Scores dead as Israel bombs Gaza

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@alec: why dont you flemmish dudes bomb the shit out of belgians man? maybe because the state of belgium treats you as equal citizens? thought so. well this is not the case with israel and palestinians.

Bal-Sagoth said:
cheer leading for Israel.

in modern history, the palestinian land has never been free. it was a british colony which was sold to the zionists in 1947, along with the people who lived there, as if they were cattle.
and they have been treated like cattle in their own country ever since.
therefore, these people will continue fighting back until they get respected. or feared. just like any person with a little dignity would.
no justice, no peace. plain as fuck. what exactly dont you understand bal-sagoth? if it's the word dignity, go look it up in a fucking dictionary like you did with antisemitism.

also, you have proved here and in numerous other threads that you always choose the side of authoritah. you always take the part of the one with the longer stick.
your penis overcompensation syndrome has become clear to everyone, no need to keep on writing, thank you very much. it's not even funny anymore.
TyloniusFunk said:
Bal-Sagoth said:
the plight of that place and its people does not interest me in the slightest

Stop fomenting antisemitism.

Sierra Leone... fomenting antisemitism... what?

Did you misquote me or something? I was not even talking about Israel in that part you quoted.

zag said:
therefore, these people will continue fighting back until they get respected. or feared. just like any person with a little dignity would.
no justice, no peace. plain as fuck. what exactly dont you understand bal-sagoth? if it's the word dignity, go look it up in a fucking dictionary like you did with antisemitism.

And these people will continue to be bombed into submission with superior technology and treated like dogs so long as the rockets fly.

Feared? Do not make me laugh. :lol:

For every Israeli that dies, the Palestinians will suffer casualties several times greater.

zag said:
also, you have proved here and in numerous other threads that you always choose the side of authoritah. you always take the part of the one with the longer stick.

You mean in other threads I have... *gasp* SIDED WITH MY GOVERNMENT? Oh no!!!! :aiee:

In this forum I recall "siding" with the United States Military, The allies of the United States in the War on Terror, and Israel.

It just so happens my country and its allies have some pretty damn big sticks. :mrgreen:

zag said:
your penis overcompensation syndrome has become clear to everyone, no need to keep on writing, thank you very much. it's not even funny anymore.

Congratulations, you have officially made my night. "Penis overcompensation syndrome" because I support my country and its allies? :lol:

You are taking me WAY to seriously. Why get so worked up over another persons opinion?

Just chill out and enjoy life bro. :wink:
heh, you have also sided with my government which isnt yours to support, so i guess you're just attracted to sticks...oh i forgot where do they buy their CS with my tax money. sorry, i guess this counts as being an ally.

and thank you for your concern, but in fact i am enjoying life pretty damn much by disrespecting teh authoritah and its sticks mr. Eric Cartman.

yet, you're right about one thing, even though i'm making fun of you i still am taking you way too seriously. i'll stop it. now go back to cheerleading, nuff said by me.
zag said:
heh, you have also sided with my government which isnt yours to support

Which "government" might that be again? Its late and I might have missed a key post here but I do not recall you telling me where your from.

zag said:
and thank you for your concern, but in fact i am enjoying life pretty damn much by disrespecting teh authoritah and its sticks mr. Eric Cartman.

Thats ok, what ever "authoritah" you do disrespect I am sure you are not of much trouble to them.

zag said:
yet, you're right about one thing, even though i'm making fun of you i still am taking you way too seriously. i'll stop it. now go back to cheerleading, nuff said by me.

You were making fun fo me? :lol:

And thank you, I will.

Third Hamas leader down! :mrgreen:

"Israel kills third Hamas leader since start of Gaza offensive"

Israel early Saturday morning killed the third top Hamas leader in Gaza since the start of its military offensive in the Strip a week ago.

"Abu Zakaria al-Jamal, a commander of the Hamas armed wing, died of wounds sustained in an air strike overnight."

The Israel Defense Forces spokesperson's office said in a statement:

"The IDF will continue to attack any target used for terrorist activity, and will not hesitate to strike those involved in terrorism against the citizens of the State of Israel, even if they deliberately choose to operate from locations of religious or cultural significance,"

Latest from BBC:

Bush says Hamas to blame for Gaza

President Bush has blamed the violence in Gaza and southern Israel firmly on Hamas, after a week of Israeli air strikes and Palestinian rocket attacks.

Mr Bush, who has just weeks left in office, said Hamas was a terrorist group dedicated to destroying Israel.

