Shares in a U.K. oil company with interests in the Falklands have slumped

@Izak You do not understand it because you don't see it like what it is, you see it like a British overseas territory that Argentina wants for themselves, what the British say it is. But it's not that, it's a part of my nation that is being occupied by foreign invaders, and my nation will never be complete until we get them back. It's not that we "deserve them", they are ours like any other part of our territory, and if we want to "deserve" owning any other part of our territory then we must deffend what is bullied away from us, even if it happened in 1833, otherwise, where does the line ends?

Everyone in Argentina always knew what Malvinas were, no one in the UK did, but when we finally decide to stand up and defend what's ours, after 150 years of patiences and being jerked arround, some politician who wants to win an ellection talks about them like Argentina was actually attacking UK soil, I mean, some people even thougth Argentina was attacking an island off the coas of Britain, politicians had to get a map to know where this place was, while our islands have always been in our maps as Argentine territory, and every schoolboy knew it.
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Yeah man ... we can all see that ... Falklands, the promised land ...

By the way, are you native to Argentina? Or are your ancestors Spanish?
@Izak You do not understand it because you don't see it like what it is, you see it like a British overseas territory that Argentina wants for themselves, what the British say it is. But it's not that, it's a part of my nation that is being occupied by foreign invaders, and my nation will never be complete until we get them back. It's not that we "deserve them", they are ours like any other part of our territory, and if we want to "deserve" owning any other part of our territory then we must deffend what is bullied away from us, even if it happened in 1833, otherwise, where does the line ends?

Everyone in Argentina always knew what Malvinas were, no one in the UK did, but when we finally decide to stand up and defend what's ours, after 150 years of patiences and being jerked arround, some politician who wants to win an ellection talks about them like Argentina was actually attacking UK soil, I mean, some people even thougth Argentina was attacking an island off the coas of Britain, politicians had to get a map to know where this place was, while our islands have always been in our maps as Argentine territory, and every schoolboy knew it.

"Every schoolboy knows where they are" is hardly a legitimate claim to a territory.
Yeah dude, if the British have held onto them for more than one generation and, kept it through a war then I'd say it's about time you stop thinking of it as an Argentinian territory. Countries lose territory every now and then (well they did back in the colonial days), if you personally don't have a stake in the island then you should stop caring.
Also occupation ended ages ago, they're living there now.
Occupation never ended because the usurpation has been denounced ever since day one non stop, and the "british subjects" there have been UK citizens only after 1982, they weren't worthy of citizenship before that, back then most of the services were provided by Argentina, islanders even had their kids in continental Argentina because the lack of facilities in the islands, the UK never considered the territory "theirs" until after 1982, they were just assets to them. And people there now want to be British because of all the money the UK is pouring in the form of subsidies and fishing rigths that they don't want to loose, none of which they had before. And if it's about the people living there, well, there are still other 7 islands in our claim.

Again, it's the same rethoric as sending Argentines to the Isle of Man, live there for a generation and then say they are part of Argentina. That wouldn't stand up anywhere.
But Argentina never actually did anything in that time, if Argentina had launched an attack in 1834 then nobody would dispute your claim, but you didn't, you let it stand for too long and in that time it became British.
Think of it as if an Argentinian colony had been established on the Isle of Man around the beginning of of the United Kingdom and, they did nothing to act on that fact until after European feudalism ended, if that occurred I'd be all for an Argentinian Isle of Man, because the Argentinians have lived there long enough that it'd theirs.
Instead Argentina didn't do anything serious about the Falklands (to my knowledge) until colonialism had ended and, then they did while under the thumb of a fascist dictator.
If you had acted on the Falklands when it was yours then it would have been fine but you waited to long, it's no longer yours, it hasn't been yours for a long time, stop taking past slights against your country as slights against you and give up the Falklands (it's not like you need them anyway, unless you're really interested in Argentina's claim to the Antarctic).
(it's not like you need them anyway, unless you're really interested in Argentina's claim to the Antarctic).

That part isn't true though. Argentina's getting some much needed publicity now thanks to Pope Francis hailing from there, but by and large they're still considered a third world country. ( )

I don't think you realize this, but the Antarctic isn't just some sheets of ice floating out in the ocean. Under all that ice and water lies probably one of the largest treasure troves of petroleum in the world. I have no doubt that by around 2070 when the oil finally runs out, the world governments are going to start going to town over Antarctic oil, it's pretty much guaranteed because greed will always prevail over the beauty of nature. Whoever owns those ice sheets would basically own the last bits of oil in the whole world, and thus they would get extremely rich selling "land rights" so people could put up oil wells and whatnot.

So basically if Argentina owned these lands then they'd own the last oil in the world in the near future. This would mean they'd get rich very quickly and life would most likely improve there. As it stands now, Britain is the claimholder for all these resources. Think of this like a game of Civilization V: 5 of your city-state allies have a quest where they want you to find them fox pelts. Well you would gladly give them fox pelts if you could, but Denmark owns every tile that has a fox pelt in it. Thus, in order to get these fox pelts for your city-states, you have to trade with Denmark for them. Since he knows he's the only owner of fox pelts on the map, he'll charge you half your kingdom's wealth just to have those pelts for 30 turns. You would go to war if you could but unfortunately you don't have nearly the amount of manpower Denmark does and you would be crushed if you tried.

