/pol/shit, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the shitposting

This thread reminds me of being invited to birthdayparties
I'm quoting this so you can't edit it later.

Lol, you show that libtard :D

(by the way, "required" isn't going to actually make anyone watch your stupid videos spazzbergers :D I know it can be difficult for you to gauge these things, so I'm just letting you know :D)
I'm quoting this so you can't edit it later.

By the way, required viewing.

Why would that matter? You really are a retard. You think I would lie in a debate like one of these goobers? If I EVER edit a post it is to correct typos, add a pic or link, or remove a stray insult that is directed towards someone that does not deserve it.

Do us all a favor and clue in to who is on what side, who is a dumbass, and who needs to shut the fuck up. Think REAL hard about it.
Why would that matter? You really are a retard. You think I would lie in a debate like one of these goobers? If I EVER edit a post it is to correct typos, add a pic or link, or remove a stray insult that is directed towards someone that does not deserve it.

Do us all a favor and clue in to who is on what side, who is a dumbass, and who needs to shut the fuck up. Think REAL hard about it.

I fear you might just have made a powerful enemy
Glad to see Bavaria goes the way proposed two years ago by V4 in regard of illegal immigration. Nowadays east German border is covered by state of the art hi-tech sensor grid, so nothing can slip through unnoticed, plus there are seven transit centres (read internment camps) intended to hold tens of thousands asylum seekers (read illegal economic migrants) before they undergo security screening and all the legal procedures here. In short - borders closed, wide open doors no more in Germoney. Also Bavarian politics are going for zero immigrants policy full balls out from now on. So, seems that turning east Germany into "nazi fascist state treating people like a cattle" according to Vuk's deifiniton took only two years. Note that he's living in Bavaria, so he's living in a nazi fascist state now by his own definition. What a plot twist! :)
More than 25 thousand people here in Munich protested against teh CSU - the party that proposed it two years ago and now tries to implement it - there is a very serious debate going on, and so far Bavaria is the only state that's doing it, while most other states in Germany reject the idea. In many cases you can't even build those camps, as they do not fix the issue we're dealing with. Bavarias plan, as you call it, which isn't even supported by all Bavarians - hey I live here after all! Was a useless endevor 2 years ago, and it still is. That's not how succesfull integration will work, and it will just create more issues.

I do not understand why you're so bitter about Germany taking in refugees anyway, when they actually saved Hungary from dealing with 800.000 people at their border.

I will never understand why people like you are so damn cynicals and seem almost 'happy' about people suffering. Hur durr! Closed borders noaw! where will those refugees go noaw! Har har har!
In many cases you can't even build those camps, as they do not fix the issue we're dealing with. Bavarias plan, as you call it, which isn't even supported by all Bavarians - hey I live here after all! Was a useless endevor 2 years ago, and it still is. That's not how succesfull integration will work, and it will just create more issues.
Brand new Bavarian border police unit counting couple of hundreds men and hunting down illegal migrants on Bavarian/Austrian borders says otherwise, there's more than 18000 illegals without any papers just for the last year alone here in these camps. Of course it's hard to integrate someone who crossed your borders illegaly, without papers, and with false name and age.

I will never understand why people like you are so damn cynicals and seem almost 'happy' about people suffering. Hur durr! Closed borders noaw! where will those refugees go noaw! Har har har!
This mental picture of anyone being bitter, cynical, or happy is your mental picture only. If that's what helps you dealing with a fact that you're living a nazi fascist state by your own definition you've been very sound of couple of months ago, be my guest. My reasons why borders have to be closed are in vatted threads, no point repeating obvious truth now proven by your own reality again, right?
Hey, here's an idea. Let's not continue this neverending circle of "Liberal says something stupid, smart man debunks that, liberal calls smart man a poopyhead".


You know the bitter resentment-driven failures who laugh whenever I make an argument against the shit they say, or ask why they think liberal laughter is a counterargument to my well-reasoned arguments?

What if they had to make arguments supporting their anti-humanitarian worldviews and blind cultish belief in their hand-me-down "Liberalism good, its critics are dumb racist nazi communism-fearing haters who hate lurrals and understand nothing, liv ur own truuf uwu" dogma?

Would they actually be able to make arguments for their views like mature adults? What would it even sound like? How many contradictions would they run into in the first five sentences alone?
Brand new Bavarian border police unit counting couple of hundreds men and hunting down illegal migrants on Bavarian/Austrian borders says otherwise, there's more than 18000 illegals without any papers just for the last year alone here in these camps. Of course it's hard to integrate someone who crossed your borders illegaly, without papers, and with false name and age.

1800 people in a country with a population of 80 + million. We're certainly close to a colapse and doom.

I am not against cracking down on 'illegal' migration. What I do not like, is this constant oversimplfication of everything that has to do with migrants, refuges and asylumseekers, legal or not.

Every Europan nation has agreed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to not only upphold them, but to also do everything they can to follow them. What we see right now, is a constant viollation of those rights, by following a xenophobic rhetoric with the intention to offer easy solution for complex problems.

This mental picture of anyone being bitter, cynical, or happy is your mental picture only. If that's what helps you dealing with a fact that you're living a nazi fascist state by your own definition you've been very sound of couple of months ago, be my guest. My reasons why borders have to be closed are in vatted threads, no point repeating obvious truth now proven by your own reality again, right?

I do not know what your reasons really are as that might take more than this board can offer in terms of a conversation, a forum is a rather limited way of comunicating after all. However the last time we tried to discuss it, it kinda ended up with you in a trantrum and trying to intimidate me with threats.

