Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

I just remember seeing all this shit growing up how we all will be speaking Japanese in a few years. I just want to point out that if America is in a decline it doesn't mean China will automatically step into fill the void. I don't think many people can truly fathom the power gap there is between the two.
China seems to be the only candidate with the economic might to fill said void.

Could possibly change, but I don't see that changing in the next 10-20 years.
China seems to be the only candidate with the economic might to fill said void.
China's economic power comes from other people buying their cheap shit. if those people aren't buying your cheap shit and aren't sending you food for your billions of people. kinda hard to flex said power. But Plans in Plans right.
China's economic power comes from other people buying their cheap shit. if those people aren't buying your cheap shit and aren't sending you food for your billions of people. kinda hard to flex said power. But Plans in Plans right.
It's not like I noted that in my original post.

Also when the entire world market is globalized, this isn't some kind of gotcha lol. If the world buys from you then the world becomes reliant on your goods.
If the world buys from you then the world becomes reliant on your goods.
And that is why you see some companies moving out of china because it is getting cheaper to build things in places like Vietnam. it's a race to the bottom.

@00:33 Haha wtf

"Democratic State Sen. Jim Brewster, of Allegheny County, will not be allowed to take the oath of office, as Republicans believe litigation over the outcome in his race must first play out in federal court. GOP leaders have said the state constitution gives senators the authority to refuse to seat a member if they believe the person does not meet the qualifications to hold office."

I never knew that other members of Senate could block an election result. It's over more alleged voter fraud.
Remember who's dangerous.

Just joking. It's us. The >>radical<< left.

Can't wait for them to try to justify a break in of the white house as peaceful lol.

If it isn't resolved then the national guard should be called in.
No. No. You can't do that. The National Guard can not be called on them. They are not radical enough. Remember Law and Order? That only counts for the people you politically disagree with. Never for the side you actually support - if only ideologically. This isn't the suburbs of some democrat run city god damnit!

Seriously though. Where are all those people that said, "violent protesters" should be arrested or something and meet full force and law and order and all that stuff.
Can't wait for them to try to justify a break in of the white house as peaceful lol.
White House?

Pretty shit storming if you ask me, nothing is on fire and they didn't even knock over those posts that hold up the velvet ropes. What sorry ass coup is this?
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Don't you mean: What sorry as cope is this?
Don't you mean: What sorry as cope is this?
not at all. Inquery, can a mob lynch Mitch or well he just retract his head into his shell. I think Nancy Pelosi will give the party the most trouble being an Undead Lich, they are gonna need a priest class or Paladin or at least something that does Holy Damage.
Yes, storming a political office is different from burning buildings and raping and murdering shocker I know.


I guess this probably won't go over well.
