Russia attacks Ukraine

Yeah, sanctions are a bit of a sneaky jab. The idea presented to the regular folks is "the billionaires will be sad that their wealth trickle in at a slower rate, so they will be like - HEY, mr. Putin - a word, if you please! >:I"
but the real purpose is to target the population, upend normalcy, and forment unrest.
Yeah only normal Russians are suffering here. Just like it's normal Koreans starving in North Korea. USA does not give a shit about civilian population.
Normal Ukranians are also suffering because of the actions of a few people at the top over in Russia.
If they don't want to suffer then can go ahead and protest en masse to the point that they can't all be thrown into the gulag and force a change.
Ukranians don't get that choice. They'll suffer until Russia decides to back off.
Normal Ukranians are also suffering because of the actions of a few people at the top over in Russia.
If they don't want to suffer then can go ahead and protest en masse to the point that they can't all be thrown into the gulag and force a change.
Ukranians don't get that choice. They'll suffer until Russia decides to back off.
This is actually retarded. Russia has already arrested THOUSANDS of anti-war protestors. What do you expect them to do? Go and die because USA wants them to revolt? What about North Koreans? Iranians? All the other countries US sanctions to let them starve. Fuck you.

Yeah, asking other people to revolt is never wise.
People will only revolt when they are litterally at the end of their rope - because revolting will risk *everything* they have. Russians may be suffering, but they are mostly free to go home, work, cook, be with their families.

If you go and revolt, that's it: Goodbye work, goodbye home, goodbye cooking in your own kitchen - goodbye family. Revolts usually happen when all of this has already been torn away OR is about to get torn away. This is a careful rope-walk that authoritarian regimes know how to walk, and again - it is not for anybody else to say "you should start revolting now."
Well if there is no consequence for Russia then there's no reason for them to do this again and again.
Sad fact of the matter is that normal people will always be fucked.
My thoughts on it is just that this could all stop if Russia stopped.
I don't blame those putting sanctions, I blame the Russain oligarchy.
The way some places on the Internet celebrate dead bodies of either Ukrainians or Russians (or even both because some are posted as the other side) is horrifying.
The way some places on the Internet celebrate dead bodies of either Ukrainians or Russians (or even both because some are posted as the other side) is horrifying.
I haven't seen any of that, mind linking me?
Also, neither side is literally nazi's so to celebrate the death of soldiers just dragged into this bullshit is moronic.
It's why when I heard of the paratrooper planes being shot down I wasn't like "fuck yeah multikill bruh!". I was saddened. So many people just killed at the snap of a finger, and for what?
I haven't seen any of that, mind linking me?

Mostly on Codex thread, you have to be a member for a year.
One guy just kept posting burnt corpses celebrating "dead russian orks" and at least 2 photos were of people in Ukrainian uniforms.

Another guy posted links to Telegram with some naked hung "ukrops", but they were actually members of pro-Russian militia from Donietsk.
Mostly on Codex thread, you have to be a member for a year.
One guy just kept posting burnt corpses celebrating "dead russian orks" and at least 2 photos were of people in Ukrainian uniforms.

Another guy posted links to Telegram with some naked hung "ukrops", but they were actually members of pro-Russian militia from Donietsk.
What nice people.
Sucks to be an ordinary Russian when their savior became irrelevant shortly after he brought order and toppled the oligarchs. Ever since then he's had a hard on for recovering ex Soviet territory

FUCK Putin and any of his apologists
Sucks to be an ordinary Russian when their savior became irrelevant shortly after he brought order and toppled the oligarchs. Ever since then he's had a hard on for recovering ex Soviet territory

FUCK Putin and any of his apologists
Ex-soviet territory? Like what? Ukraine was part of _RUSSIA_ Kievan-Rus, Russian empire etc, this has nothing to do with the Soviet Union. He just thinks this is de jure Russian territory.
So it has nothing to do with Stalin sending thousands of Ukrainians to the gulags or just relocating them to Siberia, replacing them with Russians?

AFAIK, Ukrainians have felt very sperate from Russia, besides the parts of it that have a large russian populations
These sort of semantics cease to matter, once a population resists invasion and occupation. I've had a Swede or two in the past tell me "HEEEY how about you guys just subjugate right back to Swedish control, cus after all, we're SORT OF the same anyway, and we could be like - a big, mighty empire, taking care of each others =D" and it's like - no. No.

And that is all the explanation really needed, in cases like these: No.