This ghoul has seen it all

You do know there is a South Korea right? And that Asian countries also have division of powers...
Lol Nixon didn't have much choice really, Tricky Dicky jumped before he was pushed, whereas the Ukraine president Yankovich or Yanukovitch got deposed through a wave of violent protests all because he changed his mind and did not sign a sweetener deal proposed by the EU (probably Poland as they are used as a broker ). So you say CHOICE is all ?So if Trump runs again as many expect and wangles 2 terms I wonder what he will doEven if you don't believe that your vote matters, it doesn't change the fact our leaders change. Our politicians fear the media. We have a division of powers. Russia and China do not.
Richard Nixon, arguably the most powerful man in the world at that time, gave up power peacefully. You wouldn't get that in a non western country that's for sure.
I had a Twitter account indefinitely suspended about 2 years ago. I had altered that pic of Trump outside a church holding a bible. I had him holding Mein Kampf. Also I mocked old etonians so I was suspended for sarcasm. No racism. No homophobia or the like. I made a new account the 3rd of this month (March) and was shocked to see a hash tag killputin. The tweets were unreal total mass hysteria. Britains media is 100% pro Ukraine. The subtle propaganda flows like a drunkards piss. Some people are under the illusion the likes of the BBC is unbiased and gives an objective view. That is completely untrue. On domestic affairs BBC churns out what oit is told and only covers events it is told to show. As you say ALL governments use a level of propaganda , Britain's is as strong as anywhere else.
You are both angsty teenagers. "Stoic" "nihilistic", how about faggots.
Stick around but not sure how to type your fucking name!
Maybe you will be Mo or Moth!
I am not a faggot, I am very cool.Everyone on here is a faggot. Otherwise, they wouldn't be dedicating time out of their day to post on this board - myself included. We're all faggots. The Order is literally an order of oldfags. We've had members like Roshambo... come on now.
And that statement would be true.As for the concept of nihilism as a whole, that's like calling Nietzsche a "angsty teenager".
ARE YOU SERIOUS ( John McEnroe) You go bang into one because I mocked Trump. An internet term maybe triggered lol I mentioned in my post I was sarcastic, anarchic, so what! If that bugs an overly serious type funeeeee. I made a short AVI clip QE2 eating a rat norty norty me.I mean, people acting like Trump is the 21st Century variant of Hitler is ridiculous. Remember when people said Obama was the antichrist? It's on that level of stupidity.
Also, Twitter is a dumpsterfire - on all sides of political spectrum, left and right. I have trouble taking anyone seriously who takes Twitter seriously
I am not a faggot, I am very cool.
And that statement would be true.
I am not a faggot, I am very cool.
And that statement would be true.
The Incumbent just lost. Somewhat successful one as well, all because of the virus of unknown origin. Biden's presidency has been a total trash fire as opposed to Trump's clown circus. But Biden is also a walking corpse so who knows if he even shambles to the the next election. In the end it matter which party is able to appeal the biggest voting block there is. Dead People.Usually the incumbent wins re election and while Biden has not been popular, I doubt he'll lose to Trump.
Manic depression is a bummer. Have a cold drink maybe. Instead of a killing spree were irrationality conquers your psyche just do 1 very important person