Brand new Bavarian border police unit counting couple of hundreds men and hunting down illegal migrants on Bavarian/Austrian borders says otherwise, there's more than 18000 illegals without any papers just for the last year alone here in these camps. Of course it's hard to integrate someone who crossed your borders illegaly, without papers, and with false name and age.
1800 people in a country with a population of 80 + million. We're certainly close to a colapse and doom.
I am not against cracking down on 'illegal' migration. What I do not like, is this constant oversimplfication of everything that has to do with migrants, refuges and asylumseekers, legal or not.
Every Europan nation has agreed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to not only upphold them, but to also do everything they can to follow them. What we see right now, is a constant viollation of those rights, by following a xenophobic rhetoric with the intention to offer easy solution for complex problems.
This mental picture of anyone being bitter, cynical, or happy is your mental picture only. If that's what helps you dealing with a fact that you're living a nazi fascist state by your own definition you've been very sound of couple of months ago, be my guest. My reasons why borders have to be closed are in vatted threads, no point repeating obvious truth now proven by your own reality again, right?
I do not know what your reasons
really are as that might take more than this board can offer in terms of a conversation, a forum is a rather limited way of comunicating after all. However the last time we tried to discuss it, it kinda ended up with you in a trantrum and trying to intimidate me with threats.
At this point, all I can say is that we're hading in a direction where we're just trying to buy time. Nothing more. Nothing less. Yes, we can close our borders, but it's not a long term solution. Particularly if our intention is to keep dangerous people from crossing it and coming to your country. We can see this with Italy, which closed their ports to ships rescuing refugees from the coast of Lybia, has this stoped people from trying though, as some right wingers claim? No, people still try to cross the Mediterranean. There are just more dieng right now. Italy simply pushed the issue onto Spain, which most probably will do the same at some point and pushing the issue to the next country, like Lybia which might do the same and people will eventuell pille up in camps somewhere in the desert, till they might reach millions and not just a few thousands. And it might become impossible to deal with it effectively at this point. And what will we do in 5, or 10 or 50 years from now? What should we do once 600.000 thousand people try to cross over our borders each month, and not 6000? Close them? Shoot at them?
We have to finanally start to recognize the fact, that people do migrate, this is a part of our species, that's what we've done historically. And if we really want to avoid it becoming an issue, then we have to look at the reasons why people try to migrate into different locations. And that means we have to think about alternatives to our economic models and what Europe and the US do in military matters and trough our global trade, how we can prevent more damage so that future generations won't have to deal with it. Closing borders, isn't going to fix this.