
Mord_Sith said:
The Roman catholic church burned women at the stake, out and out killed whole villages or manipulated kings under their sway to do the dirty work for them 'in the name of god' and above all else, extorted their believer's faith for enough gold to make them the largest business in the 1300-1600.


The priests have been known to harbor malicious intent, and fanaticism


If anything Scientology's inner workings are a lot like the old Roman Catholic church from before the Protestant revolt, so if you're gonna bring down Scientology, bring down Catholicism and any other religion that advocates ignorance in faith rather than knowledge and faith.

Better yet, let's just let the Church of Scientology keep committing crimes because they're not the first people to do so and haven't yet calmed down to a semi-sensible level. It's only fair they get their chance to inflict carnage, persecution, and ignorance unto the world when so many before them got their chances already.

But anyways, I'm no listening to you. You only believe in SCIANCE. That's probably why we never win. Because,

I am, I am,
I think I am,
I'm glad I am,
I'm proud I am,
a real religious man.
Umm, keep that stake away from me Solo.

Did I futz my grammar in that post something fierce or has nobody been paying attention to what I have been saying.

I am saying if we stomp out Scientology we gotta start putting the brakes on other religions as well due to the fact that although subdued in their present form, have been known to use the same kind of actions on their believers.

For crissakes I'm Agnostic here, don't go lumping me into Scientologists solo, you'll make me cry if you keep doing it! :P :D
Paladin Solo said:
Better yet, let's just let the Church of Scientology keep committing crimes because they're not the first people to do so and haven't yet calmed down to a semi-sensible level. It's only fair they get their chance to inflict carnage, persecution, and ignorance unto the world when so many before them got their chances already.

Crimes? Crimes are a matter of law.

I think the whole point darkyre was trying to make was not about Scientology as a religion. He did mock it in his first post and yes the ideas look silly, like any religion's ideas. But so what? So Scientology is another silly religion?

People shouldn't get bogged down on that. Or conspiracy theories. But Scientology shouldn't have more rights or power than any other religion, either.

The problem, of course, is that the religion qualifies as a scam. And as long as you continue it to run as a scam it'll be trouble.

It's more trouble in the US, were the government is much more susceptible to rich lobbies.
Mord_Sith said:
For crissakes I'm Agnostic here, don't go lumping me into Scientologists solo, you'll make me cry if you keep doing it! :P :D

What? Where? I think you missed the Nacho Libre reference.

Brother None said:
Crimes? Crimes are a matter of law.

Law is a matter of principle.

The point I made in my post above was that just because someone did it before, doesn't mean others who do the same can't be held liable for their actions. Someone always brings in "well they're not the first religion to do such and such" into these things. Which my response is, "yeah, so?" That's like someone coming into a thread about a murderer and saying "well he's not the first person to murder someone."
Paladin Solo said:
The point I made in my post above was that just because someone did it before, doesn't mean others who do the same can't be held liable for their actions. Someone always brings in "well they're not the first religion to do such and such" into these things. Which my response is, "yeah, so?" That's like someone coming into a thread about a murderer and saying "well he's not the first person to murder someone."

Methink yee doth misseth the point!

"They're just like the rest" means there's no need to single them out or act as if Scientology is some kind of unique threat to normal people, when it's just one of many.

You're going to have to point out where anyone said that means they can't be held liable for their actions.
Brother None said:
You're going to have to point out where anyone said that means they can't be held liable for their actions.

"If you're going to bring one down, then bring them all down."

As if everything in life behaves on such rationale. Yes, it seems logical, but also sounds like "let them have their fun unless you're going to round up billions in one swift swipe."
Just because other people got away with similar schemes doesn't make it right for another to take the same route. Better to stand now, then to stand late.
Paladin Solo said:
"If you're going to bring one down, then bring them all down."

A cow is a bovine but a bovine is not a cow. "If you bring one down, why not all?" doesn't equate automatically "you can't possible bring one down without bringing them all down".

You are misinterpreting and overreacting. To be honest.
That would be a bit extreme. I mean, religion has its flaws, but the way some people tend to marginalize it and tear it down... and to what end?

Scientology is no faith... no faith I know of demands a huge sum of money for you to be a member of it.

Scientology is a scam, and even the founders son said that his da' was a shit bag and invented the religion to prove a point.
That's not what I said. I'm saying one shouldn't need to bring everything down to justify the one especially when there are differences in them all.

