Skyrim Remastered

It's like Bethesda 'wants' to dig their own grave.
I mean for fucks sake, this many fuck ups in a row?

I love it, but I can't understand it.
It makes sense when you remember the kind of people that mindlessly gobble up every paid mod DLC Bethesda releases with 10/10 ratings.
This comment... I'm speechless.
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If EA did this, people would be calling them out on this but Bethesda? Meh, they have Toddie boy so they could do no wrong. I really hate this constant pass that the mainstream gives to Bethesda for their practices all because they like their games.

Bethesdrones are like cultist who blindly adore their chosen deities. They need to be re-educated.
As I said, it makes sense when you remember the kinds of people gobbling up everything Bethesda does.

Shouldn't be surprised that 50% of the Season Pass is Workshop paid mod DLC.
Bethesda is 'so' generous you guys.
Yknow FO3? The game from 2008?
It's off by a whooping 40%!
And Oblivion? From 2005?
And Morrowind?

Even Activision who I've been irritated with for years for barely ever giving good deals on steam sales has all their games at 50% off. Last year they refused to go more than 25% and 33% for some of their latest titles and this year? Every single COD title is 50% off, BLOPS 2 is 67% off. Activision out of all studios are being more fair with their sales than Bethesda is.

This is just another nail in the coffin IMO. Bethesda has been really greedy as of late with their practices and now during steam sale? They can't even be arsed to give 50% off for Morrowind. Not to mention the fact that they raised the price of Skyrim prior to the sale too.

I'm serious with this, is Bethesda just trying to see how far they can go before everyone flips their shit?
Bethesda is 'so' generous you guys.
Yknow FO3? The game from 2008?
It's off by a whooping 40%!
And Oblivion? From 2005?
And Morrowind?

Even Activision who I've been irritated with for years for barely ever giving good deals on steam sales has all their games at 50% off. Last year they refused to go more than 25% and 33% for some of their latest titles and this year? Every single COD title is 50% off, BLOPS 2 is 67% off. Activision out of all studios are being more fair with their sales than Bethesda is.

This is just another nail in the coffin IMO. Bethesda has been really greedy as of late with their practices and now during steam sale? They can't even be arsed to give 50% off for Morrowind. Not to mention the fact that they raised the price of Skyrim prior to the sale too.

I'm serious with this, is Bethesda just trying to see how far they can go before everyone flips their shit?
Yea are all their games more expensive than previous sales? It sure looks that way.

Fallout 3 is on sale for $12 (normally $20) and still has the warning saying it is "not optimized for Windows 7 or later)."

I'm sure the fanboys view that as Bethesda doing them a favor.
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I actually thought they'd release Morrowind for free to celebrate the 20th anniversary of TES like they did before with Arena and Daggerfall... Maybe at the 20th anniversary of Morrowind in 2022 when they absolutey can't milk it any more.
Skyrim was pretty much shit. I tried and tried to get into it. Wasted dozens of hours churning through it.

Once I found out I could rob anyone by putting a bucket on their head I was out.
That very top-most picture of bald Todd looks like...Darth Howard. :lol:
Thinking about it, Darth Howard and Darth Sidious are rather similar. They start out apparently likable and nice but eventually reveals their true nature as they reach positions of power while having massive clone armies who are programmed to be loyal to them.
Thinking about it, Darth Howard and Darth Sidious are rather similar. They start out apparently likable and nice but eventually reveals their true nature as they reach positions of power while having massive clone armies who are programmed to be loyal to them.
Then you have Todd, the ugly face of realism that is about to hit you when he explains how "amazing" it's going to be when in reality it's going to be the opposite due to his deceptive nature.
I actually thought they'd release Morrowind for free to celebrate the 20th anniversary of TES like they did before with Arena and Daggerfall... Maybe at the 20th anniversary of Morrowind in 2022 when they absolutey can't milk it any more.
Considering their statements on Morrowind, I don't think they will ever do anything with it again. They raised the price on all their games for the Steam Sale, so I imagine to celebrate Morrowind's anniversary they will double it's price rather than release it for free.

They discussed Morrowind remaster and mr. hines apparently said that there was too much text in the dialogue or something like that and Skyrim fans would hate it. So basically reading is too hard for Bethesda fans, and they are only interested in making pseudo-RPGs that have as little dialogue or reading as possible.

The overhaul mod for Morrowind is a better remaster than Bethesda would ever do anyway. Bethesda would just put a bunch of Morrowind Workshop DLC in there and maybe delete all the dialogue and put a dialogue wheel in there and call it a day.
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Bethesda would just put a bunch of Morrowind Workshop DLC in there and maybe delete all the dialogue and put a dialogue wheel in there and call it a day.
Nah, probably just port it over to the Fallout 4 or Skyrim engine without decent optimization and add things like quest makers. If ported over to the Fallout 4 engine then they could integrate Fallout 4's guns into the game so we end up having this shit:


Morrowind with guns. :puke:
I found it's cheaper to but a physical copy of Morrowind on Amazon than it is off Steam (I picked up Morrowind GOTY for £5 and it runs well on my laptop).
Thinking about it, Darth Howard and Darth Sidious are rather similar. They start out apparently likable and nice but eventually reveals their true nature as they reach positions of power while having massive clone armies who are programmed to be loyal to them.
"Execute order 66... Shoot them in the face, if you want."

"Once more, the Sith will rule the galaxy. And, we shall have peace. Again, it just works."

(when crouching next to burned Anakin) ""Now we don't want to spoil what happens but you DO survive..."

(Before blasting Mace Windu through the window) "See that skyscraper, over here ? You can climb it, if you want."

"In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire for a safe and secure society. It'll just work."