My point is that when a work neglects the bigger picture and fails t have a consistent world it's then rather easy to poke further holes with the small stuff too as the bigger stuff dwasn't compeling enough to make you not care about them.
I mean in NV House magically builds a laser (Raul says rockets, not lasers) system that magically shoots down nukes without any evidence of it existing besides the dialogue telling you it does. I'm guessing if you're biased towards disliking FO3 that question won't ever come up though.
Magically? He was the president of RobCo (one of the top leading robot manufacturing and technological devvelopment companies) and one of the richest people alive.... The Lucky 38 tower controlled them and the Securitrons were under one of the vaults that stored this kind of systems. House spent the last years of the pre war world preparing for the apocalypse he predicted.
Grasping at straws aren't you?