Do you understand what I'm saying? I hope I was coherent enough there, I didn't get much sleep last night as I had to help my dad after his surgery.
@Crni Vuk Ohh, morality and political correctness, a shame is only for the weak and the powerful never make use of it
*Shrugs* sure, sure, we can continue to talk about any possible claim on the Falklands, moral and ethics, after you gave back Argentina to the native population? Give them back their territories, and I will support you in your war on Britain. By the way, from where are your ancestors from again, you say?

Don't you understand how ridiculous this all sounds? See, I think a lot of people here would even SUPPORT(!) you, I know I would, if you didn't make it sound like Britain was the next Nazi-Empire which bullied poor Argentina into submission. Or as if Argentina would be starving to death without the Falklands.

You simply sound more like an extremist on this subject, rather than someone who's resonable. And that can't be healthy.
snippety snip
I'm aware of the resources hidden under the Antarctic as well as the resources in and around the Falkland islands, but I don't think Argentina's completely dry in terms of resources, I doubt having the Falkland island would increase the Argentinan GDP by a significant amount. It seems like they want the Falklands out of national pride which I believe is redundant and, as of yet the only argument that's been made is "but those islands are ours." so as best I can tell Gonzalez wants them because of his latent nationalism, which I again believe to be redundant.
(The whole Antarctic resources thing, which I realise I haven't addressed, will probably be solved by the UN, when the time comes.)
Antarctic land claims are worthless because right now Antarctica can't be claimed due to the Antarctic Treaty.
And the only disputed british landclaim that is even close to Antarctica is South Orkney (again, inside the Antarctic Treaty), but the main focus is on Falklands (and maybe South Georgia and Sandwich islands). It's plain wankery about worthless territory. I don't even give a shit about historic legitimations of occupation or whatever, but the argentinians are so amusingly butthurt about the Falklands that I'll forever root for Britain just to see that butthurt continue.
Which reminds me...
But Argentina never actually did anything in that time

"The act of force of 1833, carried out in peacetime without prior communication or declaration by a government friendly to the Argentine Republic, was immediately rejected and protested. On 16 January 1833, the Argentine Government demanded explanations from the British Chargé d’Affaires, who was unaware of the actions carried out by the vessels of his country. On 22 January, the Minister of Foreign Affairs presented a protest to the British government official, which was renewed and extended on several occasions by the Argentine representative in London. The Argentine presentations were rejected by the British Government."

And Argentina didn't invaded rigth away because it was busy fending off even more invasions, like the two previous invasions to Buenos Aires by Britain and the following Anglo-French attacks and blockades.

And that's exactly the problem, for all of you all this started in 1982 when Argentina all of a sudden invades sombe British territories that had been british for so many years no one remembered. For us it stated in 1893 and is still as fresh as day one. For you it's old history, so better let old history alone, for us the history never ended nor got old.

I think you're shifting too much between making moral and legal claims about how Argentina should own the islands and claiming that morality and legality don't matter.

A stupid video trying to making me feel bad won't change my mind, actual law on paper weighs more to me than trying to make me feel bad when the UK wouldn't give a crap about it and steps all over international law and UN rulings.

You simply sound more like an extremist on this subject, rather than someone who's resonable. And that can't be healthy.

I've never been neutral on the subject and I never hid that fact, I leave impartiality to the diplomats, people asked me about my personal views and I gave them, if you or any of you want the official diplomatic stance on the matter then go read it, and if my personal, biased, out of feelings views offend you then don't ask.

If people didn't had personal feelings about defending one's nation then how would they get the courage to get up some old vietnam-era jets with no radar warning to even know if a missile is targeting you and with all sort of anti-aircraft artillery hitting all around you.

The biefing by naval experts to the pilots was that the Birtish ship's defences were a porcupine of defensive missiles and artillery, and thbat there was no way our planes could even get near them, it was impossible, and they went and did it anyways, sinking several British ships and severely damagins/disabling a few others.

if you promise to take care of the flora and fauna of the islands you can have them. That's just my view.

We protect the resources in order for them to be renewable, the UK has no limit on how much anyone can predate as long as they pay the fees, and is unilaterally starting to drill holes all over the place looking for oil not caring if any of it gets spilled.
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@Izak You do not understand it because you don't see it like what it is, you see it like a British overseas territory that Argentina wants for themselves, what the British say it is. But it's not that, it's a part of my nation that is being occupied by foreign invaders, and my nation will never be complete until we get them back. It's not that we "deserve them", they are ours like any other part of our territory, and if we want to "deserve" owning any other part of our territory then we must deffend what is bullied away from us, even if it happened in 1833, otherwise, where does the line ends?

