Paladin Solo
So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Mord_Sith said:The Roman catholic church burned women at the stake, out and out killed whole villages or manipulated kings under their sway to do the dirty work for them 'in the name of god' and above all else, extorted their believer's faith for enough gold to make them the largest business in the 1300-1600.
The priests have been known to harbor malicious intent, and fanaticism
If anything Scientology's inner workings are a lot like the old Roman Catholic church from before the Protestant revolt, so if you're gonna bring down Scientology, bring down Catholicism and any other religion that advocates ignorance in faith rather than knowledge and faith.
Better yet, let's just let the Church of Scientology keep committing crimes because they're not the first people to do so and haven't yet calmed down to a semi-sensible level. It's only fair they get their chance to inflict carnage, persecution, and ignorance unto the world when so many before them got their chances already.
But anyways, I'm no listening to you. You only believe in SCIANCE. That's probably why we never win. Because,
I am, I am,
I think I am,
I'm glad I am,
I'm proud I am,
a real religious man.