Slavs were the first Europeans!Do you believe it?

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I'm really getting sick of these pointless pissing contests between various ethnic groups over who is older than who. "We are the craddle of European civilization!", shout the Greeks. "No! We came to Europe first!!!11one", cry the Slavs. Every once in a while a bunch of pseudohistorians and/or pseudoanthropologists come up with yet another unsubstatiated and contrived theory that is supposed to prove beyond disupute that their nation is the oldest, greatest and blessed with largest sexual appendages, yet their brilliant theories consistently rest on nothing more substantial than meek indications and arbitrarily interpreted facts. Just the other week some Croatian genetic expert announced discovery of the so-called "Croatian gene" which supposedly proves Croatian ethnos is more than 25,000 years old. Media and public embraced this idiotic claim with juvenile exhilaration, deliberately and moronically disregarding the fact that said 'expert' has so far had an absurdly unremarkable career of fertilizing deficient cattle at some pathetic public institute. But what the heck, we are teh Gods!!11! In face of such a tremendously important discovery, who has time to care about the fact that the person who made it has scientific credibility of a two-year-old.

The study Was Ist??? relentlessly advocates falls in the same category as the discovery of the 'Croatian gene' - namely, pseudoscientific bullshit. You know something is a load of nonsense when it can be easily disproved by a peek in a high school history book. Was ist???, I don't know what you've been smoking, but lay off it. Drugs are bad for you.

One more thing - if you (by 'you' I mean Jebus and CCR) are going to throw around German terms like a pair of pompous dolts, at least spell them properly. It's Völkerwanderung (das Volk, pl. die Völker + Wanderung, noun derived of verb wandern), not 'Volkswanderung' and especially not 'Volkswänderung'. Better yet, cut out the silliness and use the proper and widely accepted English term, which is, I believe, the Great Migration of Nations.
John Uskglass said:
Bolgars where originally Pamirian, whatever the hell that is, then they became Turkik, then the the Turkik Bulgars moved South and moved to modern Bulgaria, where they became Slavic.

You can *become* something now? That's not right. The proper way to refer to them would be "Slavicized Turkikicized Pamirians", not just "Slavs". Especially since they're about as Slavic as my poop-hole

"Became Slavic" indeed

Pamir is one of those spots in the world where a lot of anthropological theories lead back to. Mountain-area at the Paki-Afghani border.
Wait, wait, wait - Was Ist? ? ? has gone back and TOTALLY EDITED HIS POSTS, as he himself so subtly proclaimed.

Also, Ratty - I'm terribly and mighty sorry I misspelled Völkerwanderung, but that's only because I have even less of an idea how it's translated into English.

It's 'Volksverhuizingen' in Dutch. So there. I'll just use that from now on then.
Ratty said:
One more thing - if you (by 'you' I mean Jebus and CCR) are going to throw around German terms like a pair of pompous dolts, at least spell them properly. It's Völkerwanderung (das Volk, pl. die Völker + Wanderung, noun derived of verb wandern), not 'Volkswanderung' and especially not 'Volkswänderung'. Better yet, cut out the silliness and use the proper and widely accepted English term, which is, I believe, the Great Migration of Nations.

It's just "Great Migration", actually, since there we no "nations" "migrating", which is a contradictio in terminis.

The term "Völkerwanderung" is actually a bit confusing, since Germans originally only used it to refer to the moving of Germanic and related tribes, not Slavic tribes. I guess it's accepted to include both now, though
Jebus said:
I'm terribly and mighty sorry I misspelled Völkerwanderung, but that's only because I have even less of an idea how it's translated into English.
You can never atone for such a sin! DAMN YOU, JEBUS, DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!

John Uskglass said:
That's about as funny as the Holocaust, you insensitive fuck.

Yeah, it kinda sent me laughing my ass off too.

:: contemplates CCR's words ::

Uh... right. I mean it was not funny at all and hurt the feelings of at least one major minority (heh, major minority -- that's funny because it's true).
Bolg-Arii(Today's Russian and Bulgarian-Bolgarin)
Bolg has the meaning of "Mixed,compound,heterogeneous,.....(in proto-bulgarian)
Arii means Arians(today Germans and Norwegians are Arians)
So-Bugars weren't "A clear race"(Jebus&co( :lol: ) can say that they were dogs)They were a mix between Arains,Goths,Celst,Scandinavians...
Here are some things:

1-Proto-Bulgarian notions
2-Celtic and other notions

1-Tangra-supreme god
2-THUNDER(in today's english)

1-TINGOR(Bul.) – An oath to the main Thunder God
2-DONNER(German) – "thunder" or "a god-thunderer(ancient German)"

1-Koleda – A holiday of the Bulgarian forefather.
2-Koled(Celtic) – A Holiday

1-Jankul-The Planet Jupiter,the master of the planets

1-Bagatur-A well-equiped soldier
2-Bagator-A Celtic warrior

1-Rig-the ending of the names of some Bugar rulers like:Isperih,Telerig...

