Russia attacks Ukraine

Yeah, sanctions are a bit of a sneaky jab. The idea presented to the regular folks is "the billionaires will be sad that their wealth trickle in at a slower rate, so they will be like - HEY, mr. Putin - a word, if you please! >:I"
but the real purpose is to target the population, upend normalcy, and forment unrest.
C-130 rolling down the strip,

Airborne daddy's gonna take a little trip.

Mission uncertain, destination unknown,-mission top secret sounds better

Don't even know if we're ever coming home.

Stand-up, Hook-up, shuffle to the door,

Jump right out and count to four.

Slip to the left and slip to the right

Slip on down to a firefight.

Hit the drop zone with my feet apart

Legs in my stomach and feet in my heart.

And if my main don't open wide,

I've got a reserve by my side.

And if that one should fail me too,

Look out below, I'm coming through.

And if I die in the old drop zone,

Box me up and ship me home.

And if I die in the Korean mud-later amended to desert shit

Bury me with a case of Bud

Bury speakers all around my head

So I can rock with the Grateful Dead-something more modern

Bury speakers all around my toes

So I can rock with Axel Rose

Pin my medals upon my chest,

And bury me in the leaning rest.
I'm not sure how well Ukraine will pay their mercs.

"Ukraine has so far raked in over $40 million in cryptocurrency donations over the course of five days from supporters of the country’s effort against Russia.

On Wednesday morning, Ukraine tweeted “airdrop confirmed” and promised a “reward” to those who have made cryptocurrency donations to the country."

Apparently they will use crypto.

"The House passed a resolution on Wednesday to declare support for Ukraine's sovereignty in the face of the invasion ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin, while urging an "immediate cease-fire."

Lawmakers in both parties voted near-unanimously in favor of the resolution, 426-3. The only votes in opposition were from three Republicans: Reps. Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Thomas Massie (Ky.) and Matt Rosendale (Mont.).

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) said it was "unreal" that three fellow Republicans voted against the resolution.

"Talk to me when our border is secure," Gosar retorted on Twitter."

These assholes are so lost. So lost and focused on their little agenda. How many have some kind of mental illness I wonder?
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Aren't the republicans the ones that are the horniest for Putin right now tho?

Trump was never a republican. If anything, Trump is economically conservative but geopolitically a liberal. He is an isolationist, no different than the democrats who wanted no part of WW 2.

True Republicans, like the ones who tend to not take bullshit lying down, have been warning about Putin for years. Hell, I have been talking about Putin forever. I remember some older threads I have been in with Putin apologists talking anti American bullshit, blaming his shitty behavior on the west

Oh no Russia is near our bases memes, AKA garbage like this

Those who have used this meme know who they are.
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C-130 rolling down the strip,

Airborne daddy's gonna take a little trip.

Mission uncertain, destination unknown,-mission top secret sounds better

Don't even know if we're ever coming home.

Stand-up, Hook-up, shuffle to the door,

Jump right out and count to four.

Slip to the left and slip to the right

Slip on down to a firefight.

Hit the drop zone with my feet apart

Legs in my stomach and feet in my heart.

And if my main don't open wide,

I've got a reserve by my side.

And if that one should fail me too,

Look out below, I'm coming through.

And if I die in the old drop zone,

Box me up and ship me home.

And if I die in the Korean mud-later amended to desert shit

Bury me with a case of Bud

Bury speakers all around my head

So I can rock with the Grateful Dead-something more modern

Bury speakers all around my toes

So I can rock with Axel Rose

Pin my medals upon my chest,

And bury me in the leaning rest.

Hmm of course i am almost 100% convinced that every NATO members did sent their own special ops secretly, now it's just given more heavier support. Perhaps one day, several if not few decades from now we will know the exact truth.
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They always send their special ops secretly. If they didn't the only thing they would do is train people in sand and jungle countries.
Turns out that Ukrainian pilot might be fake though. Who knows? Bob does.
Turns out that Ukrainian pilot might be fake though. Who knows? Bob does.

The "ghost of Kyiv"?
Some things I immediately consider to be stories - and people love stories. Ukraine has an airforce, so for what I care, they got what 225 ghosts? Russia has been holding back their airforce over Ukrainian airspace, and there's been some speculation, but I wonder if the truth is that the aircraft probably match pretty well, especially if Rus. intends to "save" their best planes for some "real" enemy, not some backyard they expected to steamroll easily.

Speculating though. Either way, have fun slowly shitting your pants on Ukrainian soil mr. General Sir, must suck to die a sucker on the land he intended to violate.
The "ghost of Kyiv"?
Some things I immediately consider to be stories - and people love stories. Ukraine has an airforce, so for what I care, they got what 225 ghosts? Russia has been holding back their airforce over Ukrainian airspace, and there's been some speculation, but I wonder if the truth is that the aircraft probably match pretty well, especially if Rus. intends to "save" their best planes for some "real" enemy, not some backyard they expected to steamroll easily.

Speculating though. Either way, have fun slowly shitting your pants on Ukrainian soil mr. General Sir, must suck to die a sucker on the land he intended to violate.

Either way it is great for morale.

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We're getting STALKER 2 after all!
