So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

1. Sure, and they could be CPC shills. Taking a page from your playbook.
2. I am talking way before Hitler. Wars involving Spain, England, France, The Vatican mucking shit up, etc. Had a single superpower brought order, it could be argued that WW1 might have been avoided.
3. That was the result of the cold war. Soviets had their puppets, we had ours. Without the soviets, we wouldn't have had a cold war and vice versa. All those proxy wars avoided. Nukes only served to keep proxy wars from getting out of hand. It was lessons learned from Europe that kept shit cold. When the big fish fight directly and ruin eachother, the smaller fish win.
4. Its also leads to an arms race. Crni came to the same conclusion. The world agrees with me, its called the NPT.
6. Because it hasn't been proven. Otherwise we'd be in a shitstorm right now. Putin and the rest of the world would be screaming for our heads. Some shit is too big to cover up. Our own news would be screaming it. Instead, all of this accusations, come from folks who like us not. Another page from your playbook.
7. Really, countries like Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia right? Oh yea, your logic is they joined NATO to spite Putin.
2. I am talking way before Hitler. Wars involving Spain, England, France, The Vatican mucking shit up, etc. Had a single superpower brought order, it could be argued that WW1 might have been avoided.
3. That was the result of the cold war. Soviets had their puppets, we had ours. Without the soviets, we wouldn't have had a cold war and vice versa. All those proxy wars avoided. Nukes only served to keep proxy wars from getting out of hand. It was lessons learned from Europe that kept shit cold. When the big fish fight directly and ruin eachother, the smaller fish win.
4. Its also leads to an arms race. Crni came to the same conclusion. The world agrees with me, its called the NPT.
6. Because it hasn't been proven. Otherwise we'd be in a shitstorm right now. Putin and the rest of the world would be screaming for our heads. Some shit is too big to cover up. Our own news would be screaming it. Instead, all of this accusations, come from folks who like us not. Another page from your playbook.
7. Really, countries like Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia right? Oh yea, your logic is they joined NATO to spite Putin.