So after all these DLCs... the Brush gun is still THE gun?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
We've seen some cool armor come along, cool explosives, holorifle is pretty sweet for the energy weapon set but for the general Gun user is there anything that overall out matches the Brush gun?
Isn't the A ligh Shining in Darkness a Hand cannon? If yo ucombine it with Sneering Imperialist and/or Fight the Power you can kill most thigns in a few shots.
Walpknut said:
Isn't the A ligh Shining in Darkness a Hand cannon? If yo ucombine it with Sneering Imperialist and/or Fight the Power you can kill most thigns in a few shots.

Forget a Light Shining in Darkness, the regular .45 auto pistol fully modded combined with the Professional and Salt-Upon-Wound's helmet makes you a one man army.
James Snowscoran said:
Why would you want the modded pistol instead of the unique, except that the modded is silenced?

Because of sneak crits? The fully modded .45 auto pistol + the Professional + salt-upon-wound's helmet + the sneak suit from OWB = unstoppable.
I wonder if we will get a kind of unique Brush Gun or unique Trail Carbine with the Gun Runner's Arsenal DLC. Hope this will happen, because I don't use anything else than Brush Gun and I slowly get tired of it. :>
Nah, don't like the other stuff. There was a time where I used the Anti-Materiel Rifle a long time, but it got old by now and now I don't like to use it anymore. Minigun and Rocket Launcher stuff is still old from Fallout 3, where I used it a lot, so I don't want to use it either, etc. :>

It's not like I am picking guns and armor based on their stats. It's all about their look and after a while, I just can't look at some items anymore. :>
I do already. :> Played FNV in the last months only when new DLCs came, etc. Will maybe start a new game when Gun Runner's Arsenal got released, but I am not sure yet... will decide later based on available free time and mood.
FOOK makes a lot of the OP guns significantly less OP since enemies that are supposed to be a lot tougher are ACTUALLY a lot tougher, on top of that they added a few weapons for variety (22 revolver for example). That and it adds real gun names and the original gun names from FO1 and 2.

Also, just looked up the Gun Runners Arsenal DLC.

They're all ridiculously OP, even WITH this mod.
After the Gun runners arsenal announcement over that new energy weapon ammo type. I think plasma rifles might be top dog.
It kinda annoys me NPCs automatically go there with no (non-modding) option to set them to elsewhere. I prefer to use the Sink as my base, its setup is vastly superior to Lucky 38 and its easy to reach even when you're beyond your carrying capacity.
Companions should have the option for waiting in other towns or at least at the hotel room in Novac. I really never send them to the Lucky 38, due to the annoying walkway you have to go to reach them again.

Maybe I should check out how this works and make me a mod or so...