Everyone in Argentina always knew what Malvinas were, no one in the UK did, but when we finally decide to stand up and defend what's ours, after 150 years of patiences and being jerked arround, some politician who wants to win an ellection talks about them like Argentina was actually attacking UK soil, I mean, some people even thougth Argentina was attacking an island off the coas of Britain, politicians had to get a map to know where this place was, while our islands have always been in our maps as Argentine territory, and every schoolboy knew it.
To hell with the Argentinian land, It belongs to the UK. You sent people to take it and you failed! The superior might of the british army crushed you!

It belongs to the UK, it always has for yeas. Why would it be given to Argentina? Seems to me like Argentina wants to inherit what the british have already built there and the natural resources.
What the British built there, laughable, we built most things the islanders had prior to 1982, Britain never bothered.

And I KNOW Britain will never give them up, because any president who would would be severely damaging his political career. That's why I advocate making them a pain in the ass to the UK, make them more trouble than they are worth, and having enough forces in the area to be a continuous threath instead of the other way around. And if an opportonity ever opens, I would go for another attack without a doubt.

Unfortunately that didn't happened during my generation, but perhaps it will happen with the future ones. Veteran pilots who fougth in the Malvinas are often proud of hearing new pilots say they would had done a better job.

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A stupid video trying to making me feel bad won't change my mind, actual law on paper weighs more to me than trying to make me feel bad when the UK wouldn't give a crap about it and steps all over international law and UN rulings.

Good thing that I didn't post any video.

You're just spouting propaganda and ignoring all laws and principles which favor the British. You should simply admit that you want to take the Falklands because it will make you feel like your country has a bigger dick.

Are you in the military?
I've never been neutral on the subject and I never hid that fact, I leave impartiality to the diplomats, people asked me about my personal views and I gave them, if you or any of you want the official diplomatic stance on the matter then go read it, and if my personal, biased, out of feelings views offend you then don't ask.

If people didn't had personal feelings about defending one's nation then how would they get the courage to get up some old vietnam-era jets with no radar warning to even know if a missile is targeting you and with all sort of anti-aircraft artillery hitting all around you.
I am not offended by the fact that you're pride about Argentina and see your self and Argentina on the right side.

All I am saying is, to an outsider, all of this seems rather strange and ... ridiciulous. SEE THIS ROCK! THIS ROCK IS MINE! NO IT IS MINE!

I leave it to you to decide who's Argentina and who's Britain here.

But hey? As long it doesn't end up in a war I am saying, go on Argentina! Don't stop.

Why is Argentina crying? Well it didn't got the Falklands this year ...

The biefing by naval experts to the pilots was that the Birtish ship's defences were a porcupine of defensive missiles and artillery, and thbat there was no way our planes could even get near them, it was impossible, and they went and did it anyways, sinking several British ships and severely damagins/disabling a few others.
Com on on. Even with all that Argentina uber alles pride, those people are still humans you know. You're proud that your soldiers killed British salors that probably didn't even cared about those Islands. So manly you are Gonzo ... . Even WW2 vets can feel sorry for their enemy ... in the end no one, no Argentinian and no British soldier really should have given his live for this god forsaken island with more sheeps and goats than people on it ... but yeah ... I guess nationalism and pride is more important than actuall domestic politics.
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What the British built there, laughable, we built most things the islanders had prior to 1982, Britain never bothered.

And I KNOW Britain will never give them up, because any president who would would be severely damaging his political career. That's why I advocate making them a pain in the ass to the UK, make them more trouble than they are worth, and having enough forces in the area to be a continuous threath instead of the other way around. And if an opportonity ever opens, I would go for another attack without a doubt.

Unfortunately that didn't happened during my generation, but perhaps it will happen with the future ones. Veteran pilots who fougth in the Malvinas are often proud of hearing new pilots say they would had done a better job.

The Argentinian army would be crushed lmao, The people living there are all British mostly from Wales and Scotland, Why would a few Argentinian thugs even risk their lives trying to claim this island.

What makes you think under Argentine rule if hell froze over and UK handed it to Argentina, wouldn't become a poor placce like the rest of Argentina, The Falklands GDP per capita is 3 times higher than Argentina.

Argentina would be crushed no matter how well they fought, British superior soldiers,superior mentality and superior equipment and training. Those Argentinian 'pilots' would be shot out of the sky within hours.

Also the British army is like 5 times bigger in sheer numbers, and that's not including superior funding and equipment as I outlined.

You do realize the UK will have no problem waiting for Oil prices to rise. Before taking all the oil.

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The Argentinian army would be crushed lmao, The people living there are all British mostly from Wales and Scotland, Why would a few Argentinian thugs even risk their lives trying to claim this island.

At least you are not trying to sound condescending like the other SJW's, and to answer you, they already did, using planes with no radar and bombing ships with unguided bombs designed to detonate on the ground and that made holes in the ships without exploding.

Thats the key difference, most of Argentines would be willing to figth for the islands again, I'm not sure how many British would do the same. Perhaps is time to find out?

And the coward who surrendered because the figthing was getting close to him while he didn't cared conscripts died further away is probably rotting in hell rigth now, he had orders to continue the figthing and had the ammunition to do so, had he held on a little more the British would had run out of supplies and left. Someone should had excecuted him for cowardice rigth there on the spot.
