Agreed, here's to hoping Fallout 4 doesn't just have another "save the world" or "war between good and evil" plot.
Every time I get a small kick of "MAYBE I'll try FO4 out, maybe I'll just try it" I remind myself of how horrible it can end up being.
It feels so likely. Especially with that dissapointing showcasing, with the dog and the cheering audience. It really looks like it'll be Fallout 3 II.
Also, we all forget this, but they planned this during FO3. There were hints there as to what FO4 would be about, it was all settled. WE ALL thought that FONV would mean something, that it would matter, and in our hopes, we forgot that FO3 did indeed hint at FO4s plot: The damn "robots" from "The Institute", the dude you help in "Rivet City", that's the plot.
It's just Fallout 3.2. It's funny how Bethesda is trying a new setting and factions, yet we all know they handle that badly so
no one is excited for it. Lot's of people were disappointed by the rehash of different faction in Fallout 3... but Bethesda just made some more stupid ones instead!
A bit of a nitpick on my part, but
many people are excited for it. Look, this is perfection at its most perfect. You have to remember this - Bethesda making a crappy-ass crap Fallout game is not an error on their part, it is simply unfortunate on our part. Error=/=misfortune! Bethesda has been studying their sales reports, they've been studying the feedback, they
have been reading forums, they've read the arguments, probably even right here, they have taken good note of all the oldies, and they know full well what we want. Back when they were hinting to FO3, they even went and said something like "Relax, we all got it on our laptops - it's our favorite game too!"
They know...
Here's a good example - years ago I try to push FO2 to some friends, push push, they aren't very excited, cus the game looks old and stupid. They try it, I'm all "WELL!? =D" and it was discarded as old and stupid - NOW - time passes, and FO3 comes out, and here is the math:
A formula of content culminating in FO2 will result in = People finding it old and stupid, except a few nerds. Sales: 80% lost, 20% gained.
A formula of exactly what FO3 turned out to be, a shooter etc = People finding it remarkable, giving it good ratings, "intelligent dialogue!" "multiple choice!", they lost the 20% nerd-base, but who gives a shit - they earned 80% of the money.
Very simplified here, but that is the basic mechanism behind it. They don't give a
long, soft shit... about what Fallout is "supposed to be", they know what it's supposed to be, they have probably read ALL the source material - ALL of it!
They only give a shit about whatever mathematical formula brings them the biggest ammount of money. The formula of Skyrim, man, was it a money-maker, it's even boring, it's dumb, dull, uneventful and boring, and people praaaised it, so, math-wise, that is the answer, nothing else - make it like we made Skyrim! "Skyrim with guns, lol", but yes, it is, they even bragged "you can make your own home" as if you couldn't fucking just now do that in Skyrim o_-
It makes me very hopeless and cynical to remind myself of this, because it extends to all of society, it all comes down to people and their interests, even politicians doing decisions of global importance do these ultimately to safeguard their own next election and pension plan and whatnot...
Then I take some comfort in that the world is still brimming with real artists, they pop up like Beth once did, all obscure and unnoticed