You westernets always have to win
I repeated some stuffs 3 or 4 times and you didn't accepted them :!:
Does an Iranian means a person superior to a Turk?Bugars weren't Tirkic people.Can you accept just this?Bulgars have about 10 000 years history-I tell you,Bulgarian history is going to be rewritten!
Yes,I am an Asian,you are superior to me,aren't you.
I am also a racist:
You realise that I am writing total bullshits or things you want to hear(you are the greatest,allah akbar)The next time Arabs attack Europe,Bulgarians,won't save your ass.

I repeated some stuffs 3 or 4 times and you didn't accepted them :!:
Does an Iranian means a person superior to a Turk?Bugars weren't Tirkic people.Can you accept just this?Bulgars have about 10 000 years history-I tell you,Bulgarian history is going to be rewritten!
Yes,I am an Asian,you are superior to me,aren't you.
I am also a racist:

You realise that I am writing total bullshits or things you want to hear(you are the greatest,allah akbar)The next time Arabs attack Europe,Bulgarians,won't save your ass.