If that means I single something out, then so be it. Scientology was founded as a scheme to make money with all the crazy shit built around it- it is something that can be singled out. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and other such religions are a philosophy of life, not wallet. Yes, there were and will be assholes who use those philosophies to further their own agendas, and yes, those philosophies often come into conflict with others, welcome to the human creature. But what philosophy does Hubbard lay out for us? Leech money off other people? How is that the same as "love thy neighbor" or "God is cruel, life is cruel, get used to it"?

I'm not arguing against whether something exploded out of nothing and created all matter, or God flicked a switch, or Xenu carpet nuked the world, I'm saying Scientology's only purpose is to take money and hurt people who don't agree. Thus, it can be singled out.
Everyone criticizes Catholic Church for their deeds of past (and rightly so), but few remember that those were diffrent times. People murdered, raped and robbed each other even without the faith to justify their deeds. Such behaviour for an organization big as Church would not be tolerated today and it would have to answer for it's crimes, if it'd commit any (I hope so at least). Futhermore, remember every organization is composed of men, and people will always try to rub each other out the wrong way, wether they do it in the name of God or not.

Another thing is, that people DO have the right to believe what they want, but damn, don't I have to right to judge their believes? I don't say if it's fair or not to do so, but still, isn't it my privilage? I'm not saying anything about allowing people what to think, mind you, but the right to say "Man, that's ridiculous".

Finally, my point is - I don't care what faith people believe in as long as they don't get aggressive and try to convert me to it or destroy\kill me when I refuse. Yes, I am aware Catholics did it a LOT of times, but do we need another band of assholes doing it? Scientology is just another "religion" that was made only to milk rich folks hard and therefore should not be called a religion at all.
Ravager69 said:
Futhermore, remember every organization is composed of men, and people will always try to rub each other out the wrong way, wether they do it in the name of God or not.

What difference does a lump of skin between the legs make in the Catholic church, seriously, people are dicks when they're in power, whether they got a wang or not is irrelevant.

Women can and have been just as vindictive as men in the past to Dudley's dongle didn't make him a mean prick, it was the fact that he was a mean prick that did it.
Mord_Sith said:
Hmm... Giant robots, check,

Will the chosen be able to pilot the smaller transforming robots?

if so where do I sign? :D :P

Help me write the bible and come up with a name and you can be one of the Holy Pilots to reach towards the stars with your shining spear of vengeance!
generalissimofurioso said:
Help me write the bible and come up with a name and you can be one of the Holy Pilots to reach towards the stars with your shining spear of vengeance!

Will it have giant invading aliens as the harbingers of evil and a giant transforming fortress?
My first reaction to your animated gif was amazement, followed by some laughter when the evil alien guy stuffed the souls into cardboard boxes. I wonder, on what basis do they believe that incredible story?? I guess the same goes for religion in general, like BN said. I guess its because a lot of people believe in the story because they hope for something more, for meaning, for solutions...out of their own desperation.

But anyways, I actually think it could be fun to join the cult of Scientology just to see what its like. Who knows what goes on inside those churches!
psychosomatic said:
My first reaction to your animated gif was amazement, followed by some laughter when the evil alien guy stuffed the souls into cardboard boxes. I wonder, on what basis do they believe that incredible story?? I guess the same goes for religion in general, like BN said. I guess its because a lot of people believe in the story because they hope for something more, for meaning, for solutions...out of their own desperation.

But anyways, I actually think it could be fun to join the cult of Scientology just to see what its like. Who knows what goes on inside those churches!

And they practice active brain "reconditioning" (see: aggressive brainwashing). By the time a member is OTIII and learns of Xenu, their sense of normal believe has been so raped and pillaged that they are highly susceptible to ANYTHING the CoS tells them, no matter how bizarre. Most other religions rely on waiting til a person becomes desperate for answers or indoctrination of the young to bolster their ranks, scientology works similarly but has the methods in place to basically graft the beleifs into your psyche, with force, with a sort of unquestioning devotion that makes suicide bombers look like religious skeptics.

Oh and don;t any of you forget, the Church of Scientology and Scientology are not synonymous. One is an organization within a religion, and one is the religion itself. Not all Scientologists condone the actions of the CoS (even though L Ron started the church and he is basically their Jesus).
The Dutch Ghost said:
Will it have giant invading aliens as the harbingers of evil and a giant transforming fortress?


It will also have space hulks filled with zombies being used as weapons of planetary destruction and genetically engineered T-Rexes being used as mobile weapons platforms.
Religion has done many favors to us. Think them through, people. Religion is actually a very good thing.