Putting an NMA bar in Wasteland 2 (goal reached!)

Paul_cz said:
No Mutants Allowed is just too awesome name for ingame bar not to be used!

Sure it is. It could even serve as a basis for an entire side quest, I'd say.

BTW, the amount of donations has not changed lately ($592), so are you sure the payment was processed properly?
Chipped in as well.

I like the name of the bar, since it doesn't stick out of the setting. Hopufelly all those other npc names won't stick out too much either.
I'm in. Considering my longtime obsession with the 1st wasteland and given that I think the only times I come out of lurker mode is to post/submit anything wasteland related I find, how could I not?

Here are some possible ideas if it turns out a bunch of NPCs of donors are just too much/not fair (I think I agree, as much as I'd like to be some crazy retro apple II computer tech teacher/seller NPC in the game :-) )

-The first wasteland had a graveyard with a couple joke rhymes on the headstones, maybe there can be a NMA graveyard with some donors listed?

-the donors can be names that will be referenced by the NPCs who do deserve to be there as "previous" patrons who didn't make it when the mutants attacked last time (or something)

-graffiti hidden around the bar (also in theme with wasteland 1, there were things carved into a couple tables)

-corpses found outside, somehow identified

-the equivalent of 'regulars' identifiers like some bars have - names/pics on wall behind bar (not obvious though), mugs w/names, maybe certain "regular" seats (a mini encounter where a seat is free until the PC sits there, after which the "regular" comes out of the bathroom to demand the seat back...), etc...

- a "regular's only" room in the back. It has NPCs in this back room, maybe the PC can see in through a window or know people are back there, or maybe not (they just know it's a locked or private party/gambling going on). There is NO way to get in to that room (maybe?) ... that is, without forcing their way in or some secret password almost impossible to find. Then the "regulars" attack! Who dares crash their private party! This would sort of break the NPC thing, but make it so the NPCs will never leave the room and normally you'd never see them so it's sort of halfway...now that I think about it, something similar to this occurred in wasteland also

- someone else mentioned this, make this a random encounter so it would rarely ever be seen...
kgreene said:
I'm in. Considering my longtime obsession with the 1st wasteland and given that I think the only times I come out of lurker mode is to post/submit anything wasteland related I find, how could I not?

Here are some possible ideas if it turns out a bunch of NPCs of donors are just too much/not fair (I think I agree, as much as I'd like to be some crazy retro apple II computer tech teacher/seller NPC in the game :-) )

Please do post on the official WL2 idea repository: http://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=1f7176
Jesus, I just saw that Google Idea Moderator page for the fist time. Fucking epically brilliant!!!! :clap:

There are many ideas there that, if implemented, would create the most perfect game of all time no doubt. But damn would they require time and much work to do.
I'd like to add my support, but I don't see the paypal button at the top of the site or any widget or anything. Granted, I'm on my work iPad, could that be the issue or am I missing something?
@Kyuu: I think the answer is flash.

Oh no, it vanished indeed.
Yeah, looks like their site is down. You can donate directly via our Paypal button, just note that it's for the bar. Or just wait a bit, hopefully their site will be back up later today.
Brother None, is Fargo planning on doing an update soon? I feel he needs to do an update every 3 or so days to maximise donations and keep interest up...

Tim Schafer had multiple videos by this point.
kgreene said:
I'm in. Considering my longtime obsession with the 1st wasteland and given that I think the only times I come out of lurker mode is to post/submit anything wasteland related I find, how could I not?

Here are some possible ideas if it turns out a bunch of NPCs of donors are just too much/not fair (I think I agree, as much as I'd like to be some crazy retro apple II computer tech teacher/seller NPC in the game :-) )

-The first wasteland had a graveyard with a couple joke rhymes on the headstones, maybe there can be a NMA graveyard with some donors listed?

-the donors can be names that will be referenced by the NPCs who do deserve to be there as "previous" patrons who didn't make it when the mutants attacked last time (or something)

-graffiti hidden around the bar (also in theme with wasteland 1, there were things carved into a couple tables)

-corpses found outside, somehow identified

-the equivalent of 'regulars' identifiers like some bars have - names/pics on wall behind bar (not obvious though), mugs w/names, maybe certain "regular" seats (a mini encounter where a seat is free until the PC sits there, after which the "regular" comes out of the bathroom to demand the seat back...), etc...

- a "regular's only" room in the back. It has NPCs in this back room, maybe the PC can see in through a window or know people are back there, or maybe not (they just know it's a locked or private party/gambling going on). There is NO way to get in to that room (maybe?) ... that is, without forcing their way in or some secret password almost impossible to find. Then the "regulars" attack! Who dares crash their private party! This would sort of break the NPC thing, but make it so the NPCs will never leave the room and normally you'd never see them so it's sort of halfway...now that I think about it, something similar to this occurred in wasteland also

- someone else mentioned this, make this a random encounter so it would rarely ever be seen...

I really liked the headstone idea, but all of those were great. Excellent post! Come out of lurk mode more often. :D
God is Dog backwards said:
An NPC called Brother None is going to stick out. It's not an appropriate name for some random generic NPC. I hope Fargo knows what he's doing with all these easter eggs.

"Brother None" sounds like a perfectly fine name for a former member of the Guardians of the Old Order (who had names like Brother Goliath or Sister Wrath).
Considering my moniker comes from the Brotherhood of Steel calling you "Brother None" if you did not fill in any name on character creation in Fallout 1, that'd be pretty fitting.
Brother None said:
Considering my moniker comes from the Brotherhood of Steel calling you "Brother None" if you did not fill in any name on character creation in Fallout 1, that'd be pretty fitting.

So that is where your name comes from....