Now if we take this statement out of context for just a minute, it can be quite funny. If we look at the overall effectiveness of these organisations in relation to their Goals, Hamas is pathetic with its rockets and its equally pitiful 4 deaths inflicted. And their goal is apparently the complete destruction of Israel.

Now, look at Israel, with its mighty armed forces and 400+ casualties inflicted, destruction of buildings, and refusal of aid to Gaza (and reporters). If anything, I would say Israel is a terrorist gropu dedicated to destroying Gaza, or simply the pallestinians in general They seem much more effective at being terrorists bent on destruction of the opposite side than Hamas will ever be.
They are much more effective, that is for damn sure. For obvious reasons I cannot agree with you on the terrorist name tag tho. :P

I am interested to see how Obama handles the situation when he takes office.

"That's why I have a fundamental difference with President Carter and disagree with his decision to meet with Hamas," Obama said. "We must not negotiate with a terrorist group intent on Israel's destruction. We should only sit down with Hamas if they renounce terrorism, recognize Israel's right to exist and abide by past agreements."

"Hamas is not a state. Hamas is a terrorist organization," he said.

I voted for the other guy but as I said before, big points with me for calling out Carter and taking a Pro-Israel stance.
Bal-Sagoth said:
For obvious reasons I cannot agree with you on the terrorist name tag tho. :P

They are a member of the rebel alliance and a traitor! Take them away!

But I do remember Obama saying at some point he would hold unconditional talks with Iran though, which is defined as a state sponsor of terrorism. Double standards?


Looks like its not only the Palestinians who fake videos. Although I can kind of understand this as a mistake in identity.
Chancellor Kremlin said:
But I do remember Obama saying at some point he would hold unconditional talks with Iran though, which is defined as a state sponsor of terrorism. Double standards?

I would say he is saying a little bit of everything to try and please everyone to an extent.

That is the main reason I am curious to see what his actions hold. He has talked the talk but can he walk the walk so to speak.

If he holds talks with Iran I do not suppose I will throw to big of a hissyfit. I do not see him getting all buddy buddy with them and backing down on the "NO NUKES FOR YOU" policy.

War with Iran is not something I really want right now. Obama seems to be for focusing on Afghanistan and that I can support.

Obama stated that Iran's "threats against Israel are contrary to everything that we believe in and what the international community should accept" and that the United States needs to "ratchet up tough but direct diplomacy with Iran" and make it clear to the Iranians that their development of nuclear weapons and their funding of terrorist organizations "like Hamas and Hezbollah," and threats against Israel are "unacceptable."

We will see if he can walk the walk soon enough.
Lets not forget Bush still has a couple of days available to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities should he so chose. Improbable? Yes, but there has been much speculation in the past he would chose this momment to do it if he so wished. Going out with a boom indeed! Wound not surprise me one bit.

I am already disapointed with Obama, simply because he has chosen to continue the 'Missile Shield' programe in Europe. I would love to see the U.S's reaction if Russia located missile shields in Venezuela and Cuba, then claiming it is to protect them against rogue states lol... btw what are your feelings on that?

Back to topic though, interestingly, the main political analyst at Al-Jazeera has this to say about the recent conflict in Gaza:

Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera's senior political analyst, said: "Israel can claim in various stages that it has won this or that war against Arabs but it is obvious since the invasion of Lebanon in 1982 that there is no military solution to Israel's secueity.

"It cannot bomb its way into peaceful co-existence. Israel is trying to do all it can to destroy Hamas but with more than 400 dead, there will be more than 400 more new recruits in Gaza.

"It has taken this path and will probably pay the price in the long term, short term it's the Palestinians who pay the price."

Wise words I think.

Oh yeah, and btw, what the hell is your avatar all about?
You know, i bet they could use pork loaded bombs for hamas. I mean, that would scare the crap out of all the fundamentalist muslims out there.
yeah fuck israel, lets all fuck israel, then see all islam cover the face europe which is already half arab filled with ignorant fucks who dont have a clue how to behave to other beings, not to mention fuck israel, lets all gather around and fuck israel up the ass.

well, fuck you too. sorry for defending my ass while getting bombed for 7 years. my mistake, i wonder what will your country do?

i know its stupid to even try to answer to your kind, because you're so full of yourself and the "facts" you think you know. heck you could be arab, then you could do us all a favour and take your annoying brothers the hell away from my country.
Hey - i've already voiced my sympathy for the difficult position of Israel in the global political arena, and that i can understand why Israeli's must feel insecure surrounded by Arab nations.

