Resident Evil 6

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The pc port was pretty good I thought. Some high rez texture mods exist and you could play through as Claire and a few other people with mods. Owning a gamepad for your PC is a good idea these days. Dead Space comes to mind; the pc ver. should have been called Desk Space, since you needed generous amounts of it.
Weird thing is the port is of the PS2 version instead of the original Gamecube version which is why it has crappy pre-rendered cutscenes instead of the fancy ingame ones of the Gamecube that showed costume changes and such.
Shame really as I played through it as HUNK.

Like mobucks says the port is good if you get a controller, as the button prompts are just basic texture files there are a few mods that change them to controller input buttons instead.
The creator, Shinji Mikami, was talking about how Resident Evil 6 looked more like an action movie rather than a horror title in a recent interview. I have to say I agree. They told us we could expect horror, but I haven't seen it in a RE title in awhile.
TorontRayne said:
The creator, Shinji Mikami, was talking about how Resident Evil 6 looked more like an action movie rather than a horror title in a recent interview. I have to say I agree. They told us we could expect horror, but I haven't seen it in a RE title in awhile.

*sigh* Isn't that the truth? :(
It annoys me that some gamers nowadays never even heard of Resident Evil until they played 5. Thing is, 5 plays so much like an action game that knowledge of the ones before it and the story isn't really needed.. :|
It's one of the best video game series ever made in my opinion.
Good riddance. The one-two punch scored on RE with ORC and 6 will ensure this type of game never gets made again. Hopefully, if this series ever comes back, it will feature survival horror like the old games. Enough of this action shit honestly. Make a new IP and setting if that's what you want to do.
IGN gave it a 7.9. That's pretty bad coming from them. I guess I will be waiting for the price to drop on this one. Shit. Now what am I going to buy?
Walpknut said:
Any of you really trust either Gamespot or IGN?

I think the general sentiment is that positive reviews from these sites don't mean much because they have low standards....but when you have a game that doesn't even meet those low standards...time to steer clear...
Verd1234 said:
Walpknut said:
Any of you really trust either Gamespot or IGN?

I think the general sentiment is that positive reviews from these sites don't mean much because they have low standards....but when you have a game that doesn't even meet those low standards...time to steer clear...

Exactly. Even before the reviews came out I was cautious about this one. All the action bullshit has been turned up to 11. I'm also sick to death of QTE garbage. I want to watch the fucking cinemas, not wait for a button to pop up on the screen. I will still buy the game no doubt, but I'm pretty disappointed.
Resident Evil 5 was a step backwards and it looks like 6 took another couple steps. No survival horror for Resident Evil anymore, let's turn it into Gears of War with zombies. Lets completely turn the fucking series into an action game with no horror involved aside from lots of blood. After watching an airliner crashing to the ground with one long long action set-piece after another, I can't say I'm surprised. Resident Evil 5 is guilty of the exact complaints the review at Gamespot mentioned, so it isn't a leap to say he is telling the truth. Sure IGN doesn't know shit, but Gamespot too? Those are the game sites that rate every AAA title pretty good no matter what, and they didn't so that means something. Even the demo had tons of negative responses. I'm sure the co-op shit will appeal to lots of people, but I really miss the horror aspect of the game. I hate Gears of War and now Resident Evil has become it's clone. I want my horror fix, I used to get it from RE and now I can't. I think I'm having withdraws. I mean, was Resident Evil 4 or 5 scary at all? Fuck no. Maybe tense because you don't want to get cut up by a chainsaw and whatnot, but not scary in the slightest bit. I will begrudgingly play this fucking game only because it is a main title in the series and I am a die-hard fan, but I dislike Capcom quite a bit now, not just because of this mind you, but lots of recent bullshit they have pulled. Whatever man. :twitch:
Walpknut said:
Godhand got 3 from IGN. they are not about low standards, they just don't know shit.

Yes, but God Hand was very hard, graphically wasn't stunning and wasn't an AAA title. Games like those are rated poorly very often regardless of their quality. Resident Evil instead is the kind of important title that should get a 8.5+ by default by the mainstream gaming press, the fact that it doesn't is quite telling.

I mean...

(PS3) 79.56%
(X360) 70.56%

(PS3) 77/100
(X360) 69/100
Older reviews on Gamespot and IGN (as in, pre-200x) are pretty reliable, just checked the ones for Revenant, 101st Airborne in Normandy and a few others out.
I am not saying the game is incredible, I am just saying I'll wait until my usual sources have a word on it, (mostly watching the game itself being played).
TorontRayne said:
I mean, was Resident Evil 4 or 5 scary at all? Fuck no.

If you ask me, neither were any of the previous games. This entire franchise is way too cheesy to be actually scary. I still think RE4 is the best game in the series and I greatly enjoyed 5, although they were pushing it with QTEs already in the latter. If 6 is going even further in that direction, I can definitely see it turning to unbearable shit.
I never understood why people insist that the Resident Evil games were scary, they are tense, and very entertaining, but Scary? nope.
Walpknut said:
I never understood why people insist that the Resident Evil games were scary, they are tense, and very entertaining, but Scary? nope.

Resident Evil Remake was pretty fucking creepy imo. Especially when you have to burn the zombies or they revive into super-fast creeps who can open doors and are very hard to kill. Running through the familiar mansion while being chased by countless super zombies, with no bullets left to defend yourself, and your last save was three hours ago - That shit is scary. This Resident EVil 6 nonsense that I just tried, was downright pathetic. It felt like an outright Gears ripoff with Resident Evil characters. Out of the three campaigns, I only barely enjoyed Mueler's and Leon's, and downright hated Chris's. It is such a far removal from the originals, frankly I am surprised. Now I see why the original creator spoke kinda poorly about the current generation of RE games. Capcom did to Resident Evil what Bioware did to Mass Effect. Is it too much to ask for a Resident Evil 2 Remake or something since they are done with that game style?
A homicidal schizophrenic crossdresser with a sniper rifle and his genetically enhanced sister with razor sharp tentacles walk into an empty mansion full of self-playing pianos and said "Why haven't you played Code Veronica yet?"