Rate the above song and post your own.

I didn't say inferior, I said a poor adaptation. This is kinda irrelevant to the topic, by the way. But to answer your question as quickly as possible: there's too much to list.

It's like saying the anime of Fullmetal Alchemist (not to be confused with the more recent Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood anime) is an inferior adaptation of the manga, even though people love that anime. The anime adaptation of Soul Eater is just a poor adaptation of the manga, but that doesn't make it a bad anime, just like with Trigun, Hellsing, and countless others I could mention. There's just certain "kinds" of adaptations: those who follow it too closely like Dragon Ball and thus limit the medium because they can't outpace the source material, and those which take extreme artistic liberty with their adaptation so that outpacing the source material doesn't matter, and the end result is a completely different story. Soul Eater was the latter category. I just hated the ending where Maka was able to "believe" and that in itself powered up her attack, that was a stomach-churning trope of epic proportions, and that's a commonality in many of these types of adaptations. Vash just deciding to face off against Knives and coming out victorious cause he brought Wolfwood's gun with him. Mustang dueling Bradley and not so much as a bodyguard stopping him from targeting the fucking Furer of the country. The analogous versions of these encounters made sense in the manga because the mangaka was thinking it through, and this knowledge was absent to the anime team, so they just went with "what's cool", resulting in an overall much more shallow experience. Cool, but empty. If you read Soul Eater, you'd see that it's got FAR more complexity to its storytelling than the anime, and the ending didn't just jump out of left field with some silly heartfelt nonsense. Great voice cast, great animation, it followed the series greatly up until a certain point, but from that point onward it was all just downhill. In short, a poor adaptation of its source material.

Anyway, rate the song and post your own, that's what this thread is about, not taking something I said and making a conversation about it.
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Talented girl, she is actually bridging the quarter tone scale... Charles Ives would be proud:

Lol, this will be pretty hard, the publishing company is taking down the leaked song like crazy.


Something to straighten the ears after hearing the link above that.
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This is Estonian folk metal band Metsatöll:
You know, I've never heard any Estonian folk metal before, but I didn't hate that. In fact I rather liked it. I think it would fit as the soundtrack to a certain kind of cRPG, actually. The lead singer could be an NPC. I give it...6/10. I'm a harsh critic though.

Here's a song I've been listening to a lot lately:


Showdown, by Electric Light Orchestra, 1973. Also known as the Ernie McCracken theme song from the movie Kingpin.
Used to listen to it with my father, since he loves electric light orchestra 7.5/10

The bubbles represent real pitches.
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That's a new band I have to start collecting. :(
8/10 The offbeat threw me for a second, until I realized it was deliberate. I immediately started looking up other examples of their songs.


Here is an unusual cover song, by a band I've never heard of before: (But I know the original quite well, and that makes this cover spectacular IMO).


** For reference: http://youtu.be/_FBcz3tBH74?t=37m4s
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The man couldn't sing to save his life 5/10

I just love this for some reason.
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Not the best Hip Hop song that I have ever heard, but it gets a 6.5/10 or 7/10.

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That's pretty good, but too much reverb. Is that for hidding something, or just a style i don't know, but certainly could ease off a bit on it. 7/10

Now, a real masterpiece:

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Oi. I have to rate this song pretty goddamn low. Now for the quality of it but just cause a co-worker played this for a 12 hour grave-yard shift. 3/10. Again not due to quality, just pure 12 hour fuckery.

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I never knew that song was played during a 12 hour shift in a graveyard.

7/10, good song, but I like this one better: (Thank you, Wreck it Ralph)

This is the only video I could find that contains the original song.
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I knew why it reminded you of Fallout from the instant I heard the first tone. It bears an uncanny resemblance to Mark Morgan's style. Although I must say it is more barren than his work. This is way out the league of Metallic Monks or City of the Dead. 5/10

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I knew why it reminded you of Fallout from the instant I heard the first tone. It bears an uncanny resemblance to Mark Morgan's style. Although I must say it is more barren than his work. This is way out the league of Metallic Monks or City of the Dead. 5/10

Hm.. strange, since i know how it was generated, it is actually more sophisticated in detail (requires quite a bit of horse power too) than Metallic Monks or City of the Dead, as it's completely synthesis based, while Morgans work, i think, is more based on samples. Anyway, i'm not really criticizing your score, it's actually interesting to find out what people perceive in a piece.