Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

If the working definition of "fair" here is "placating people's feelings" then yes, fuck being fair.

It is not jus feelings here. My parents WAITED in China for their shit to clear. It was a huge process just go GET to the states. We spent time and money through the whole long process.

Amnesty means skipping all that work and waiting to just be let in. It is ridiculous and bordering on insanity.

But yea I get it.

Those migrants sure are just looking out for themselves and they give zero shits about anyone else, what a great mindset.
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We could just reform immigration so that it is not so difficult.

Totally for that. I am for compromise of course. Most Americans are. But it won't happen when leftists and folks like Dayglow would rather support blatant cheating than compromise.

Right now, the categories are rather narrow and we can open up additional pathways for acceptance. In the mean time, we could work on a limited amnesty quota system so that ALL can benefit instead of one group of people.

Can you read?

I didn't mention JUST feelingz. I mentioned waiting, money, time, having a sponsor. Are you willingly being obtuse? Illegal amnesty SKIPS all that. With no support network, you have what is happening now. Illegals are preyed upon by unscrupulous employers. The mom has to work two jobs, neglecting her children. No prospects for the future.

As to your second point. Besides the blatant disregard for due process, if mass amount of chinese were coming here, I am sure the process would eventually take longer yes. America doesn't have the ability to just absorb infinite amounts of people. If we were forced to use a quota system, which my example would eventually require, than chinese migrants are screwed.
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I am indeed. I thought everyone knew as I said as much earlier in the thread .

Naw, I am ethnically chinese but culturally american. I was a 3.0 student so average. No mandarin, just cantonese as my parents were too lazy to teach me mandarin and would speak the state than national language.
I mentioned waiting, money, time, having a sponsor. Are you willingly being obtuse? Illegal amnesty SKIPS all that.

Yes that's true but like I've said none of that has any effect on the process of legally gaining citizenship. You can argue it's "not fair" and that's fine, but fairness isn't a quantifiable thing and really just boils down to what you FEEL like fairness is in any given situation.

Not now but it will eventually. Thr bigger the population, the less able the country is to welcome new people. Again, no country can absorb infinite amounts of people.
It's politically convenient for anti-immigrant groups to conflate and confuse the term in order to suggest the most literal version, and it isn't helped by your odd megaphone wielding online mega-leftie or just the completely politically ignorant.

Which is kinda funny that you mention it because Biden anounced a new immigration reform with clear due process to gain citizenship. And guess who's already geting ready to fight against it? Exactly. The they-should-come-in-here-legaly-conservative/republicans who do nothing but scream day in and day out that reform is needed, that they want clear rules yada yada. No one with a sane mind wants completely open borders or illegal immigration. But each time there is a some true reform coming up they always block it. At this point one must come to think they actually want a chaotic immigration policy as it's much easier to stir up their base when it remains such a chaos.
We're rejoining the Paris climate agreement
If it is any consolation to the losing side today just remember that Biden helped to write the Patriot Act for the Bush admin. Your side is still in power just the less extreme side, well, I'm not sure that is actually less extreme. Maybe there is no issue with that though as I do not remember anyone attacking him over it, just that he was old or something.
You konw one of the last things Trump did before he left?

He gave he M*****f***** Bannon a pardon. Next to many other cronies.

We're rejoining the Paris climate agreement View attachment 17915
A meaningless act. I never understood the fuzz people made when Trump canceled it. All the countries here in Europe which are still members of this agreement simply don't give much of a fuck. Germany definetly isn't really following it. It's one of the things where I always thought, well at least here Trump was honest.

Nothing will change with Biden though. Biden is the status quo. He's a whitewashed Obama. And that's the politics we can expect. More neoliberal garbage ...
If it is any consolation to the losing side today just remember that Biden helped to write the Patriot Act for the Bush admin. Your side is still in power just the less extreme side, well, I'm not sure that is actually less extreme. Maybe there is no issue with that though as I do not remember anyone attacking him over it, just that he was old or something.

He is also a zombie.
Not now but it will eventually.

Ah yes the whole "my argument is totally vindicated in the imaginary future I made up" schtick

You konw one of the last things Trump did before he left?

He gave he M*****f***** Bannon a pardon. Next to many other cronies.

It does own that he more or less had hundreds of people commit a federal crime on his behalf and when many of them faced life-ruining charges as a result he ignores them, pardons Lil' Wayne, and then bounces. Grade-A cuck shit.
We could just reform immigration so that it is not so difficult.
Totally for that. I am for compromise of course. Most Americans are. But it won't happen when leftists and folks like Dayglow would rather support blatant cheating than compromise.

Right now, the categories are rather narrow and we can open up additional pathways for acceptance. In the mean time, we could work on a limited amnesty quota system so that ALL can benefit instead of one group of people.
George W. Bush tried to get that going (as kind of a grand compromise). But the Republicans in Congress treated it as radioactive.
Barack Obama wanted to get that going, but he only had 2 years with a Democrat majority Congress - he spent all of his legislative goodwill getting out of the recession and passing Republican-lite-style healthcare reforms.

Oh yeah, and Mortius owes me 100USD for the inauguration going through.
Dayglow Drifter said:
Ah yes the whole "my argument is totally vindicated in the imaginary future I made up" schtic.

You mean just ONE part of my argument, ok. The other 2 on population and illegal makeup? You asked for links, I delivered.

Cheating is cheating and latinos are benefitting far more in that regard. But we all know your ok with cheating.