There are more examples and an article here: But it is in Bulgarian.Bugars were Indo-European people,not Tatars :!: What?You will give me more Internet sites,prooving that Bugars were Mongols?
I told you-the whole Bulgarian history is going to be rewritten :!:

What now-I am a nazi?No,just tell you the historical truth,nothing else
So-Bulgars- people with extremely complicaded theories about their ancestors came from Asia(all the Europeans came from Asia) - a territory near Iran.They united other tribes-like your ancestors (Goths,Scandinavians...) in Asia,not in Europe :arrow: and they became Bulgarians!As for the ancient Bulgarian invasion of the Balkans, such a model is named the 'Warrior Elite Invasion' when a nation of warriors, like ancient Bulgarians, invade a land that has a significantly larger population and a more developed society. These Warrior Elites soon dissapear if the native population is not subdued quickly(ant it was not)

Kharn said:
The Grand Union of the BeNeLux will rule all the planet and DESTROY ALL SLAVS
BTW-I am a Serbian,I told you!Not a Bulgarian nazi!
WOOZ-The pic is very old.Commissar Lauren posted it once!
A Green nationalist(not Lord Powerslave of course) wrote said:
Slavs are a mixture of Mongolotatarohunish tribes
You like it,don't you?If he wrote that here,Jebus wouldn't argue with him.
Duder, I never said the Bulgarians were Mongols or whatnot.

Not because I believe you, though. It's because I eh... don't give a flying fuck about where the Bulgars come from. This whole ethnic thing really is important to you, isn't it?

Kinda sad the Bulgar nationalists have to go back twenty thousand years or so to find some glory in their history, by the way.

You're beginning to bore me.
Jebus said:
This whole ethnic thing really is important to you, isn't it?

Jebus, you have to understand the extreme amount of brainwashing that's been going on in the Balkans for a long time. Just like the "croatian gene" theory Ratty mentioned, i was exposed to infinite amounts of nationalistic propaganda in Serbia. I'm just very glad that my family never paid attention to it and haven't brainwashed me further. Wasist is obviously in a different situation.

Was ist? ? ? said:
What now-I am a nazi?

Well you are the one that is actually using traditional Nazi techniques in your struggle to force your belief on others. You really need to understand that ethnicity is mostly just a belief (which is a little too old) that people share a common ancestry. Evidence can be easily manipulated to "prove" many outcomes.

Was ist? ? ? said:
I am a Bulgarian,not you.I know better about my origin,not you.Tomorrow I will buy a book(the 12-th Bulgarian Myths) and I will translate the written there-REALLY.I will prove that Bugars come from....

This really doesn't provide you with strong evidence. Who's writing the textbooks you're reading in Bulgaria? Most likely Bulgarian nationalists.

Also, learn to use spaces correctly, use the spell check button, stop editing every post 6 times, and don't take every reply so personally. You should be very glad that people like Jebus and Kharn were initially willing to take you seriously enough to even reply. It's just too bad that you would actually prefer that this thread had no replies at all.
Jebus said:
Kinda sad the Bulgar nationalists have to go back twenty thousand years or so to find some glory in their history, by the way.
Actually, he doesn't need to look that far back. Bulgaria was possibly the most powerful state in the world during emperor Simeon the Great. Unlike Belgium, which was the most powerful state... well, never, really.
Ratty said:
Actually, he doesn't need to look that far back. Bulgaria was possibly the most powerful state in the world during emperor Simeon the Great. Unlike Belgium, which was the most powerful state... well, never, really.

The Liao Dynasty, bitch.

And just because a nation is/was powerful at a certain time does'nt mean it's an excuse for rampant nationalism. If it was, I'd post this link.
Ratty said:
Jebus said:
Kinda sad the Bulgar nationalists have to go back twenty thousand years or so to find some glory in their history, by the way.
Actually, he doesn't need to look that far back. Bulgaria was possibly the most powerful state in the world during emperor Simeon the Great. Unlike Belgium, which was the most powerful state... well, never, really.

"Most powerfull state in the world" is kinda stretching it, ya know. Granted, it was a pretty big stretch of land, but y'know - 't was only Balkan land with Slavic inhabitants.

That's like saying Antarctica with all its penguins is the most powerfull state today.
Jebus said:
That's like saying Antarctica with all its penguins is the most powerfull state today.
How dare you compare Slavs to penguins? Take that back! Penguins are beautiful, elegant creatures.
KQX said:
This really doesn't provide you with strong evidence. Who's writing the textbooks you're reading in Bulgaria? Most likely Bulgarian nationalists.


You should be very glad that people like Jebus and Kharn were initially willing to take you seriously enough to even reply. It's just too bad that you would actually prefer that this thread had no replies at all.

The writer of that book is the director of the national history museum.
I shoul be glad,because Jebus is shitting on the toppic?Silly you.

Yes,Bulgaria was the most powerful country in the world 3 times-during Simeon The Great,Ivan-Assen II and Kalojan(who enslaved the great,powerful,almighty,Flander(Belgian) :notworthy: emperor Balduin)But it doesn't matter.
Belgium "is a heaven",but like some other European countries,is a rich and powerful country,because they made the whole African contitnent totally miserable.
They(+Americans) have always been with muslims against Slavs(nomore with muslims after 9/11) :arrow: not only during the cold war,but always.Proofs? :arrow: Rambo III(the film is devoted to the brave Afgan people),The Crimea war,The Russo-Turkish war,The Berlin threaty,The Kosovo problem...... :arrow: Muslims and Western Europeans(+Americans) against Slavs!
I don't hate you.You hate me.
Was ist? ? ? said:
They(+Americans) have always been with muslims against Slavs(nomore with muslims after 9/11).

Right, I must have missed the history lesson about my country being partitioned by Belgium, USA and Syria.
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