My Sister is a Vegetarian. She doesnt have any health issues at all. Shes NOT a Vegan though and she doesnt eat meat cause she cant stand the taste of it in any way. So shes a Vegetarian more or less not cause of choice. Fake-meat doesnt suit her either, well cause it tastes like meat.
So Vegetarians can survive without the need to eats animals. No issue here.
Though that humanity as whole could go without meat at all is I think not possible. Enough cultures are dependand on a diverse diet. In places where you have easy access to all kinds of alternatives living a life as vegetarian is of course possible. Doing that somewhere int he Russian tundra near the polar circle or somewhere in the kalahari Desert of Africa. Not so much. Humans managed to almost conquer any region of the planet as habitat. And in some cases they even managed to survive without fucking up the whole ecosystem in one way or another (I guess since they work without any industiralisation ...). And one reason is the flexiblity. As said though without any alternative some people will starve and die eventualy without a food source that contains crops AND meat. Its for some the only way how to gain certain nutrients for winter for example. Either by using Fish or other meat sources. So the All humans could exist without meat is a moot point in my eyes. Theoreticaly. Yes for sure. Practicaly. Not so much.
Sephis said:
By the right of the evolutionary process I eat meat. Humans are omnivorous just like bears.
When it comes to food the Human is more comparable to pig then a bear though I think.Particularly since the pig and humans share a lot of similarities from physical features like the fat and its consistency the similarity is so big that some even considered to use pigs as source for organ transplantation. Bears have a different way of gaining and using their body fat for example. And I always thought bears would be carnivores (sometimes eatingt plants doesnt make it a omnivore I think but I am not a expert around classification).