Resident Evil: Zombies, Plagues, and Hot Main Characters

Plus the Re3 Remake is shit. There is that. I mean it is polished shit but it is still shit. Talk about half ass. I thought RE 2 Remake was halfass but boy was I wrong. It must have been 3/4 ass.
It's not inaccurate. They are FPS Resident Evil games. There are FPS games that aren't like Doom. Look you like the game and don't want me to demean it by calling it a FPS but it is a FPS and it is about as much Resident Evil as Outlast is. At this point they can throw blob monsters in anything and call it Resident Evil.
That's reductive to the point of absurdity but whatever.

Calling something a shooter Carries with it several expectations and implications and pretending that's not the case is just dishonest. At this point any game with a first person mode and a ranged weapon is an fps. Skyrim is now an fps I guess.
Talk about half ass. I thought RE 2 Remake was halfass but boy was I wrong.
I always felt like I could see something that would be really cool like running though the city streets filled with zombies but it turns out to be one street you take different alleys and paths on and off of. why couldn't we just run around Raccoon City? why did it have to be a literal hallway of a game world?
I mean yeah Elder Scrolls is a FPS RPG. I didn't call it a "Shooter" outright. That would put emphasis on the "Shooting" aspect more to the point to where you might have more of a point.

Fallout was turned into a FPS. Why is Skyrim also not a FPS? Because of guns? Like Hexen?
Daggerfall is shut-in Hexen so perhaps maybe everything can be anything. It just works out!
I mean really. Daggerfall is about like System Shock which is also a FPS RPG type thing. Deus Ex is a FPS RPG. R Graves is a FPS RPG.
And Roleplaying is a wonderfully vague term which means assuming a role, in first person, so everything is a FPS RPG. Third person games are experienced in the first person, so where does the line get drawn?

Mario is an RPG with a loot based progression system.

But seriously Skyrim is a better shooting game than it is a melee combat game or an RPG.
Really. The shooting in Skyrim is the one decent upgrade in the series. But back on topic. Is Resident Evil 8 SURVIVAL HORROR? HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA.
Survival is horror, and the point of every game is to survive it. Otherwise you wouldn't play it. You'd turn it off. Kill it. End the entire existence of pixel pete. You killed him. You are a murderer.
I remember Dino Crisis 2. Dino Crisis scared the hell outta me when I was a kid. I always thought that an open world, survival horror, metal gear solid 5 rip off of Dino Crisis would be cool. Velociraptors are scarier than zombies.
I still haven't played Dino Crisis 2. I still haven't played the HD versions of Remake and 0 either. I might do that with my new upgrade mega ultra computer I get this weekend.
I'd play this instead.

My favorite Resident Evil so far is the remake. No question. Then 4 and then 2. That's me. I'm a fag. I'm retarded.
EDF looks like fun if it ever goes on sale. Remake is still the best. 0 would be one of the best if not for the shitty villain and plot.
I don't get Carlos' hair in the REmake, sure he didn't look unique before but what were they going for with his weirdo Hobo idol look? I was sick for two days with a fever and My hair looked like his so that's why it always grossed me out.
Captain Rogan says take 3 DMTs and report to sickbay, sicko.
Couldn't say haven't played it yet.

I really liked the resident evil 3 remake until it ended and I realised its 3 hours long. Other than that they fucked nemesis up. But hey it has the new best jill design so hooray? Im super mixed on this one.

I liked the new Carlos design tho.
As someone who's never played Resident Evil before and currently has a PS4, PC and busted old dusty PS3 (kept alive unnaturally beyond that of the retired 360 for the sole purpose of running Demon Souls, MGS and Red Dead Redemption 1) what's my recommendation for a go around here.

I was thinking Resident Evil Remake on PS4 followed by the modern RE2 and RE3 remakes. Regular old RE4 is apparently available for PS4 so that's an option too.

Or is this a scenario where I'm being a total pleb by playing the remakes first. If so, with my platforms available what's my best bet
The remake of the first is the definitive version of that game. So id say play that first. The remake of 2 is a fantastic game all it's own but in no way replaces the original so I reccomend playing both. Remake 3 is good but I'd 100 percent reccomend waiting until it 20 bucks or less because it's stupid short. I'd reccomend emulating the original 3 if you can.

The best places to start are either the remake of 1, 4 or 7. 4 and 7 are both soft reboots.
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