Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Still talking to @KingArthur I see. I hope he hasnt embarrassed me too much.
The people who bitch, moan, and shout, "PUT ON YOUR MASK!" or, "WE'VE GOT TO STOP THE SPREAD!" are all ready to draw the act when they feel it necessary or politically convenient. The summer of rioting and 'peaceful protests' was the biggest hypocrisy. Now in Poland this same crowd (ideology not people, I hope) gather to shout and scream and spit so they're heard, and not one major media organization will mention this hypocrisy or will try to justify it with some dumb reason. Maybe the Tuck will weigh in, or that Republican cheerleader Hannity will if enough Repubs deign to mention it at brunch.

Both of those guys look like they fuck little kids.


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That was actually a pretty decent article. Headline could be worded diferently, but then again it was the mothers wording they quoted.
Kinda like how Cuties was not supporting the content it was promoting.
I don't know what that is, but you boys should try reading past the headline.

I quote from parts of the writers response:

"Pink, puffy dresses should not be the only option available to girls, nor should they be for girls exclusively. However, that doesn’t mean that something is inherently wrong with the garments themselves. Furthermore, I think you’re missing the blatant sexism in “dresses and accessories aren’t suitable for doing most things.” I wear dresses and accessories nearly every day, as do millions of people of varying gender identities across the globe; I assure you, we do “most things” with ease.

Also, you’re worried that trying to direct her away from pink princess dresses will only make her like them more, Abut what’s the big deal if she does?

Surround her with images and stories of dynamic women of diverse backgrounds—including those who serve high femme looks in dresses and the ones who prefer suits and hard-bottomed shoes, and those who are just as likely to show up in either. To quote the singer india.arie, “It’s not what a woman wears, but what she knows.” Refocus this project. Good luck to you all."

They literally told her to stop. So many conservatives males are really just old women at heart.

"Oh My GooDNesS MargE! DId yOU seE hOW tHaT TrAMp Was DrEssEd? We WouLd neVeR weAr meN'S clOthEs!

Oh I never read or visited the site. I just commented on their propaganda. I mean if the title is that much clickbait then how fucking good can the article be?
I'd love to be someone's old lady one day.
Yeah, more like someone's old lady boi.

Shitty article bitching about a fucking dress, whoop-tie doo. The husband just sounds like a fag and the couple sound like an annoyance to deal with, at least they didn't put the girl on testosterone and give her a dick or some shit.
Because Texas is a purple state. Because there is a legality issue. Can my local township all of a sudden decide to do drive-thru votes at the Dairy Queen?
Excuses. Texas law allows for it:
Curbside voting, long available under Texas election law, requires workers at every polling place to deliver onsite curbside ballots to voters who are “physically unable to enter the polling place without personal assistance or likelihood of injuring the voter's health.” Posted signs at polling sites notify voters to ring a bell, call a number or honk to request curbside assistance.

This is not their first time trying to get these votes dismissed. Even after an all Republican court turned them down they are taking it to fed court. As you said, Texas is now a purple state that Dems may be able to win, which is pretty extraordinary. Imagine if you voted and come to find out the Dems were trying to get your vote disqualified for whatever bullshit reason. You'd be singing the same tune I am as it would affect you.

They need those votes to go away.
Unfortunately democracy's big flaw is that you cannot simply vote your way out of a corrupt government. That's why the second ammendment was so important. Too bad it's been completely trampled on. "No you cant own *that* gun". That's how its starts and unfortunately the generations before us let it start a long time ago.
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I think some here are kinda ignoring the whole, REPUB court shuts down the attempt to disqualify. Harris votes bit. See, this our system at work. We may be asshole but we are American assholes.

Look, I cannot wait till we go back to a time where we do not have soap boxing demagogues peddling primarily populist positions. If Trump wins, we only have to deal with 4 more years, if Biden wins, Ugh.
Texas Supreme Court rejects Republican-led effort
to throw out nearly 127,000 Harris County votes


Now why would Republicans want to do such a thing?
This kinda shit makes me nervous.
I’m sorry, it’s hard to feel bad for the party that wants to wipe their ass with the constitution.

Republicans may be evil, but they’re blatant. They don’t pretend to be benevolent like the Left (which, I remind you, is all about more governmental control).

I’d rather have a known enemy than a fake friend.
I’m sorry, it’s hard to feel bad for the party that wants to wipe their ass with the constitution.

Republicans may be evil, but they’re blatant. They don’t pretend to be benevolent like the Left (which, I remind you, is all about more governmental control).

I’d rather have a known enemy than a fake friend.

- Malcolm X, basically
Don't feel sorry for tgem. Just recognize that Republicans are trying to commit voter fraud in a purple state among others.