I'm really getting sick of these pointless pissing contests between various ethnic groups over who is older than who. "We are the craddle of European civilization!", shout the Greeks. "No! We came to Europe first!!!11one", cry the Slavs. Every once in a while a bunch of pseudohistorians and/or pseudoanthropologists come up with yet another unsubstatiated and contrived theory that is supposed to prove beyond disupute that their nation is the oldest, greatest and blessed with largest sexual appendages, yet their brilliant theories consistently rest on nothing more substantial than meek indications and arbitrarily interpreted facts. Just the other week some Croatian genetic expert announced discovery of the so-called "Croatian gene" which supposedly proves Croatian ethnos is more than 25,000 years old. Media and public embraced this idiotic claim with juvenile exhilaration, deliberately and moronically disregarding the fact that said 'expert' has so far had an absurdly unremarkable career of fertilizing deficient cattle at some pathetic public institute. But what the heck, we are teh Gods!!11! In face of such a tremendously important discovery, who has time to care about the fact that the person who made it has scientific credibility of a two-year-old.
The study Was Ist??? relentlessly advocates falls in the same category as the discovery of the 'Croatian gene' - namely, pseudoscientific bullshit. You know something is a load of nonsense when it can be easily disproved by a peek in a high school history book. Was ist???, I don't know what you've been smoking, but lay off it. Drugs are bad for you.
One more thing - if you (by 'you' I mean Jebus and CCR) are going to throw around German terms like a pair of pompous dolts, at least spell them properly. It's Völkerwanderung (das Volk, pl. die Völker + Wanderung, noun derived of verb wandern), not 'Volkswanderung' and especially not 'Volkswänderung'. Better yet, cut out the silliness and use the proper and widely accepted English term, which is, I believe, the Great Migration of Nations.
The study Was Ist??? relentlessly advocates falls in the same category as the discovery of the 'Croatian gene' - namely, pseudoscientific bullshit. You know something is a load of nonsense when it can be easily disproved by a peek in a high school history book. Was ist???, I don't know what you've been smoking, but lay off it. Drugs are bad for you.
One more thing - if you (by 'you' I mean Jebus and CCR) are going to throw around German terms like a pair of pompous dolts, at least spell them properly. It's Völkerwanderung (das Volk, pl. die Völker + Wanderung, noun derived of verb wandern), not 'Volkswanderung' and especially not 'Volkswänderung'. Better yet, cut out the silliness and use the proper and widely accepted English term, which is, I believe, the Great Migration of Nations.