At this point, all I can say is that we're hading in a direction where we're just trying to buy time. Nothing more. Nothing less. Yes, we can close our borders, but it's not a long term solution. Particularly if our intention is to keep dangerous people from crossing it and coming to your country. We can see this with Italy, which closed their ports to ships rescuing refugees from the coast of Lybia, has this stoped people from trying though, as some right wingers claim? No, people still try to cross the Mediterranean. There are just more dieng right now. Italy simply pushed the issue onto Spain, which most probably will do the same at some point and pushing the issue to the next country, like Lybia which might do the same and people will eventuell pille up in camps somewhere in the desert, till they might reach millions and not just a few thousands. And it might become impossible to deal with it effectively at this point. And what will we do in 5, or 10 or 50 years from now? What should we do once 600.000 thousand people try to cross over our borders each month, and not 6000? Close them? Shoot at them?

We have to finanally start to recognize the fact, that people do migrate, this is a part of our species, that's what we've done historically. And if we really want to avoid it becoming an issue, then we have to look at the reasons why people try to migrate into different locations. And that means we have to think about alternatives to our economic models and what Europe and the US do in military matters and trough our global trade, how we can prevent more damage so that future generations won't have to deal with it. Closing borders, isn't going to fix this.
There is no Universal Human Right to settle in Germany for gibs and rape. Nor should there be. The reason immigration needs to be done legally is so that people can be fucking vetted. I don't care who the fuck you are or how much white guilt you have, letting a raping psychopath into your house because you feel bad about how shitty his living conditions are elsewhere is fucking retarded.

I still fucking laugh about what happened in Köln on New Years or any of the other stories that came out of Germany recently. Mutti Merkel invites a bunch of rowdies in who tack to a religion that commands the men to treat the women like fucking shit, usually come from cultures where fucking little boys in the arse is considered ok, and think that non-believers deserve everything that's coming to them, and you're fucking surprised that all this happened?
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There is no Universal Human Right to settle in Germany for gibs and rape. Nor should there be. The reason immigration needs to be done legally is so that people can be fucking vetted.

Uhm, Where did I say that this is a human right? You're missing my point. I never said everyone should be allowed to migrate. Hey look! I do even agree that crminals and illegals should be deported!

Did you take your time to even read what I wrote? I say that we should do something about the reasons for migration and those that do manage to get here, should be at the very least treated with human dignity. What's the issue here?

I just do not see how closing the borders, is going to fix the issue of mass migration in the LONG RUN. It's a short term solution to a very complex problem with many difficult reasons behind it.

So let me be blunt here, what should your nation do if 800.000 unarmed people or even more show up at your borders?

I don't care who the fuck you are or how much white guilt you have, letting a raping psychopath into your house because you feel bad about how shitty his living conditions are elsewhere is fucking retarded.
This is exatly the oversimplification and exageration I am talking about with the intention to make all migrants, refugees, asylumseekers etc. look like an barbaric horde of criminals.

I guess following that logic, we shouldn't allow australian tourists to visit Germany, since well there might be some bad people among them. Right?

Oktoberfest hangover – invasion of rowdy tourist drinkers spoils beer festival for the locals
Rowdy Brits, Americans and Antipodeans are keeping local drinkers away, say festival staff


I am pretty sure there are some rapists among them too!

Or maybe we shouldn't allow any Slovakian into Germany, hmmm no now that I think about it, let us keep all from Eastern Europe out. Better safe than sorry! Damn poles steaing our cars! And Bulgarians raping our women! And don't get me started on those alcoholics from Russia!

Eastern European mafia is well-connected in the West, says leading expert
It's no secret that Eastern European crime syndicates operate throughout the West. Deutsche Welle asked one of Germany's leading mafia experts, Juergen Roth, how big the problem is and what, if anything, can be done.


Closing borders! That's what should be done! I heard it works wonders.

That's simply discrminiation.
You should kick any fucking asshole who starts shit out on their fucking ears. This isn't a complicated concept. I don't care where they're from. Instead your country makes excuses for the Muslims like "Oh, he was having a sex emergency" or "Oh, they just don't understand our culture, if we print out leaflets asking them to be nice they'll be nice." NO THEY FUCKING WON'T. THEY ARE THERE TO START SHIT. There are imams giving fiery sermons to these people before they come to your country, sermons about driving the infidel from their own lands and raping their women and killing their fucking children. I'm sure there are a few legit refugees in the mix, but you'd have to be WILLFULLY IGNORANT to fucking not notice that an awful lot of your immigrants are men of fighting age and that isn't a fucking accident.

Kick the assholes out, tighten up your borders, and vet the fuck out of the legal immigrants. THIS ISN'T COMPLICATED. Unless you are just so torn up about your country's past that you have a deathwish, of course.

So let me be blunt here, what should your nation do if 800.000 unarmed people or even more show up at your borders?

Tell them to go through the process legally or GO THE FUCK BACK WHERE THEY CAME FROM. And you fucking SHOOT anyone who jumps that border illegally, goddammit. Fucking CARPET BOMB THEM, I don't CARE. Borders and laws need to be fucking ENFORCED or they don't fucking EXIST.
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Liberals, admitting you don't watch the videos I post is like admitting you don't listen to me when I talk.

You hear what you want to hear. That's why you're still libtarded in 2018.
I wouldn't be surprised if you end up as a school shooter one day.

Libtards. Libtards everywhere! But only I can rescue them! From themself! *Shotgunsounds*
