Human beings are human beings. Mammals are mammals. You say we are all the same, but what is it that actually makes any of us the same? Can you even tell me? I highly doubt you can actually offer anything satisfactory that would make me believe that Ahmed living in Syria and all of the people living around him are anything like me when you compare him to Jack and his family living down the street. You might say "well we share most of our DNA with them", but we also share most of our DNA with mice and I'm not in a hurry to let loose 30 of them in my house. You might say that "cultures are easily destroyed and changed", and as true as that might be, and as much as I believe in many cases that it should be, you'll freak out and scream "RACIST!!!!11" if I were to tell you that it might not be us who have to do much of the changing.
The uniformity of these variable and malleable things can mean all of the difference between a civilisation which functions and one that does not. What we have in reality are incompatible moral systems being wielded by different groups of people; and as a quick walk through nature would tell us, the only real "moral" action, when two irreconcilable organisms are forced to compete over the same resource, is a war (or a general conflict). If you force groups which are different to occupy those same resources-- regardless of how "meaningless" you want to try and tell me that the ethnic and cultural identities of people are (even minorities, how racist of you) --what it leads to is conflict. Conflicts aren't particularly enjoyable. I'd much rather that these things didn't happen and we instead just didn't bomb their countries or try to rule and subjugate them, and let them be. If they want us to help them make something better, we can help them, but only if our own house is kept in order.
You actually seem to be confused. That is literally what I say. "Rights" do not exist, nor is the concept of "rights" a positive one. You are owed only what you are personally capable of fighting for. A people is owed only what it is capable of protecting. I prefer societies built around a mythology of what every individual's duties and responsibilities are at every stage of its hierarchy to one built upon a mythology where everybody is owed something by rule of some unnatural set of commandments just for being granted a specific set of paperwork.
If you tell me what I believe is "proto-fascism", then it's proto-fascism. Despite that word's negative connotations, its only practical usefulness as an adjective is to silence somebody.
The uniformity of these variable and malleable things can mean all of the difference between a civilisation which functions and one that does not. What we have in reality are incompatible moral systems being wielded by different groups of people; and as a quick walk through nature would tell us, the only real "moral" action, when two irreconcilable organisms are forced to compete over the same resource, is a war (or a general conflict). If you force groups which are different to occupy those same resources-- regardless of how "meaningless" you want to try and tell me that the ethnic and cultural identities of people are (even minorities, how racist of you) --what it leads to is conflict. Conflicts aren't particularly enjoyable. I'd much rather that these things didn't happen and we instead just didn't bomb their countries or try to rule and subjugate them, and let them be. If they want us to help them make something better, we can help them, but only if our own house is kept in order.
You actually seem to be confused. That is literally what I say. "Rights" do not exist, nor is the concept of "rights" a positive one. You are owed only what you are personally capable of fighting for. A people is owed only what it is capable of protecting. I prefer societies built around a mythology of what every individual's duties and responsibilities are at every stage of its hierarchy to one built upon a mythology where everybody is owed something by rule of some unnatural set of commandments just for being granted a specific set of paperwork.
If you tell me what I believe is "proto-fascism", then it's proto-fascism. Despite that word's negative connotations, its only practical usefulness as an adjective is to silence somebody.
He wouldn't solve these problems at all. He'd tear down the fence and then wonder why everybody in the Netherlands is starving to death now that the population has tripled and the government hasn't got the money to reliably feed everybody and still pay out welfare cheques now that all of the money confiscated from corporations as "reparations for colonisation" has dried up. Later, he would blame the whole thing on racists.How would you solve these problems?
And what kind of rights are you talking about?
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