Prophet Muhammad Cartoon.

Oooh, there'd better not be riots in London. I actually don't know how the government would respond.
It would appear this movie was an entirely wasted effort.

John Uskglass said:
Defend the free world
If there is one country on this planet I could live without it's Denmark.
But now I really feel like drinking Carlsberg, playing lego and watching danish porn
I was actually talking to a freind, a muslim guy working on a ph.d. in political philosophy about this issue of free speech. He was of the opinion that insults against Islam should not be allowed. I argued that this was freedom of speech, he said- that have to be exceptions.

WTF? One ideology is just as good as another. If you can curse out Christianity, or even Republicans than I see no reason why saying "Mohammed liked little boys" is such a big deal.

Are not people allowed to think or voice their own opinions? Is submission to God more important than your ability to think and speak your own mind?

As for the laws in Europe that outlaw facism as an idology or make illegal to claim that the Holocaust didn't happen- that's foolish too. People should be allowed to think what they want and even say what they want provided that they don't act in a manner that has a reasonably likelihood to lead to violence. To do otherwise is to create a contradiction- some speech is ok, but others are not because of the substance of the speech?

Nonsense. You regulate speech only if it is likely or intended to cause injury. Being offended is not sufficient injury- being offended is the price you pay for being in a society in which free speech is the norm.

For example, there is nothing wrong with a black militant in the US who says, "We need to go to Washington DC and burn that motherfucker to the ground and kill all them cracker white fuckers who make us poor."- Why? Because it's unreasonable for anyone to take him at his word that he really means to do this. It's just rhetorical emotional speech. The emotions of hate may be profound but the person should be allowed to express their feelings.

As for burning down an embassy- yeah, I would think the Syrians knew about this and let it happen. I could believe that the Syrians might go so far as to manipulate this. It's not hard for a government to arrange a demonstration- demonstrations require a lot of organization and logistical support normally outside the ability of regular people. But it would be a very different thing is the Syrian state actually went in and burned these embassies down.

Seriously, if Muslims can't handle living in a culture in which freedom of thought and speech are bedrock principles- than they should get the fuck out.
Evil Feline said:
f there is one country on this planet I could live without it's Denmark.
But now I really feel like drinking Carlsberg, playing lego and watching danish porn

's coz yer Swedish.

The rest of the world loves Denmark.

And hates Sweden. Bunch of Dane-hating bastids.
Evil Feline said:
I'm not really swedish I'm Jamtlandish, and I hate Sweden.

A Jamtlandish person is Swedish just like a Siberian is a Russian, a Flame a Belk, a Frisian a Dutch person and even a Basque a Spanish person. Jamtland is not an entity an sich.
I've really had it with them Islam extremist duders. What they want is basically world domination; that nowhere on the globe should anything that Islam does not approve of be allowed. Fuck, the cartoons were printed in Denmark, and in the free world, we like to allow humor. Everything is potentially offensive to someone, but we can't forbid everything in respect to those whom it may offend.

If you ask me, Islam will be the cause of the fall of mankind and destruction of the earth. I just hope Sweden will be one of the last countries they decide to bomb.
Ashmo said:
I'm not saying all the muslims who were whipped into a frenzy now have always been anti-Western, but the whole incident is just a pretext to be racist, irresponsible and angry.

All too true, on both sides of the conflict.

Nevertheless, It's Denmark, not Iran. On the same principle, I've seen demonstrations about sexuality equality (which didn't include people dressing up as something out of an Almodovar flick or doing anything offensive) being repressed by the current government, supported by a radical, right-wing Lux Mundi "Christian" radio. Radio Ma ryja, for those in the know.

Believe what you want, but we'll fight to keep
our heads from being cemented in your sand

welsh said:
Seriously, if Muslims can't handle living in a culture in which freedom of thought and speech are bedrock principles- than they should get the fuck out.

