Question to all vegetarians/vegans out there...

Sephis said:
"Their carnivorous reputation non-withstanding, most bears have adopted a diet of more plant than animal matter and are completely opportunistic omnivores."
Hey, Boo Boo! Let's get us some pick-a-nick baskets!
I think you're looking too far into it. I've been vegetarian for around 5 years now and i don't see how it beats the point at all.

"fake" meat as you call it doesnt consist of a dead animal, meat does, and it tastes good while filling my tummy, so who cares if it's "imitating" meat?
no one should actualy care about that. I just think that some have issues with vegans that run around preaching its the best way to live and everyone should do it those people can be anoying which I understand. Someone used the word "eco-terrorist" or " eco-fascist" which fits sometimes for some people ... particularly since its debatable if a completely vegan life is really that much more healthy. Fact is humans are omnivores and I think one of the best way to stay healthy with food is to keep a big diversity. Which includes meat to a certain point. One should just not eat to much of it. Usualy 2 or 3 times per week as maximum since from what we know humans (in praehistoric times) had not access to meat on a daily basis.

Of course if people feel fine as vegans, vegetarians or even only with meat. So be it. As long they dont try to force their ideas on me or others.
Hey, as a vegetarian/pescetarian I can tell you one thing: if you don't eat meat, your shit stops smelling so goddamn awful. I'm not kidding. Veggie dung is tolerable to the nostrils.

Personally, I don't eat the fake meat products because they make no sense to me. Never have. They actually sell veggie salami and stuff. It's crazy. I get all my fats from a variety of nuts and seeds (yeah, yeah...). Apart from that I eat a lot of potatoes (I really like potatoes), raw vegetables, fruits and mushrooms. I'm planning on quitting dairy products as well, seeing as how they make no sense to me anymore.
My weak spot is sea food. Not fish, but the smaller organisms like clams and crabs and shrimps. I just totally love sea food. I would kill for mussels. I have to have mussels at least thrice a month or else life just ain't worth living anymore.

Just saying.
can you be a vegeterian while you eat sea food ? I mean the smaller organisms like clams and crabs and shrimps
Cimmerian Nights said:
Sephis said:
"Their carnivorous reputation non-withstanding, most bears have adopted a diet of more plant than animal matter and are completely opportunistic omnivores."
Hey, Boo Boo! Let's get us some pick-a-nick baskets!
The opportunistic part I thought of as a good thing. Meaning when given the chance they eat both. So basically it said given the choice bears will consume both. (Not just meat not just veggies)

By the way some people think they are still vegetarians when they eat fish LOL, so they probably think clams ect are okay too.
Fucks sake guys, is call pescetarian. Which Alec clearly said.
Sephis said:
By the way some people think they are still vegetarians when they eat fish LOL, so they probably think clams ect are okay too.

yeah its pretty rascistic towards them, the fish I mean !
Heinz said:
true vegetarians (ideological vegetarians, not the ones who are just because of health issues) despise the pleasure for meat.

I'm a veggie and i've never heard that one before...

nemo00 said:
My wife was a vegetarian for 4 years .....she is still recovering from different mineral deficiencies so i know on first hand what vegetarianism does to people.

Then your wife's one of those silly people that think being a vegetarian is just cutting out the meat, you have to replace it with something.

I speak as a 28 year old male with no health problems, and a lifetime veggie diet.

As to why, obviously i was bought up that way. But now it's a mixture of habit and choice. I don't like modern farming methods, I wouldn't have so much of a problem eating free range*, if I knew certain standards where maintained, pretty uncomplicated. In fact free range is becoming much more widely available so who knows.

Would I kill an animal to survive, yea hand me the knife, but I don't need to, so I set standards.

Dont know if other countries use the term "free range", but it means allowing them into pastures rather than in intensive farms where they live in a small box. Beef in this country is normally free range, I know in some countries it's intensively farmed, most other animals though are all intensive farmed.
aronsearle said:
Dont know if other countries use the term "free range", but it means allowing them into pastures rather than in intensive farms where they live in a small box. Beef in this country is normally free range, I know in some countries it's intensively farmed, most other animals though are all intensive farmed.
That is not what "free range" is. It's when they open up the pen doors for about an hour a day. The animals can either leave and go out or not, most often the animals stay in the pen. They have access to the outside at some point in the day, that's all. It's just a marketing ploy.

Pasture raised is what you're describing.
aronsearle said:
I speak as a 28 year old male with no health problems, and a lifetime veggie diet.
Similar to my sister which is pretty much a vegetarian since well she was born. She never liked the taste of meat. No fish or any other kind of meat. She eats cheese, drinks milk etc. though. So shes not a vega.
aronsearle said:
Then your wife's one of those silly people that think being a vegetarian is just cutting out the meat, you have to replace it with something.
It's common sense, really. Which, I guess, is lost on most people.
Vitamin B12 used to be the biggest problem for me, but over here they've started to add it to pretty much everything soy related, so it's easy to replenish if you know you need it.

I've also discovered that fats don't actually make me any fatter. Potatoes do, though. A lot. You gotta love potatoes for that.

Also: I wrote "vegetarian/pescetarian" because some people do not consider eating seafood to be breaking the laws of vegetarism. There is little difference between a mussel and a piece of algae, you know? Nerve systems are basic. And the lack of blood as we know it is nice, seriously. I do not eat fish, though. After I saw this vid about tuna, I just started gagging as soon as I saw even a fishstick.

No doubt that vegetarism is based on an arbitrary system of values, but so is every philosophy known to man, so stop the witch hunt and enjoy your burger if that's your kind of thing.