As per usual it is probably time for me to wade in and make an ass of myself.
To be blunt, Israel and at least a few of the Jewish pastors and Synagogues I've been to sicken me to the core.
Do you have any idea what happened to the Palestinians?
They got knocked out by Uncle Sam and while they were out had their home looted and they were thrown out into the street, replaced by the war-wounded Jews that the rest of the world didn't want at the time. (Just after WW2)
Don't even try to sugar coat it, even Canada turned refugee ships away and sent them back to Germany before the final solution was implemented.
Nobody wanted them, so they took the lot of them, and displaced half a country to dump them into the plot and gave them the hardware to keep them there.
The only reason why the states and the EU still support them is because Israel is the bastard child of WW2 and the racist views of the winners of that war.
Anyways back to my point, Israel is now putting the same fate on the Palestinians and EVERY region that belonged to the former holy land, don't kid yourself, it won't end with the Gaza strip if they have anything to say about it, they are obsessed with reclaiming the original homeland in all it's glory through bloodshed and blade(metaphorically speaking.)
They are committing Genocide, the entire Gaza strip is one giant Palestinian prison compound that Israel is crushing the life out of as surely as any gas chamber in WW2 ever did.
It's damn disgusting what they're doing, I'm sorry but the survivors of the holocaust should know damn well better than to do this, instead they're visiting it on another people they deem inferior, just like the Germans did to them.
Those pissant rockets aren't going to do anything, all it signifies is that they are still defiant, they are still willing to make a stand against those that are crushing them both physically and spiritually.
As for Hamas, they're desperate, there's no doubt about that, they are against the wall and there's nothing else they can do except capitulate, so instead of using your big stick analogy, why don't you take off your rose colored glasses and see it from the ones getting the stuffing bombed out of them, their livelihoods shattered because Israel is being a greedy whore.
I know that the Hamas aren't roses and puppy dogs, they've had their fair share of bullshit thrown about, and their methods are most definitely questionable if not entirely wrong, but to say that the Palestinians deserve this fate that the world thrust upon them, I'm sorry but I'd be a bit vindictive at both those attacking me and those that took my home and put my attackers in there because they didn't want to deal with them!
The Hamas aren't going to give up, they'll fight to the last man, woman, and child from the way this war is shaping up, the middle east breeds hatred like livestock, this war is going to be perpetual, the only reason why Israel has an edge is because of external backing.
Does anyone deserve ethnic cleansing?
I don't believe so, and it causes a little bit of me to die inside knowing that there are those in this world that not only just let this go by without questioning, but openly praise Israel for committing Genocide and other atrocities that were visited upon them in WW2.
I guess it's a good thing that my cynicism has a re-genitive property on those little bits inside of me otherwise I might just be an empty husk by now.
So Mr. Big stick, what if you were driving your car to work for 20 years, then someone stole it from you at gunpoint, and that someone turned out to be your neighbor, and the gun was borrowed from the guy across the street who owns an entire apartment block there?
What if after that he annexed your garage for your stolen car with the gun borrowed from the man across the road?, What if he was banging on your door and demanding you let him in to annex your living room and big screen TV that you had just finished paying off?
What if when you refused he tore up your yard, put a large moat around it with various nasty critters you don't want to touch you lest you perish, and made one bridge that he controlled, then refused to let you go to work to pay for your house, your electricity, or anything else?
Then when you tried to fight back, defend what was yours, and threw rocks at his house, maybe breaking a pane or two of glass, he comes along with a baseball bat and breaks every window in your house for every shard of glass that falls?
What would you do, what can you do?
He's got the big stick, he makes the rules, are you just going to give him your keys, your shirt off your back, and everything you worked your entire life for?
Or are you going to flail desperately trying to make some dent in your assailant no matter how small, no matter how futile, because for every action there is hope, hope that one day this hell will end and life will return to normal.
I get the feeling you've never been on the short stick side in your life, I pity you, you have no idea the feeling of futility, of the abject despair that can grip your heart when confronted with a clearly superior foe that doesn't like you, where you have no choice but to lash out or perish at the hands of your foe, nemesis, bully.
Give it whatever title you want, but the context remains the same, someone that is obviously stronger and is abusing that strength to have their way regardless of the harm it may cause others.
I don't condone the war, I'd rather it have a peaceful resolution between both parties, but until this schoolyard antics of Israel stop, the Palestinians will keep flailing, simply in desperation because they can't do anything else.