Skyrim Special Edition First Impressions

Of course! They need your support to make great games!
Wait, so you need all the DLCs?, Fuck no. I ain't wastin' that much money.
1.) Take Skyrim
2.) Put through Fallout 4 filter for menus and controls
3.) Keep Skyrim's shitty lighting and add motion blur to everything.
4.) remove lego block shadows and replace them with razor sharp, static, edged shadows that are more immersion breaking then the previous shadows.
5.) play in 3rd person? have the game pause when you go from the outside world to an interior for a moment, have all the "new shaders and effects" remove from your screen because interiors don't have the same effects.
6.) crash more often.

I just saved you $$$
But I just wanted to give it a negative review. I didn't actually want to play Skyrim.
Why not? Skyrim is an amazing game apparently. Disregarding the repetitive design, childish writing, gutted RPG elements, tedious combat and the ton of bugs it contain. And now it is 'special' too! How could you not want to play this magnum opus of the Elder Scrolls series?
I fucking hate all of you.

@Mr Fish is the only one here smart enough to see the beautiful orgasm-inducing masterpiece that Toddie and Friends have brought us. We should remain the forum No Nostalgia Fags Allowed smh
You could buy the two story expansions and then buy the special edition so you can give as much money to Bethesda as possible! :D
Forgot to add "buy copies for your friends as well".

Disregarding the repetitive design, childish writing, gutted RPG elements, tedious combat and the ton of bugs it contain.
So basically disregard the whole game? Sounds good enough for me. Oh and you also forgot the immortal people you can't kill to the list because we have to handhold the player. Even if it's an NPC like Ulfric's brother that has NO REASON TO BE ESSENTIAL. I remember backstabbing that bastard once thinking he would die and yet...he just got back up after getting on one knee like nothing happened. :V
So, I guess the Short Bus Edition is ok if you don't have to pay extra for it. But it's worthless until the SKSE comes out for it, because it still has all the problems of the original game that can only be fixed by using the skript extender.
The Short Bus Edition is somewhat prettier than the original version, but there's nothing to it that wasn't done by mods before.
To be honest it is kind of unfair that we don't have much of a console player opinion on it. I mean, back when I was stuck on the 360 I would've LOVED to use mods. Hell, one of the main reasons I got a gaming laptop was so I could play Fallout New Vegas with mods. So is the PC version shit? Yup. But what about the console users who have never used mods and can 'now' use mods, no matter how limiting they may be (especially on the PS4), how do they feel about it?
So, I guess the Short Bus Edition is ok if you don't have to pay extra for it. But it's worthless until the SKSE comes out for it, because it still has all the problems of the original game that can only be fixed by using the skript extender.
The Short Bus Edition is somewhat prettier than the original version, but there's nothing to it that wasn't done by mods before.
I personally disagree.

How did you find the interface in Fallout 4? Would you choose to play with Skyrims original interface or a Skyrim Fallout 4 hybrid? I would choose Original Skyrim.

Vanilla same settings, Original 60+ FPS, SSE 15-20 FPS drop

Prettier then Vanilla? Whats better, blurry shitty textures or sharps shitty textures? to each their own, but I would rather need to use my imagination and have better frames then having unoptimized vomit inducing bad visuals. The lighting in the game is the same. there are different "effects" but it is still the same shitty lighting.

Script extender should fix it from crashing constantly, but that won't address all the new bugs introduced.
Does Skyrim SE change the interface? I honestly didn't notice, but then again I haven't played Skyrim with the vanilla interface in quite a while. The original interface sucked, though. Fallout 4's sucked as well, but at least the looting was quick :D
Anyway, I didn't have any significant frame drops, but I'm also running a GTX 970...
And yeah, the models and animations still suck balls. It's basically just plastering an HD texture mod on it. Very disappointing (but very expected) that the lighting still sucks. I mean, it sucked in Fallout 4, too, so why would it be better now? Bethesda just can't into graphical quality. Dynamic shadows are just too hard for them.
Does Skyrim SE change the interface? I honestly didn't notice, but then again I haven't played Skyrim with the vanilla interface in quite a while. The original interface sucked, though. Fallout 4's sucked as well, but at least the looting was quick :D
Anyway, I didn't have any significant frame drops, but I'm also running a GTX 970...
And yeah, the models and animations still suck balls. It's basically just plastering an HD texture mod on it. Very disappointing (but very expected) that the lighting still sucks. I mean, it sucked in Fallout 4, too, so why would it be better now? Bethesda just can't into graphical quality. Dynamic shadows are just too hard for them.
Yup, the original interface is still there. It's so far away, imo SkyUI is the one true God. Gotta love those categories and sorting
Does Skyrim SE change the interface? I honestly didn't notice, but then again I haven't played Skyrim with the vanilla interface in quite a while. The original interface sucked, though. Fallout 4's sucked as well, but at least the looting was quick :D
Anyway, I didn't have any significant frame drops, but I'm also running a GTX 970...
And yeah, the models and animations still suck balls. It's basically just plastering an HD texture mod on it. Very disappointing (but very expected) that the lighting still sucks. I mean, it sucked in Fallout 4, too, so why would it be better now? Bethesda just can't into graphical quality. Dynamic shadows are just too hard for them.
They didn't add higher quality textures, they just made the old shitty ones bigger, result, un-optimized use of resources to no benefit.

When I say interface I don't mean looting or inventory management. I mean the launcher missing Data, the menus when hitting esc defaulting to a different menu, the mouse sensitivity being streamlined for controllers. Selections on screen not mapped for mice. Lag between character selection.
so lemme get this straight, Skyrim SPESHUL EDUTION -hacks out a lung- pardon, is simply a shitty copy of the original skyrim but has GODRAYS: MAXIMUM POWER, shitty lighting and shadows, but doesn't add anything new to the game that's interactive and fun, doesn't make the UI actually fucking useful, doesn't allow complex mods that make the world FUN, doesn't add to a story, and the only thing you get from it is a 64-bit enabled? At this point, there's no fucking reason to grab Skyrim 64-bit version. Game is fucking 5 years old and this doesn't add anything new to the table. Who's going to fucking use the effects of 64-bit to the fullest extent at that time?