It looks like Russians have started the raid on Ukrainian's base in Sevastopol.
Russian regime. Look at the economy of the country. Far worse than it had been in 2008 following the Georgian conflict, and the purchasing power is at its lowest level - lower than in 2009, the aftermath of the financial crisis. The Russian stock market has dropped by 13%, companies have lost billions of rubles each. Didn't people vote for Putin because he offered some sort of stability (as opposed to the 90s banditism, economic defaults, wars)? It looks like the country is sliding back to this post-Soviet rubble.
And this is before the war even officially began. If Putin doesn't pull the troops out as soon as possible - how much will the common Russian taxpayer suffer?
Which one, Russian or Ukrainian?
Russian regime. Look at the economy of the country. Far worse than it had been in 2008 following the Georgian conflict, and the purchasing power is at its lowest level - lower than in 2009, the aftermath of the financial crisis. The Russian stock market has dropped by 13%, companies have lost billions of rubles each. Didn't people vote for Putin because he offered some sort of stability (as opposed to the 90s banditism, economic defaults, wars)? It looks like the country is sliding back to this post-Soviet rubble.
And this is before the war even officially began. If Putin doesn't pull the troops out as soon as possible - how much will the common Russian taxpayer suffer?
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