But this is too fucking much, man. 400 dead in Gaza. For what? Because the Israeli government basicly just wants to take its frustrations out on Palestinian men, women and children. What is their senseless killing going to achieve? Absolutely fucking nothing. In fact, you can pretty much garantee it's going to stir up a hornets nest of anger against Israel, and make things much worse.

In a way, i don't mind if the Israeli govt. wants to annihialate itself in rampant aggression, but unfortunately they will drag the rest of world that much closer to WW3 first.
aegis said:
yeah fuck israel, lets all fuck israel, then see all islam cover the face europe which is already half arab filled with ignorant fucks who dont have a clue how to behave to other beings, not to mention fuck israel, lets all gather around and fuck israel up the ass.

well, fuck you too. sorry for defending my ass while getting bombed for 7 years. my mistake, i wonder what will your country do?

i know its stupid to even try to answer to your kind, because you're so full of yourself and the "facts" you think you know. heck you could be arab, then you could do us all a favour and take your annoying brothers the hell away from my country.
Tone it down, aegis.

Judging Israel as sole aggressors is ridiculous, but seeing carpet bombing and then invading the Gaza strip as a simple act of self-defense is just as ridiculous.

Also, your rant about Arabs in Europe (and your apparently blind hatred for them) is stupid and completely irrelevant to the topic. Stick to the topic.
I've always found it shocking that a group of people who have been as poorly treated as the Jews have throughout history, and then nearly exterminated by a brutal, thuggish regime, find it so easy to place another group of people into ghetto's, and bomb them in "self defence."

I didn't realize that "defending" oneself meant killing women and children. I also have trouble seeing how "defending" oneself involves denying a group of people medicine and food.

Hamas is just as guilty as Israel in this conflict, but 4 casualties against 400 is not "defence." It's hardly different from what the Russians did to the Georgians not too long ago. It's a war of aggression.


I love how someone added "(zionist)" in small letters there.

- Ahmed, this sign is not right. All juice are not evil.
- are right, but how can we fix it?
Hahahaha that is hilarious... like this time I watched a video on youtube about a protest and you could hear this guy going:


Chancellor Kremlin said:
Hahahaha that is hilarious... like this time I watched a video on youtube about a protest and you could hear this guy going:



No fucking way. Are you serious?

Hahaha. I hope you are. Well I personally have seen some of the shit arabs have to go through when I served in Iraq. It is very sad to see people living in huts and scavenging like rats. I guess I have a problem with caring though because I think Hamas deserves what they get.
The border should not have been closed so as to let refugees out of the country, but in turn a lot of the Hamas might run too. I'm all for what Israel does. They aren't afraid to say
"Fuck the U.N and fuck Hamas. Now you will pay."

Is it right? Probably not. Have things like this happened for thousands and years. Yes...minus the rockets and guns.
Will things continue to happen like this? Yes.

I do admit the carpet bombing is pretty extreme. Israel has enough artillery and tanks to roll right through Gaza, find the underground tunnels, blow them all to hell, and nab a couple of Hamas leaders in the process. More Israeli troops might get hurt but thats what they get paid for. The civilians shouldn't have to pay.

I will say this though and it kinda goes along with it.

One of my friends was a scout in the U.S Army. His squad got into a firefight with around 20 or so insurgents and the fight lasted for awhile. I'll leave out specifics but it came down to one insurgent left and he was badly wounded. He tried to run through a bunch of alleys and houses and my friend and his NCO followed.
They began to track his blood trail into it came out of a alley and into a house. A Iraqi woman was down on her hands and knees trying to cover up the blood when my friend came up. Needless to say all civilians aren't innocent.

How many of these civilians are innocent? How many times do you think they have seen Hamas shooting rockets at Israel and they turned a blind eye or tried to hide it?

I myself don't know the answer. I do think it was funny that Israel, before stating the ground invasion, went to the Pentagon and asked for approval.
I side with Israel. That guy makes some sense.

It is true that civilians will get killed no matter what. Think back on all the wars and conflicts that we have ever had throughout history. Civilians always bite the dust; intentionally or unintentionally.
It doesn't make it right, but I'm surprised people don't notice this. Shit will not change. If the world doesn't bite the big one, in another 100 or 200 years people will still be whining about civilians getting killed and how wrong it is.

People condemn Israel all the time for these acts, yet people don't give a fuck about the genocide in Darfur. The UN bitches every now and again, but little has been done to halt these acts of hate. All I ever hear is talk,talk,talk........

I know what I say is heartless, but I can't help who I am. If it was my country getting bombed into submission I would bitch too.
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