Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

If Elon musk walked in the room Crni would be kissing his ass.
It's the only place you can kiss considering how little room is left around his cock by judging some posts here ;).

He is smarter than you and is making jobs for people that actually matter.
So? Lots of people create jobs. Biden creates jobs. Trump created jobs. Obama created jobs. Bush created jobs. The Koch Brothers created Jobs. Stalin created jobs. Are those people now above criticism too cuz the jobs?

Why is that considered an argument by you? I never made the claim that the company Musk owns shares in, creates useless jobs. Seriously. Don't insult mine and your intelligence here. You're better than that Toront.

What I am merely puting at a dispute here is his direct contribution outside of being the goose with the money. He's not working as an inventor, technician or engineer. He's literaly just an investor at this point.

The last time Musk actually really developed something was decades ago when he created his own business. You could do the same thing as he does if you had a rich dady with millions to spare. Musk holds an Bachelor of Science degree in economics and a Bachelor of Arts degree in physics. But he has never published any work here or been a member of any actuall research project. But it's not even me that's critical. You can look at what Thunderf00t who's doing actual research has to say about Musk and his projects :

The thing is there are many really inteligent and gifted individuals out there. But most of them simply don't have the funds that Musk does. Because money or wealth alone is not a sign of intelligence. It can a sign of having really good skills in some specific area where you can make lots of money - take Warren Buffett as example. But it doesn't have to be. And it doesn't have to be the case for everyone.

He should be what you strive towards instead of trying to shit in his mouth because of jealousy.
If that's what makes you sleep better at night. So be it. Call it jealousy all you want. But that doesn't change anything I said. No one, not Musk, not me, not you or anyone is above criticism. And I always become a bit suspicious when people tend to idealise someone. Because at the end of the day we're all just human. I was somewhat of a Musk fan once.

I am not disdurbed by the fact that he's wealthy. I know wealthy people. And I have no issues with that. But it should not only disturb me that we have people today that are beyond wealth at this point. People which have due to their shares from companies a wealth on the size of countries which gives them a hell of lot of power. But here is the issue. No one elected them and they are not really accountable to anyone.

Yet the influence of the likes of Musk, Bezos and many others is incredibly large. On the level where they actually put presure on states and legislation. And it is not the first time either historically speaking you always had that issue when certain individuals simply became too wealthy like Rockefeller. In the end they had to literaly split up his company Standard Oil as its monoply started to really hurt the nation. And particuilarly Bezos with Amazon for example is getting to that point where it's even obstructive to competition and innovation. It's a platform that's crushing everything else around it.

But yes. I am the crazy one here because for some reason criticising the wealthy and rich is just a sign of jealousy. And no. I am not striving to be someone like Musk. Because believe it or not. Not everyone has the same kind of goals in life.

Would I love to be wealthy to the point where I don't have to think about money anymore? Yes of course. Money in this day and age is simply a really nice cushon giving you a lot of freedom and choices. But I am not sure what that has to do with any of the arguments I made.

Yeah, I agree with all of that. Just pointing out he’s pretty smart simply for being able to get in.

I'd say considering the history of Musk a great deal of it was also pure and simple luck. Lots of people tried to make a fortune in the dot.com bubble. None of the business that Musk created by him self actually survived to this day. He bought his way in to PayPal and later they threw him basically out and then it got sold for 1.5 billion which due to his shares meant that Musk earned a fortune from it. So there is that. So again. I am not sure what makes this so smart in particular. It's not like Musk knew that PayPal would skyrocket or be sold for 1.5 Billion $. And yet people today treat him like he invented PayPal.

What I really give Musk credit for is that he understands like no other how the Social media works, how to create hypes, use memes and the like and his personality to sell fake futurism (Hyperloop, Solar Road Ways, City to City travel with Rockets ...) as real technological progress. The following he created is huge.
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He's smart because he made money doing things that needed to be done anyway. You are not smart because you can't see why he is smart even though he didn't invent rocket fuel.
I never made the claim to be particularly "smart". But I am smart enough to realise that waiting for an actuall rebuttal of the arguments here is a waste of time.
Guy is playing 4D chess again I guess. Very intelligent. Too intelligent for stoopid me. So jealous!

Tesla shares fall after Elon Musk's bizarre Twitter poll : NPR

He must be playing 5D chess. Because he got in trouble with the Feds due to his tweets as well. And it's possible it will happen this time again.

You got me. I am a giant manchild. I laugh when I see Elon do things like this. I also laugh when I see trump do the same thing. The reason I don't see a problem with it is because I never had a childhood so the rest of my adult life will be trying to act like I'm 20.