Terrorists, Antifa and BLM members, show up to start it.
13. George Soros is one of Hillary's biggest campaign funders.
14. George Soros blew 2 million on the A Day Without Women protests that accomplished nothing.
15. George Soros blew 6 million on founding and funding The Haymaker Collective, an organization designed to train and radicalize domestic terrorists.
16. All this "Identity Politics" bullshit from the left, where Gay People and Trans People and Black People "Unite" because have all been socialized in liberal schools and marxist colleges to feel victimized by the existence of white people, it's dumb. It's fucking dumb. It's really fucking dumb. White people are not the "Root of all evil" and liberals need to reform themselves and clean their own house up instead of demanding the rest of the world conform to fit their vision of what reality should be. It's not "Nuanced Anti-Racism" to be anti-white, it's liberal. The DNC, and the left as a whole need to reform so the second part of that statement will actually become false.
17. "Lizard People" is a slur, based on the weirdly placed and weirdly yellowed hole in Hillary's tongue, a symptom of a certain nasty disease you only get by doing something really fucked up.
18. Harry Potter is honestly kind of total shit. I'm putting this here so people who jump to the bottom will obsess over this instead of trying to deny the last thing I said.