Rumor: Fallout 4 to be shown with gameplay video at Beth's E3 conference


But best title ever!
According to German website, Bethesda intends to announce Fallout 4 at the end of its E3 presser with a 20-to-30 minute long gameplay video. The source is apparently an industry insider with ties to Bethesda, who also claimed the game won't be released before 2016.

None of the claims sounds like a huge stretch to me (Bethesda would want to conclude its first ever E3 conference with something big, and it's been nearly 4 years since the release of Skyrim), but given the source is anonymous and the claims unverified (Bethesda refused to comment) it should absolutely be treated as a rumor.

Spotted on VG247
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It certainly make sense. They have a big conference, so it's reasonable to assume that they have something big going on. That's either something from their main IPs or something new. Fallout 4 or Doom 4.
And they usually don't show much of their games until they're mostly done, so it's not unfeasible that there'll be gameplay footage.
I still hope they'll also announce Dishonored 2 or something else in that universe. Really enjoyed Dishonored.
After missing so many perfect moments for announcements (23 Oct last year, or that time when all the Fallout fan movies like Lanius or Nuka Break were seeing a rise) it would be embarassing for them if they can only show a pathetic teaser trailer at E3. Not to mention a teaser wouldn't be nearly enough to make some journalist forget the inevitable question "so what gives, Pete, I thought you said you didn't like announcing at E3"
I still hope they'll also announce Dishonored 2 or something else in that universe. Really enjoyed Dishonored.

Well, it's a full E3 conference and I doubt they'll fill it just with DOOM and The Elder Scrolls Online, so I'd expect *something* from Arkane too. Whether that'll be a Dishonored sequel or something else.. who knows?
I would be happy with Dishonored 2 only, altho I feel they would need to change the title as to not just make a repeat of the premise of the first game.
Probably something like "Dunwall Chronicles: Episode 1".
Or simply "Dishonored". Reboot the game before it even becomes a franchise or jumps the shark. Cuts out the middle man, y'know.
At this point I would definitely want a Dishonored 2 more than a Bethesda-made Fallout 4. I don't have much optimism that they learned how to make a real Fallout game from the Obsidian guys, but we'll see. I definitely am curious as to how it looks and plays. Kind of like driving by an accident scene.
I can't honestly believe that the writing would improve or anything, but surely they'd at least learn from the gameplay improvements and such that Obsidian made? I hope so at least.
I guess you can expect Skyrim quality with Fallout 4. But that's just a guess.

It certainly make sense. They have a big conference, so it's reasonable to assume that they have something big going on. That's either something from their main IPs or something new. Fallout 4 or Doom 4.
And they usually don't show much of their games until they're mostly done, so it's not unfeasible that there'll be gameplay footage.
I still hope they'll also announce Dishonored 2 or something else in that universe. Really enjoyed Dishonored.

Maybe they do the conference to announce that they have nothing to announce.

And than Obsidian got the rights to make Fallout 4 without any ties, strings or restrictions attached.
Probably something like "Dunwall Chronicles: Episode 1".
Or simply "Dishonored". Reboot the game before it even becomes a franchise or jumps the shark. Cuts out the middle man, y'know.

Wouldn't need to be Dunwall, it could be "Serkonos Chronicles".
Oh, Todd Howard in latex powerarmor announcing that "War, war never changes." Dramatic music ensues. Then you see a cutscene of Moira Brown and Three Dog licking each others assholes in a brotherhood bunker full of vampire wannabes. Then everybody start shooting each other with their nuclear handcannons. That's what I heard they are planning, anyway.
Oh, Todd Howard in latex powerarmor announcing that "War, war never changes." Dramatic music ensues. Then you see a cutscene of Moira Brown and Three Dog licking each others assholes in a brotherhood bunker full of vampire wannabes. Then everybody start shooting each other with their nuclear handcannons. That's what I heard they are planning, anyway.

Don't forget the Enclave and Brotherhood of Steel and their eternal battle of Good vs. Evil.
Not even knowing if they are working on something hypes people up?

Blizzard is the same way and it works for them. My guess is the big game companies worry about the backlash if a game gets delayed or cancelled, and they think it is worse than what they could gain with extra hype. No one wants a Half Life 3 type fiasco.