Bump with even worse news.
So ok, I had everyone's emails set aside ready to sort in a Thunderbird subfolder.
But between a PC switch and at least on HD formatting it looks like I lost the Thunderbird inbox, having only a backup from May 2012
In other words, I lost everyone's names for the NMA bar tab
And with ChipIn being gone I don't even have an overview of emails of people who backed us.
This was really dumb and I should've made backups/noted all the names down separately long since but I kept forgetting to do so. Totally my fault, I'm really sorry
Soooo...now I don't know what to do. Just no idea. The bar is still going in fine of course, but I just don't have the names that need to go on the tab anymore. Any suggestions are welcome. I mean anyone who backed can contact me to get em in I suppose, and I can scour this thread to see who mentioned backing and put in their nickname, but that's all pretty imperfect solutions. Anyone got any thoughts/suggestions?