Rate the above song and post your own.

Apparently, the video tags don't display in my browser [Firefox 29.0.1; somewhat locked down too].
(So I've not been able to listen to most of the previous clips.)

6½; 8½ for the video. :wink:

Here are a couple links:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBcZdNY6LdY >> Ronald Jenkins: Clutter

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwcxJWYzI_U >> Herbaliser: Ginger Jumps the Fence

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw85BNfrt6k >> Herbaliser: The Missing Suitcase from ' Session One'
7/10 playing was good, i wish i would like the piece more to enjoy the playing.

This was an improvisation by Art Tatum (a partly blind pianist) on a piece known as tiger rag (composed in 1919 by original dixieland band) .
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That's a tough one. 9/10 at least; although I feel somewhat inclined to say it deserves the full 10, I dunno if I'd call that one "perfection". Really, really good though. I can see why you've fallen in love with it. I reminds me of the beautiful Lineage II soundtrack I'd enjoy 10 years ago as I played. Both hauntingly beautiful and nostalgic. Ahhh.....

I found this one a few days ago when I was citing a video to link and youtube did its think where it felt it knows what I should watch, and somehow I happened upon this. I've become hooked, both due to the lyrics and the music as well. I love this song. XD

It's Dangerous to Go Alone

EDIT: Incidentally, the animation in the music video is equally hilarious (and quite well done) to watch and appreciate. =)
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8/10. Good choice.

You might have already saw the 3 songs by Eyedea that I posted in another music thread, but I just wanted to post another, just because he is one of my favorite rappers.

Again, R.I.P Micheal Larsen (1981-2010).
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That's rap? Well it's quite an achievement to find a rap song I actually like. 8/10

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9/10. Just because it reminds of 2004.

I would not be surprised that this is one of the few raps songs that you like, mainstream rap is pure garbage and is shoved down the throats of those who listens to the radio.

Anyway, I have another rap song that you might like:
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Not bad for ambient, but seem's like they need practice. 7/10

I was listening to this song earlier, and thought to myself "If I was a raider in a Fallout type world, this would be my anthem".

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You play the Piano? Extreme respect to you my man. The Piano and the Acoustic guitar would be my two favorite instruments.

And well, the song you posted, is an easy 10/10. One of those musical creations so classic that people will know the melody even when they have never heard of it's creator or the name of the song.

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You play the Piano? Extreme respect to you my man. The Piano and the Acoustic guitar would be my two favorite instruments

Take half an hour a day to practice every day and a few years later you will be able to not only listen, but to play pretty difficult pieces on your favorite instrument also.
I'd call this song Emo Rap. Haha, what a silly concept.

"They can't find me, I'm hidin,
In the flannel coat rack."

Hahaha. This must be a comedy song, no? Don't think I'm trying to put you or the song down if it's not. In any case, I wouldn't rate this over a 4/10. I suppose it might be an acquired taste.

Never enough ambient.
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Eh, 6/10. Ambiant music just isn't my preferred thing. I like it when I get the urge for it, but most times I opt for a particular piece. It's alright, it's 100% on the "like" end of the spectrum for me, just not that much.

Abingdon Boys School - Strength

Yes, it's Japanese. If you're any of the more-than-likely-not-to-understand-Japanese users, just rate it based on the music, the style, the vocals, all that good stuff. Since they do a bunch of anime themes, I was introduced to the band via the first opening theme to Darker than Black, which they did. This came years later as the final ending credits theme for Soul Eater (a pretty poor, animated adaptation of its graphic novel counterpart), and I instantly fell in love with it. =)
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