Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Especially at high altitudes, where it's wet, and cold. Yeah it's pretty white places like that all right. Might even be a book store.
I wonder if these news people understand white people largely comprise the population of some of these areas? Or that due to the culture of certain races they choose to vacation and unwind in different spots? Newsflash: Mount Rushmore and Yellowstone are tourist trap nightmares. Black people are smart to avoid them for the most part. My family barely enjoyed the time we spent there. We had a better time on the road.

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Care less about everything each day. Only care about how many illegitimate children I can make. I am a horseshoe crab.

Maybe this news will interest you more.

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What is the over under on the odds that Epstein was working for the government to blackmail political opposition by conning people into fucking underage kids?
Something to lighten the mood.
Trump speaking at Mount Rushmore. I remember thinking how small it was as a kid.
He's making a giant park. Maybe it will be a very big park. The best park. Maybe it will be a highway reststop.
No. Not really.

You go that way to get lost, get raped, find magical restaurants.
Say what you want about the protests, but this shit is fucked up. [Graphic warning]

The sound just makes you feel bad...
The sound just makes you feel bad...
says you, I on the other hand rather the enjoy the loud TWHACK(x2) of reality slamming in to idiots at 60mph LARPing as the resistance on the freeway. The only person I have any modicum of symphony for is the guy driving the car, since now he as all that bullshit to deal with because those two morons thought there were freedom fighters.

And just remember what your parents said. DON'T PLAY IN TRAFFIC.
I don't really disagree with you. You can tell he tried braking and swearing to not hit them. When I first heard about it, I was like "lol". Once I watched it though...
This protest is goofy as hell and it's hit neighborhoods and small businesses the hardest, but blocking highways isn't bad in and of itself (not that your necessarily saying it always is). The Yellow Vests used it to pretty good effect. If the gov just tries to ignore you, block their shit till they do.

In other news: