Should i buy fallout 3?


First time out of the vault
Hello this quite a question for me ,as i read many different opinions about fallout 3,and relly loved fallout 1 and 2.

On this french link i read this:The first person view will make happy the old players who played fallout 1 and 2,as all the elements of the previous games(humour,atmosphere,etc) are there.

Grpahism and pictures are said to be wonderful and very realistic.

The oblivion motor is a true tribute to fallout previous games.

However it is said that the game is an oblivion like due to some gameplay problems.

Positive points:great freedom,atmosphere,great lnumber of hours to play and high replay value

Negative points:no difficulty,oblivion-like fights and robotic animation.

As the game costs 50 euro i dl like to know it i should buy or wait a few years to buy it at 10 euros.

On the top of that i am not sure to be able to play with my 5200 nvidia go card and my processor 1,8ghz,it is said to be possible twisting options.

At the moment in france Fallout 3 is one of the most popular games with left 4 dead and gta4.
If it were possible to rent it (as in, if you had an XBox) I would say rent it, but don't buy it. There isn't enough there to be worth 50 dollars, never mind 50 EUROS.
jupiter2 said:
On this french link i read this:The first person view will make happy the old players who played fallout 1 and 2,as all the elements of the previous games(humour,atmosphere,etc) are there.
I'm sorry to say that that is complete bullshit. The first person perspective brings out the exact opposite emotions for the veteran fans. Fallout was designed with isometric turn-based gameplay in mind. Fans of the first two games know this. Changing to first person might be good for a spin off (if done well), but as a sequel it really should have stuck with the old style.

Humour is almost non-existant in Fallout 3, due mainly to the horrible writing. Bethesda decided that dialogue wasn't important in their RPGs.

Grpahism and pictures are said to be wonderful and very realistic.
Graphics in the game is alright. Not the best, but certainly bearable if that aspect actually matters to you.

The oblivion motor is a true tribute to fallout previous games.
The oblivion engine is kind of crap. It's just full of bugs. This is evident in the fact that there are bugs present in Fallout 3 that were also present in Oblivion. I'm not entirely sure why Bethesda keeps using this engine.

To say that the Oblivion engine is a true tribute to the previous games is, quite frankly, insulting. The only similarity I can see in the two engines would be that there were some bugs present in the original Fallouts. However, the bugs were nowhere near game-breaking, and, in fact, were barely noticable. Some of the things you see in Fallout 3 will pull you out of the immersion so fast you'll get whiplash in your brain.

However it is said that the game is an oblivion like due to some gameplay problems.
Well, I guess I covered this in the previous section...

Positive points:great freedom,atmosphere,great lnumber of hours to play and high replay value
There is a lot of freedom in terms of exploration. There's barely any freedom when it comes to quests, and the concept is non-existant in the main storyline. Atmosphere was done well, except the fact that the game is set 200 years after the bombs fell detracts from that a bit. Yep, you'll spend a lot of time in the game, but it has almost no replay value. I've tried to replay it 3 times now, with various different characters, and haven't been passed Megaton in each. I think this is mainly due to the daunting thought of having to sit through that terrible storyline again.

Negative points:no difficulty,oblivion-like fights and robotic animation.
Finally, they pretty much got this spot on. The game is way too easy. Not sure what it means by "Oblivion-like fights", but the animation is really terrible. People and creatures slide along the ground as if on rollerblades. Jumping is even worse, although quite hilarious.

As the game costs 50 euro i dl like to know it i should buy or wait a few years to buy it at 10 euros.
Personally, I'd wait. There are two advantages to this. 1) You'll be saving money, and won't have that period of depression once you've finished the game and realised that it's worth about a tenth of what you actually paid for (alright, I guess that differs from person to person. Since I play games mainly for the storyline, I think Fallout 3 is worth about $5). 2) There'll be more mods released by then so that you can actually fix most of the horrible elements in the game.

However, don't take my word for it. Read a number of reviews before you decide. The one here on NMA is a very well-balanced review (one which I can't provide since I'm just too bitter).

At the moment in france Fallout 3 is one of the most popular games with left 4 dead and gta4.
That seems to be the opinion pretty much worldwide (or was when it first came out). However, I can't see why.
Providing you'll put your brain in the closet while you play it, it should be enjoyable.

If you can't survive without a brain, then....well....don't buy it.
problem with renting is: you can only play it for a very short time. And F3 has a low replay value, so you rent it, maybe think it is good, spent 50€ on it, and after that you are sad because you wasted money
No, actually not, the quests are already very linear in the first run, doing all the fetchquests again (collecting mines, bottlecaps, nukecolas, certain weapon etc.) can not be fun. The high replay value from F1 & F2 was done through its different solutions to problems and by playing it with a different character, none of that is possible in F3, replay makes no sense at all. It would be smarter to just use the same Savegame (unless you fuck it up, but given how easy F3 is, that is hardly possible)
I guess the huge amount of people I've seen who've spent hundreds of hours playing it, trying new characters with different karma/skills and/or with different mods disagree with you. Personally I'm not the type to replay games, though.

I say get it if you like Action RPGs somewhat similar to Oblivion. If you're hoping for a good sequel to Fallout 2, don't bother.
since there is no such thing as a new character or different karma/skill those people must enjoy it, because they don't know that it doesn't make any difference (meaning: they must be braindead).
and so far, only balancingmods have been released, which doesn't really increase the replay value, as the game is still pretty much the same. most likely a bit harder/with more guns and a lightsabre, but if that is enough to keep you running and fetching than..well than you can play with ms paint by yourself and enjoy entertainment on the same level
Bloodloss said:
I guess the huge amount of people I've seen who've spent hundreds of hours playing it, trying new characters with different karma/skills and/or with different mods disagree with you. Personally I'm not the type to replay games, though.

I say get it if you like Action RPGs somewhat similar to Oblivion. If you're hoping for a good sequel to Fallout 2, don't bother.
The thing is that the value of such different starts with new characters is not that high. If you seen the F3 quests once you seen all of it.

How so? Well I dont see it as a different replay if you can give either a answer with [intelligence] or [perception] but the outcome is exactly the same one. How can that even be remotely anything close to a "difference"? Its superficial. Sometimes you have a possible way to do something in a different way. But its really most of the time a "choose A or B" and even then ... the effect of the outcome is neglectable cause it doesnt shape the world around you. Example Megaton. Even if you blow up the town, no one in the wasteland will take notice from it, blame you for it or even mention it.. Most of the time you also can not see what effect your decisions have in the end of the game which was a pretty important trademark of Fallout.
fallout3 is a mockery of the fallout series..

i bought fo3 box set when it came out, i knew i was going to be dissapointed,i played through it and tried to like it because it was "fallout" but all i was left with was a bitter taste in my mouth and hatred for the butchers (bethesda)

sure it has some elements of fallout, but other then the 'flashy' 3d world of fallout3, which is the only thing going for it, the game itself is garbage

ive been playing fo2 again.

I say get it if you like Action RPGs somewhat similar to Oblivion. If you're hoping for a good sequel to Fallout 2, don't bother.
Depends on the price. I would not pay too much for it (and definitely not the full price).

If you like RPGs, don't buy it. If you like thoughtful games, don't buy it. If you like arcade games, buy it. If you like hack'n'slash, buy it.

About all I can say.

Also, seeing that you have Geforce Go 5200, don't bother; I have a laptop with 8400M GT, and FO3 still lags like hell, even with editing the .ini, on lowest settings. It may be playable for you, but unless you are a complete fan of Elder Scrolls series, don't bother - it's not worth the frustration.

I can recommend you to get Last Remnant - surely, it's a JRPG for munchkins, but hell, it's lots of fun.
Playing it can cause irrepairable brain damage.
Please don't. Play fallout 1&2.
I don't mean to be rude or anything to the users here, but if you really want a fair, balanced answer to your question, then you're not gonna get it at NMA. I suggest you ask at Yahoo answers; they're rarely, if ever, biased.
If you're looking for a good FPS, Fallout 3 isn't it.
If you're looking for a good RPG, Fallout 3 isn't it.
If you're looking for a good story, Fallout 3 doesn't have one.
If you're looking for a funny game, Fallout 3 isn't one.
If you're looking for a visually stunning game, Fallout 3 isn't one.

If you're looking for gorn, Fallout 3 has it.
If you're looking for a FPS/RPG hybrid, Fallout 3 is one, though Deus Ex and System Shock are better games.
If you're looking for a sandbox game, Fallout 3 is one, though GTA games are better.
If you're looking for a post apocalyptic game, Fallout 3 is one.

I haven't bought the game and will not buy the game, I watched enough gameplay footage, read enough of the plot, and have played Bethesda's past two games, neither of which I enjoyed, so I know that I wouldn't like it. If you do think that it looks good then my suggestion would be to wait until it comes out as a pack including all of the DLC or buy it out of the bargain bin.

It's not a great game and it's not the worst game ever, a fair score for it would probably be between 5-7 out of 10.