Russian-Ukrainian war


"We totally are doing that thing we say we aren't doing, just don't make a fuss about it."
No. Not that we know of. Like they would tell us if that happened. For all we know, it has happened multiple times. Space is a big fog-of-war.

I'm saying that the obvious darkops the U.S.A. is up to, and the corporations that are funding this is not just some "Conspiracy bullshit." anymore, because now even the news has to admit it when shit happens.

So the intention of the U.S. government is total control over the world. Obvious. Russia doesn't want that, because our own shit isn't working and our economy is turning into Ayn Rand's wet dreams.

It's obvious that the U.S.'s capabilities have far outreached the quality of leaders in control at this point in time. I give up really. I just give up.

You'd think that the U.S. would be smart enough to just develop alternatives to natural resources that have to be controlled, but we'd rather just turn the Middle-East into a hell-hole. We'd rather just be on the brink of nuclear war. We'd rather have blackops operations kill thousands of innocent ususpecting people a year. And on and on and on.


Who says we are not? Conspiracy often works both ways.

If we were working on shit like fusion tech, it isn't likely to be proclaimed or shared with the world.

The ME has always been armpit ish. We have extremist assholes who use religion as a tool to be no different than America. We did make other places worse but thats been talked to death.

Not one single persons 'shit', is going to work. However, NATO, with 3 out of 5 of the most militarily advanced nations, can be argued to be better than Russias CSTO. Even with the hypothetical Russian dominance explanation, it needs to do A LOT of work to get to where we are. Then we have Putins vengeance to think about as well in this scenario.

Not only that, culturally and ethnically, the west has way more experience with diversity than Russia has.

Yea yea, post stupid, racism related meme (often black. Why no such problems with the numerous other minorities in the west?).

We have problems no doubt but eliminating the soviets just to let Putin rebuild? Thats folly.

Obamas a pussy, but he'll be gone soon
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Actually, the current technology we have NOW can end our current global stance.

However, the problem with this technology is it takes power out of the hands of the government/banking system.

You would need a "cough" communist economic system to implement the technology.

I'm all for that, in the sense that it's a political structure and social culture that doesn't exist yet.

Like, the end of capitalism but keeping democracy and libertarian ideas.

If that's over your head then that's the reason we are in the middle-east.

Wait, we can be communists and democratic libertarians? How does that work.

Easy, you don't pay for shit because machines make everything and our natural resources are synthesized. You get to vote on how that shit works.

Yeah, we've been making synthetic petroleum for plastics for years, been using alternative energy for years, and have enough waste to recycle to keep base materials in circulation for centuries.

That doesn't make any money. Money is the only way they can motivate you to do anything.

These people forget that people are easily bored and will do things for the sake of novelty rather than fear of death and torture.
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Who pays for R&D, maintenace, liability, creation, etc, of said machines. I like the idea too but we have a LONG, way to go before we get Star Trek replicator technology.
Who pays for R&D, maintenace, liability, creation, etc, of said machines. I like the idea too but we have a LONG, way to go before we get Star Trek replicator technology.

The way of the future.
Due to the universe being a giant super-computer that was made by machine elves in the fourth dimension *fnord*

This showed up on Facebook right after this post.

Professor Stephen Hawking

I'm rather late to the question-asking party, but I'll ask anyway and hope. Have you thought about the possibility of technological unemployment, where we develop automated processes that ultimately cause large unemployment by performing jobs faster and/or cheaper than people can perform them? Some compare this thought to the thoughts of the Luddites, whose revolt was caused in part by perceived technological unemployment over 100 years ago. In particular, do you foresee a world where people work less because so much work is automated? Do you think people will always either find work or manufacture more work to be done? Thank you for your time and your contributions. I’ve found research to be a largely social endeavor, and you've been an inspiration to so many.
If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality.
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So in other words, the government?

Its possible if the government agrees to take on all the burdens. If we had replicator tech, IMO, the people would agree. We arn't all encompassing social hate machines.

You still have the service sector still in regards to other professions. In-equality can be reduced but not eliminated.
Not only that, culturally and ethnically, the west has way more experience with diversity than Russia has.

