Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

AlexFeature, look at this. May be Unreal Engine 3 will be more useful and easier (in some moments, I don’t know exactly) for making yours project, then Crysis with it’s tools set.
This UE3 thing made quite a splash over the internets :)

Although I'm a huge fan of starting something fresh and then failing at it miserably as soon as the fun part is over, I don't want to comit our team to this now.

I feel we got a very good thing going with CE2, it's robust, has a decent toolset and a great community. We got high hopes for CE3 and if it comes out before we get this mod released we are definitely going to switch over to that engine.

Personally I think that it's not the engine that matters it's the content. So at this point I would say CE2 is the best thing for us.

Thanks for the link though mate.
Hey Voron,

Sorry for the delay mate. We got a crunch week at work, 12 hour days man, no time to sleep let alone read emails.

I promise to reply by Sunday :)
If I was rich, I'd give you money to finish this thing, but I'm not, so you'll have to do with a good luck.
[Update] - Postworld - Mid November Progress Update

Hey Guys,

It's progress update time again.

Have a look at our update post on crymod and let us know what you think.

See you again in a couple of weeks.

- deVoid Studios Team
AlexFeature said:
Mate just promise you will play the mod once it's out...that's all we care about :)

I`ll definately play your mod once it becomes playable! Also - can you use Fallout 3 textures and models? It`ll help you a lot, if it is possible, cause graf resources - are always the corner of the free projects.
Babax said:
Also - can you use Fallout 3 textures and models? It`ll help you a lot, if it is possible, cause graf resources - are always the corner of the free projects.

Well it looks like they are using crysis models as space-keepers, and frankly, I would hate to see anything from Fallout3 making it into this currently AWESOME mod.
Only thing I'm not looking forward to is having to fix my stationary computer that just died...
Bethesda doesn't allow the use of their stuff in other games.
Hey Guys,

First of all thanks for the comments, we were a bit worried that we went overboard on the dialog screen but it looks like it can work quite well.

Now to answer some questions:

@ +PipManiaC+

Although this mod is powered by CE2, the overall detail level won't be as high as that of Crysis itself. So, the hardware demands will be quite reasonable.

Don't forget that our models will not need as many polys as full sized FSP ones. Shaders are a different story but still, you wont need a mutant pc to run this thing.

@ Babax

No, we won't be using any resources from FO3 or any other game for that matter.

For now we will only use CE resources as placeholders and eventually replace them with our own. Same for textures, sounds and whatnot.
AlexFeature said:
No, we won't be using any resources from FO3 or any other game for that matter.

For now we will only use CE resources as placeholders and eventually replace them with our own. Same for textures, sounds and whatnot.

Guys, I`m really thinking that the way you do it is really what`s need to be done. But I`ve worked on several free projects for quite a long time (you can check my signature link for example) and the texture/model lack are the pain in the ass.

I`ll become old and die, before you`ll re-create the minimum needed textures and models, since it`s a really hard and time consuming work. That`s why I pray so you could "get/find/modify" any other game textures (van buren for the example) and create a working mod.

Later you`ll be able to re-draw them, or the fans will do it for you, but you should use something already READY to be used, or you`ll dig with the head in resource creating stuff.

If you have enought resources from CE - that`s perfect! If not - redraw any other so they become available for use in your work.

Of course it`s just my IMHO and absolutely no offence here, since you are doing the great project and all I wish is rapid progress :P
AlexFeature said:
@ Babax

No, we won't be using any resources from FO3 or any other game for that matter.

For now we will only use CE resources as placeholders and eventually replace them with our own. Same for textures, sounds and whatnot.

There are plenty F3 fan made critters on Fallout Nexus that you can use legally, with the authors permission of course.