That's not the problem. Really, the muslim leaders in Norway have officially said that they agree about the right to publish the drawings, but they think it is a tasteless joke.
Also, why were these drawings created? Were they created just for fun? Just as a brotherly joke? Even a demonstration of the freedom of speech? I think ye not! A keyword here is provocation.

By the way, Norway is best, then comes Denmark, then Sweden. Period.

Kharn said:
A Jamtlandish person is Swedish

But it was Norwegian...Nearly a thousand years ago, yeah, but who cares about numbers? :look:
Kharn said:
Evil Feline said:
I'm not really swedish I'm Jamtlandish, and I hate Sweden.

A Jamtlandish person is Swedish just like a Siberian is a Russian, a Flame a Belk, a Frisian a Dutch person and even a Basque a Spanish person. Jamtland is not an entity an sich.

Not really. Belgium is a federal and pseudo-artificial country, so Flemish aren't inherently Belgian. Kinda like the Slovaks weren't inherently Chechoslovak*.

*I just know I spelled that wrong.
I don't think it those pictures that are the real issue here. I think the east is fed up with the wests dominant position in the world . The drawings where just a good opportunity to express those feelings.

And of course the fundamentalists use this time to maximise the split between west and east and making clear that there is a "us vs them" mentality.

"There's No Fun In Fundamentalism" :roll:
keyser Soeze said:
I don't think it those pictures that are the real issue here. I think the east is fed up with the wests dominant position in the world . The drawings where just a good opportunity to express those feelings.

If that were really the case, shouldn't the east be doing things like, I don't know, perhaps making the leap out of the middle ages and into the modern world by pursing things like science and industry and culture? The middle east being fed up with the west's dominant position in the world is like a hillbilly being fed up with city slickers and their modern ways.

On a related note, I'll tell you the main thing that scares me about Iran right now - it's not the thought of them developing weapons, it's the thought of those cavemen fooling around with nuclear science period. It's more likely that they'll end up turning the whole region into a Chernobyl than actually develop a working nuclear missile.
SA mocks Muslims. Hilarious.


Montez said:
On a related note, I'll tell you the main thing that scares me about Iran right now - it's not the thought of them developing weapons, it's the thought of those cavemen fooling around with nuclear science period. It's more likely that they'll end up turning the whole region into a Chernobyl than actually develop a working nuclear missile.
Now, now, Iran has plenty of educated experts and more than enough money to import such experts from other countries. Contrary to the impression some people seem to have, Iran isn't a backward cannibalist shithole with no electricity and no tap water, but a fairly progressive Islamic country whose rapid development is held back by decrepit institutions of totalitarian fundamentalism.
Jebus said:
Not really. Belgium is a federal and pseudo-artificial country, so Flemish aren't inherently Belgian.

Yes they are, a Flemish person has the Belgian nationality and is thus a Belgian, federal state or not.

That's like saying Texans aren't citizens of the US. Don't be silly.
Ratty said:
Now, now, Iran has plenty of educated experts and more than enough money to import such experts from other countries. Contrary to the impression some people seem to have, Iran isn't a backward cannibalist shithole with no electricity and no tap water, but a fairly progressive Islamic country whose rapid development is held back by decrepit institutions of totalitarian fundamentalism.

That may be true, but it's certainly a lot funner to call them cavemen.
Kharn said:
Jebus said:
Not really. Belgium is a federal and pseudo-artificial country, so Flemish aren't inherently Belgian.

Yes they are, a Flemish person has the Belgian nationality and is thus a Belgian, federal state or not.

That's like saying Texans aren't citizens of the US. Don't be silly.

I have the Belgian nationality, but Flanders is an entity an sich. Unlike Jamtland, Siberia or Frissia, the entity of Flanders is recognised and formalised by the Belgian federal constitution, calling it an in essence a state within the union, with it's own goverment, parliament, budget, education system, etc. etc. etc.. Your example of the US is quite off, since Belgium is way more federalised than the US is.