Still Mildly Glowing

Chris Parks said:Christmas '11, Pixote! Christmas '11!
Seriously? You've announced that you're working on something but aren't going to show anything, even a small screenie until Xmas? Personally, this doesn't make me drool with anticipation, its just frustrating.
Well, since I'm building the game for myself and my friends I don't want to have any announcement dates (Christmas '11 is the most optimistic estimate I can give right now) or show anything to anyone. I think that Fallout's community has seen enough disappointment over the years without the need for me to contribute even more in case my game doesn't get finished or I don't release it.
At the moment, I'm finishing my maps and building artwork. I don't want to show WIPs because I don't like to show unfinished work or work that is out of context.
But that doesn't mean I won't talk about it. Since I'm doing this alone, I'm pretty satisfied with my progress so far. I wrote the storyline and all the quests. The maps are mostly finished but as I'm adding new artwork things move around. What still needs to be done is writing the dialog and scripting. Personally, I can't wait to get to those parts. And of course, the movies... can't have a Fallout game without some nice in-game movies.
Pixote and contie are much more qualified than I in this area... however, with such large pieces of artwork, you need to break it down to several frm's and manually adjust the frame offsets in a frame editor. If not you'll have issues in the game with the artwork disappearing when you move the cursor over it.
Thanks for the tip. I sliced the image in Photoshop and I've ended up with 45 separate pieces. Hooray for tedious offset adjusting!