There's nearly 200 ethnicities living in the Russian federation. Russia was the only European empire to successfully integrate Muslim populations, rather than just have them as colonies. Their idea of multiculturalism is somewhat different than that of the west, but Russia still has a much longer history of it.
There's nearly 200 ethnicities living in the Russian federation. Russia was the only European empire to successfully integrate Muslim populations, rather than just have them as colonies. Their idea of multiculturalism is somewhat different than that of the west, but Russia still has a much longer history of it.

I don't know what you smoke, pony, but you should quit it. There are 44 million Muslims in Europe, the vast majority of them successfully integrated. The "they can't integrate" bullshit is right-wing propaganda. About right for people who say Korwin is their favourite Pole.
That's why I like Putin.

He is the opposite of a reactionary Neo-Con in this sense.

He said openly in this debate "We aren't anti-gay, we are anti-propoganda."

WHY? you ask? Well, The Soviet Union, if you remember, was hardcore atheist.

Now that religion is back in Russia, this is basically Putin making regulation that prevents religious people in Russia killing homosexuals in the streets. We are talking about hardcore Chechens here, not some lovey dovey muslim dude that sells you weed.

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Dopamine Cleric said:
Now that religion is back in Russia, this is basically Putin making regulation that prevents religious people in Russia killing homosexuals in the streets.
What? No. That's not what this law does at all. For one, it doesn't prevent anyone doing any such thing. Prosecuting those who would "killing homosexuals in the street" and offering protection to LGBT groups would. Banning LGBT protests does not. In any way.

I mean, that's like saying that a law banning the civil rights movement in the 1960s "prevents racists from killing black people in the streets." That's a ridiculous contention.

Also "hardcore Chechens" is a pretty ridiculous thing to say.
He said openly in this debate "We aren't anti-gay, we are anti-propoganda.

There is your problem - you listen to what a kgb agent says, rather then watch what he does. He has said one thing, done another and then said something else on the same subject. He says what needs to be said at that moment for him to achieve some goal, and most of the time that means lying. I'm not even sure he actually has any position on anything as his statements constantly fluctuate from democratic to borderline dictatorate, depending on the situation he is at.

While visiting Kionigsberg, he openly lied, talking about Lithuania as a country on the verge of collapse, as it only has 1.5 million people (real number is around ~2.9) left. If you would follow him closely, you would see that he does this sort of thing all the time.
There's nearly 200 ethnicities living in the Russian federation. Russia was the only European empire to successfully integrate Muslim populations, rather than just have them as colonies. Their idea of multiculturalism is somewhat different than that of the west, but Russia still has a much longer history of it.

I don't know what you smoke, pony, but you should quit it. There are 44 million Muslims in Europe, the vast majority of them successfully integrated. The "they can't integrate" bullshit is right-wing propaganda. About right for people who say Korwin is their favourite Pole.

44 million of them in the EU or all of Europe? Because if it's all of Europe, that inclues 14 million of them in Constantinopole, and some ethnicities which are more lenient when it comes to religious rules (Bosnian Muslims, Tatars, Albanians).

I can just as easily say that your post is propaganda.
That's a neat rhetorical trick, reclassifying a whole bunch of Muslims as not-really-Muslim so you can continue to believe that they're somehow incompatible with Europe despite having lived in Europe basically ever since Islam was founded.
I know it's so ridiculous guise.

It's so ridiculous.

So ridiculouso.

Like totally.

How's Charlie Hebdo doing these days?

I forgot, everything I say is suspect because I am not apart of the square club that is a pretentious contention of fascists that turn their noses up at anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.

I thought you were the guys who were on-board the whole PR censorship feel good bus so that these sensitive human beings who are different and special that we have to accommodate for won't get all angry and kill us. Buuuut as soon as the guy who doesn't supply you Glee and Blue Jeans and Iphones does it. "Oh that guy is a tyrant, such a criminal gangster asshole! He's totally oppressing me. Trigger warning!"
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I love when Putin brings up Elton John as an example of a likeable, acceptable, non-propagandy homosexual. It's good that he at least sets some standards, some goals, for the gay community to strive for.
I doubt he gives two shits about anything unless it causes problems for his country.