Dr Fallout
Proof that whatever gods you believe in have abandoned you.
Yes they have. Yes they have.
Proof that whatever gods you believe in have abandoned you.
Ahhhh! You nearly blinded me! Why in the bloody bloody hell did he/she/it say that about main quest dialogue? How else are you supposed to do a main quest if you don't bother using things like words and conversations? Sign language, grunts, and staring at each other silently like idiots? All hope is lost...isn't it?
Proof that whatever gods you believe in have abandoned you.
I really liked cooking food in New Vegas, because hardcore mode gave you a reason to eat (and it's a fun bit of roleplaying to try to keep all the recipes in your head as you wander the wastes, and think "Do I need agave for that or banana yucca?") The problem with cooking in Skyrim and Fallout 4 is that there's really no reason to do it, or to even eat food at all really.
Not implementing hardcore mode at all in Fallout 4 just seems like a curious oversight.
One simply cannot force someone to be open minded if said person prefers to consider it outdated and would rather play a first person shooter because it's more "immersive". We are likely in the minority and they're most likely in the majority.Hold the phone... I actually took a glimpse of that pile of trolldung of a thread.. Crafting FOOD? You "craft" food in FO4? Enlighten me on this one. And holy crap, to put it blunt, no dialog = freedom. The end of humanity is nigh if the common so called gamer is like that.Oh dear lord. Factions that matter? Isn't it possible to join all of them? Except the bad guys of course.
Btw, Mercenarysnake, it really seems like what ever the casual 'gamer' calls boring, equals good these days, doesn't it? I guess anything that isn't constant predigested sensory overload is considered boring? I like the the games in which there's freedom to choose the pace of the game... As in turn based system. But that's of course badly outdated and boring.![]()
One simply cannot force someone to be open minded if said person prefers to consider it outdated and would rather play a first person shooter because it's more "immersive". We are likely in the minority and they're most likely in the majority.
Yes, I couldn't resist after seeing it. I doubt they're trolling, don't you think they would do it on another forum? I think they're serious when they say this shit sadly.
Oh, this guy. I know him. He always posts giant paragraphs and when people rip it to pieces or call him out on something, he never really responds again or defends his point. Rinse and repeat.
I am positively convinced that he's just trolling. No one with a freaking "doctorate" would be as dense as that. Unless that doctorate is referring to something else I might not be aware of? Maybe an euphemism?
Also, just out of curiosity, did you find this on the Codex as well? I don't think any other place would actually screencap responses like this (for laughs, I assume).
Yes, I couldn't resist after seeing it. I doubt they're trolling, don't you think they would do it on another forum? I think they're serious when they say this shit sadly.
Oh, this guy. I know him. He always posts giant paragraphs and when people rip it to pieces or call him out on something, he never really responds again or defends his point. Rinse and repeat.
I am positively convinced that he's just trolling. No one with a freaking "doctorate" would be as dense as that. Unless that doctorate is referring to something else I might not be aware of? Maybe an euphemism?
Also, just out of curiosity, did you find this on the Codex as well? I don't think any other place would actually screencap responses like this (for laughs, I assume).
Like Fallout 1 made the stupid choice of putting the inventory management on the Pipboy...the inventory system offers about the same level of functionality as a game made in 1997
The poster seems critical enough, even though I vastly disagree with their notion that they are 'great' games. Specially their first pro is a bit tongue-in-cheek if you think about it. Not only they recognize there is something lacking there, but it adds even more to the notion that Beth's wasteland is awfully retarded. They have to depend on the PC even for basic settling. WTF, dude?4.) The dialogue system. For a game that relies on role-playing a character, knowing what you're character is actually going to say during conversation is...pretty critical. This "wheel" system worked for Bioware because Bioware hires professional writers that can accurately "sum up" a string of dialogue while simultaneously capturing the correct tone. Bethesda writers seem to struggle with the basics of main idea, creative expression, and shades of meaning (all of which is high school level course material).
Well if you think that's bad just look at this piece of gold:
View attachment 2566
This person thinks Fallout 1 and 2 are boring while Fallout 4 is "By far superior technically and as a gaming work of art".![]()
I know I shouldn't of posted this but I had to show this off, credit goes to the Codex.
Ahhhh! You nearly blinded me! Why in the bloody bloody hell did he/she/it say that about main quest dialogue? How else are you supposed to do a main quest if you don't bother using things like words and conversations? Sign language, grunts, and staring at each other silently like idiots? All hope is lost...isn't it?
Proof that whatever gods you believe in have abandoned you.
Hold the phone... I actually took a glimpse of that pile of trolldung of a thread.. Crafting FOOD? You "craft" food in FO4? Enlighten me on this one. And holy crap, to put it blunt, no dialog = freedom. The end of humanity is nigh if the common so called gamer is like that.
Oh dear lord. Factions that matter? Isn't it possible to join all of them? Except the bad guys of course.
Btw, Mercenarysnake, it really seems like what ever the casual 'gamer' calls boring, equals good these days, doesn't it? I guess anything that isn't constant predigested sensory overload is considered boring? I like the the games in which there's freedom to choose the pace of the game... As in turn based system. But that's of course badly outdated and boring.![]()
Look at the major pros. If you can't find stupidity god help you.
Look at the major pros. If you can't find stupidity god help you.
Eh. They're desperate defenses. Like I said before, had I not learned what NMA was, I probably would've said the same things using a throwaway account on this forum. No joke. No matter how well you can comprehend things, everyone looses grip of logic once in a while.
When someone says stuff like that, it's not a clear sign of stupidity. It's a clear sign that their backs or against the wall defending this stuff, and that sooner or later they're going to turn over and move off the series.
People are a lot less loyal than they seem. I've defended the dumbest of things when I'm in my sleepy haze, so I'm not putting it against any of the people posting there, no matter how stupid the major pros were. Which they were - they're so nonexistent, plus are abstract concepts (player freedom, self pacing), so it's a trait of "I mean, there has to be something good about it" last straw apologists.
Too quick to judge, guys, sheesh. Far as I know, there are probably a few of us here who've been that dumb before. And if you say no, you're probably lying.