Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

@Izak You do not understand it because you don't see it like what it is, you see it like a British overseas territory that Argentina wants for themselves, what the British say it is. But it's not that, it's a part of my nation that is being occupied by foreign invaders, and my nation will never be complete until we get them back. It's not that we "deserve them", they are ours like any other part of our territory, and if we want to "deserve" owning any other part of our territory then we must deffend what is bullied away from us, even if it happened in 1833, otherwise, where does the line ends?
Everyone in Argentina always knew what Malvinas were, no one in the UK did, but when we finally decide to stand up and defend what's ours, after 150 years of patiences and being jerked arround, some politician who wants to win an ellection talks about them like Argentina was actually attacking UK soil, I mean, some people even thougth Argentina was attacking an island off the coas of Britain, politicians had to get a map to know where this place was, while our islands have always been in our maps as Argentine territory, and every schoolboy knew it.
Everyone in Argentina always knew what Malvinas were, no one in the UK did, but when we finally decide to stand up and defend what's ours, after 150 years of patiences and being jerked arround, some politician who wants to win an ellection talks about them like Argentina was actually attacking UK soil, I mean, some people even thougth Argentina was attacking an island off the coas of Britain, politicians had to get a map to know where this place was, while our islands have always been in our maps as Argentine territory, and every schoolboy knew it.
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