
Brother None said:
Anyone who thinks religion actually caused beauty or ugliness in humanity is either a nutjob or religious (or both)
You nihilist you!

religion = bad
atheism = good
alec = perfection
Brother None said:
Madbringer said:
Oh yeah. Not to mention history of mindless violence, sodomy, bloodshed, torture, witch hunts, prejudice, oppression and cultural regression.

Anyone who thinks religion actually caused beauty or ugliness in humanity is either a nutjob or religious (or both)


edit: but i am kind of a nutter, i guess. :/
Shit, and I thought this is a gaming forum :P

I must say I agree with xdarkyrex, he has a point.

But onto the subject - scientology has no place in modern society, whether religion itself is good or not. We already had one medieval age, we don't need another.
He has several points, they make things bleed normally, but as do I, and as always, both me and darky wind up on opposite sides of the discussion :P :D

That aside get this, there's a Scientologist rally going on in the 'peg on the 10th, I'm tempted to make a noxious combination of eggs, old produce, and toilet paper to fling at them...
Mord_Sith said:
He has several points, they make things bleed normally, but as do I, and as always, both me and darky wind up on opposite sides of the discussion :P :D

That aside get this, there's a Scientologist rally going on in the 'peg on the 10th, I'm tempted to make a noxious combination of eggs, old produce, and toilet paper to fling at them...

Now don't get me twisted man. I'm not saying anything about throwing eggs or literally other shit, but about fight, if any. Public discussion, posters or such stuff. I'm not into the "let's get the fuckers! who's with me?! grab the pitchfork, johnny!" and going with the mob stuff.
Oh it's only to mess up those fools, besides I said I was thinking about it, I'd need someone with me who's got more balls than I do to actually do it though, and it's not like we're going out to hurt them after all.

I'm sorry but I don't physically harm people who's only crime is falling for a lie.
Dopemine Cleric said:
Worship the void.

nuff said.

You can't worship that which is the antithesis of existence.

Ok, you can, but you know, lol. What is the Sentry going to say about that? Huh? You ever think of that?
Madbringer said:
Dopemine Cleric said:
Worship the void.

nuff said.

You can't worship that which is the antithesis of existence.

Ok, you can, but you know, lol. What is the Sentry going to say about that? Huh? You ever think of that?

*Opens mouth and unleashes a highpitched distortion as eyes turn black and tarish vomit pours from mouth, and every living creature in a 1 mile radius drains of all bodily fluids and bursts into flames, with pillars of ash blotting out the sun as the sky turns into a red sea of vapor.*

Something like that?
Dopemine Cleric said:
*Opens mouth and unleashes a highpitched distortion as eyes turn black and tarish vomit pours from mouth, and every living creature in a 1 mile radius drains of all bodily fluids and bursts into flames, with pillars of ash blotting out the sun as the sky turns into a red sea of vapor.*

I have two questions.

1) What are you smoking?

2) Can I have some?
generalissimofurioso said:
Dopemine Cleric said:
*Opens mouth and unleashes a highpitched distortion as eyes turn black and tarish vomit pours from mouth, and every living creature in a 1 mile radius drains of all bodily fluids and bursts into flames, with pillars of ash blotting out the sun as the sky turns into a red sea of vapor.*

I have two questions.

1) What are you smoking?

2) Can I have some?

Listen to Neurosis, and smoke Salvia.

*Salvia is legal in parts of the U.S., and other parts of the world*
xdarkyrex said:
Ashmo said:
Discordianism is the only religion I can tolerate.

Amen, brother.
I'm actually the Pope of the Discordians, interesting fact :P

I am the arch duke. My title is LAOPF, Lord Apocalypse of Portuguese Fornication.

*This is a reverend from the West coast that has many followers

xdarkyrex said:
Ashmo said:
Discordianism is the only religion I can tolerate.

Amen, brother.
I'm actually the Pope of the Discordians, interesting fact :P

No, you're not. I've already excommunicated you!

Also, EVERYBODY is. Don't act as if it was a special feat.

Hail Eris, All Hail Discordia.
Dopemine Cleric said:
*Opens mouth and unleashes a highpitched distortion as eyes turn black and tarish vomit pours from mouth, and every living creature in a 1 mile radius drains of all bodily fluids and bursts into flames, with pillars of ash blotting out the sun as the sky turns into a red sea of vapor.*

Something like that?

I like your style. :clap: :? :falloutonline: