Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

People are so depressed in 2020 simply shooting yourself will not do.

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Who knew that people would consider pardoning criminals to be an affront to justice? Now if only there were ways to prevent that...

I'd rather not convert to proto-Islam as a fix. :wiggle:

Memes aside though:
Iceland jailed a buncha bankers and politicians awhile back. Maybe just take away the ability to pardon with out overwhelming support from the rest of the gov.
That’s something I’d be interested in trying actually; something like a pardon trial, or at least a House vote. Something besides a presidential pardon that can rub an entire country the wrong way in a snap lmao
2020 certainly makes me wonder whether or not we are seeing the active downfall of the American empire, and the slow rise of the Chinese empire, or if it's just a uniquely bad year.

The only thing that gives me pause is that China is still pretty reliant on western markets, so much so that the current economic power of China cannot exist on a purely domestic level like America can.
Yeah, I think if we don't start changing our approach we'll fall further and further. We need to put money in schools, healthcare and infrastructure more. Not sure that will happen though with how completely divided our reps are now.
There is idea that is prevalent that with the fall of America will come the rise of China. A country barely held together through a culture of kowtowing and creative book keeping. Has almost zero power projection outside of their front door and actual trash infrastructure being held together through hope and knock off duct tape. People seem to forget the literal population cliff they are about to walk off do to generations of a one child policy and this one little fact none of you seem to ever think off. Not to mention a catastrophic food shortage that would happen. you ever think the world just might being going to shit?
Yeah, they have their issues, but as long as no major econ collapses their power will continue to rise. They have immigration plans for dealing with their population issue as well. It just sucks seeing all this development in other places and giant mega cities like the world has never seen when your town refuses to pave the roads.
Has almost zero power projection outside of their front door
China doesn't win through military might, they win through economic imperialism and Debt-Trap Diplomacy.

For example, TONS of African countries owe gigantic loans back to China, so those said countries become de facto satellite states for the new Economic Empire.

The Belt and Road initiative is not a Humanitarian mission, it is China's attempt at rivaling the US, and it has been shown to be promising.
China doesn't win through military might
China has never won a war with anybody not named China regardless of how they engaged in it.
They have immigration plans for dealing with their population issue as well.
Because what has happened in Europe has shown that to work oh so well. It's not like China already walks a tight rope as it is right now with how they treat anybody who isn't Han, importing millions of people who aren't even Chinese will do wonders and offer no problems at all.
China has never won a war with anybody not named China regardless of how they engaged in it.

Because what has happened in Europe has shown that to work oh so well. It's not like China already walks a tight rope as it is right now with how they treat anybody who isn't Han, importing millions of people who aren't even Chinese will do wonders and offer no problems at all.
China actually has proper plans, like the Thousand Talents program. They don't even need to engage in industrial espionage anymore, they'll just get all the western experts they want for a few years and have them share their knowledge.
Personally, I hope the collapsing parts of China outweigh the strengthening parts, because I seriously do not want global chinese dominance.
I just remember seeing all this shit growing up how we all will be speaking Japanese in a few years. I just want to point out that if America is in a decline it doesn't mean China will automatically step into fill the void. I don't think many people can truly fathom the power gap there is between the two.
I mainly don’t want succulent Chinese dominance because even Chinese food gets old after awhile.
With every passing day I thank my parents for forbidding me to have social media growing up:

Talk about amazing foresight and parental strength to make that decision and not budge on it.
My parents hate social media and that hate passed on to me. I’m partially a hypocrite for using it, but only partially because I bitch and moan the whole time.

or something.