Russia attacks Ukraine

Gonna buy in the rubes so when it becomes rich again, I’ll be rich.

I might buy Russia

The super left already blaming the west instead of Putin's dreams to reacquire Soviet territory. It is beyond words we still have Jane Fonda's running around and it only shows why dem socialists and dem socialism is so hated in the US.

I remember an earlier thread where someone wondered why AOC is so hated, here ya go.

Aren't the republicans the ones that are the horniest for Putin right now tho?
Aren't the republicans the ones that are the horniest for Putin right now tho?
Name the Republicans. If it is just two or three can you say "The Republicans" or is it just one or two alt right retards? This is the kind of rhetoric that gets it all twisted. So Republicans support Russia invading? No. The average Republican just wants to put food on their family.
THe tensions have been escalating for a while from both the US and NATO and Russia swinging their dicks around, that's simply historical fact. Russia is clearly the bad actor here, that's also undeniable. And they are getting reammed without lube, that's also a fact. Multiple facts can be true. The invasion at this point is also just not worth it in any way, this is probably the stupidest thing Putin could've done, he is probably desperate, the widespread rejection of the invasion in Russian land is also indicative of the tides turning for him which might be why he did this dumb bullshit move, sometimes war is what an impopular leader needs to regain favor.
I think (near) unanimously the whole world has turned on Russia for the war. And it seems he's not getting favor from it. Damn near his whole country hates him and I feel one of his own cabinet members will put a bullet in his head if he reaches for the nuke button
Lol, Russia lists Ukrainian losses as:
2870 deaths (wow, very specific)
3700 wounded - and 572 captured.

This is listed right there in the Wikipedia page. Lemme ask - if 572 have been captured - how the fuck does Russia know the difference between the 2870 mortally wounded, and 3700 non-mortally wounded?
Answer, there's no fucking way they can know. They're making shit up. And Wiki editors are just throwing it in there, uncritically.

This war is turning people into morons.
Name the Republicans. If it is just two or three can you say "The Republicans" or is it just one or two alt right retards? This is the kind of rhetoric that gets it all twisted. So Republicans support Russia invading? No. The average Republican just wants to put food on their family.
Don't know names but I have seen the "Anti woke" types on socials pushing a lot of Putin apologia until a few days before, there was also that dude on Fox News that does the Slacl Jawed face when his hosts talk and there was even Trumpo man praising Putin as a genius on the early days of the invasion. Of course right now supporting Putin is career suicide even within Russia so they probably changed their tune right now. Some of the "totally leftwing but the leftist are the problem" youtubers are still at it tho.
Lol, Russia lists Ukrainian losses as:
2870 deaths (wow, very specific)
3700 wounded - and 572 captured.

This is listed right there in the Wikipedia page. Lemme ask - if 572 have been captured - how the fuck does Russia know the difference between the 2870 mortally wounded, and 3700 non-mortally wounded?
Answer, there's no fucking way they can know. They're making shit up. And Wiki editors are just throwing it in there, uncritically.

This war is turning people into morons.
Don't know names but I have seen the "Anti woke" types on socials pushing a lot of Putin apologia until a few days before, there was also that dude on Fox News that does the Slacl Jawed face when his hosts talk and there was even Trumpo man praising Putin as a genius on the early days of the invasion. Of course right now supporting Putin is career suicide even within Russia so they probably changed their tune right now. Some of the "totally leftwing but the leftist are the problem" youtubers are still at it tho.
Tucker is a fake Republican, so is Trump, not sure about those senators Romney was talking about because I don't care to follow either party anymore. I will say people saying "Republicans" are talking about like 5 people-of-note tops. The rest are online faggots.
Want to go fight for Ukraine? Here’s what to do. (

  1. Apply to the Embassy of Ukraine in your country with the intention of joining the Foreign Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine (ask a military diplomat or consul for details). Applicants can visit the Embassy in person, call or send an email to start the process.
  2. Get your documents in order. This includes an ID, a passport to travel abroad, documents confirming military service or work with law enforcement agencies and participation in combat.
  3. Arrive at the embassy with documents for an interview with the defense attaché and the settlement of any visa issues with the consul.
  4. Write an application for enlistment in the Territorial Defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for military service under a contract on a voluntary basis. (This is in addition to Step 1.)
  5. Receive instructions on how to arrive in Ukraine and what to bring. Military clothing, equipment, helmet, body armor, combat gloves, tactical glasses, belts and vests are recommended. “It is not obligatory,” the official said, “but a foreign soldier in his national uniform looks good for the International Legion.”
  6. Go to Ukraine in an organized manner. Representatives of Ukrainian embassies, consulates (abroad) and Territorial Defense in Ukraine will provide assistance on the way. Contacts will be provided at the Embassy of Ukraine in your country.
Might just get nuked, gassed, and run over for a box of mayonnaise packets.

IDK, I'm looking it up and the embassy website is down. It is probably overloaded with traffic.
If you don't speak the language I would not even consider it. Not saying you are.