So, can we talk about what Fallout 4 does well?

Thanks for posting those videos Taskeen, going to watch them all later.

In the meantime I just finished the quest involving the Silver Shroud, and I rather like it.
Now don't get me wrong, it is rather out of place in a Fallout game, yet more of Bethesda's comic book nonsense. But it made me realize something; I really really would like to see an action-adventure or RPG involving a 30's/40's/50's pulp hero a la the Shadow, the Spider, or the Green Hornet.
A game in which we the player play a pre created or better yet; our own pulp hero character who moves in the shadows, protects the innocent, avenges the murdered, and strikes terror in the hearts of all those who follow evil's way, the goal being to take back a city and drive out mobsters, strange cults, mad scientists, and so on.

Now that is a game I would like to see. Hell it can be about the Silver Shroud for all I care.

There you go - pulp golden age comic heroes... by the company that made System Shock before they made BioShock.
Exactly, but Bethesda still screwed that up! Instead of allowing PC interaction, possible quests and choices they made them boring killers.
Why exactly would raiders WANT to interact with you?

You aren't part of their crew, you aren't part of an allied raider gang, you aren't part of the caravans the deal with, you are just some guy walking into their territory... and they are raiders, people who RAID others for stuff. They have no reason to talk to you, and no reason to want to talk to you, at all.

They have even LESS reason to talk to you if you join the Minutemen, BoS, or Institute, given that each of those factions hunt down and kill raiders, thus making you a hated enemy.

I got caps and drugs! Plus, if they need some slaves, I have a settlement that I can enslave for em.
Yeah having a .44 caliber magnum didn't help to ease the panic i guess.

That was completely retarded on the Institute's part anyway. Why not be friendly, open, and just get all the vault dwellers into the Institute? Why just take one child? They could have just taken everybody and sort out all the "undesirables" later. I mean, why waste all the potential candidates? Statistics! Basic foundation of science!

Yeah, they really mucked that one up. Especially killing all the other Vault dwellers. Why just have one backup? And why not integrate these people into the Institute proper? They were all from a well-off suburban district, some of them may have had valuable technical/scientific skills on top of the magical robot-friendly DNA. I mean, the FEV lab fiasco clearly shows that the Institute are almost cartoonish in their villainy, but that plan was really dumb coming from supposed world-class scientists that can invent teleportation and Not!replicants.

Father's idea to just release his surviving parent into the Wasteland, directionless, was also really stupid. They happened to be unkillable player characters, but otherwise could have bought that farm at any time. And a lot of trouble for the Institute would have been avoided had he just introduced them nicely.

As for Synth!Shaun, he's at Sanctuary where I told him to go. He sits around and makes some mods when you bring him crafting materials, and also comments on a few things. Incidentely, is it ever said if he grows up? Or will he stay a 10 years old forever?
Art and sound design is as ever pretty fantastic - it's the one thing bethesda does very well. Ignoring oversights and desperate attempts to keep hold of the generic look (setting up a new fence out of wood, already half fallen down?) the ambient noises, enemy sounds, weapon effects, power armour sounds in particular, all fantastic, and the design front is fantastic. As a propmaker type, i like beth's fallouts purely for getting hold of the artbook and references. :grin:

Also a surprising amount of thought put into a lot of the designs (Absolutely none in others, but i suppose it depends on who was actually involved in making that part/section.), like the new protectron profession-types, revamped more military sentry bots, car types are a lot better designed/more 'real' than fallout 3 in some way i can't quite put my finger on?, obviously the tweaks to the power armours i love (Sacrilege as it is, making the T-51 or APA look more realistic and actually wearable without screwing up the general design is not easy.), big fan of the variation on weapon customisation, though i don't think it should be as easy as it is.

Noticed earlier that unlike fallout 3's weird, sort of junker-planes halfway between B52's and spitfires with jet engines tacked on, the crashed jets in this one seem to be based on Horten 229's? Very similar in any case, to the point where i really doubt it wasn't referenced. Which makes perfect sense.

Dungeons are done well, they're quite good at those, shame there's not a single compelling quest reason to go to them and it's purely to sate the XP grind.

Do enjoy the little comments from people as you wander - much better job of that this time, genuinely funny comments from some of the diamond city guards as you pass in power armour, things like that. Though i imagine it would grate on you after a while, in a similar vein to skyrim's "Favour the bow, eh?" and obsession with snack food comments. Still, walking through a town of people is quite well done, as long as you don't in any way attempt to speak to any of them or interact in any meaningful sense.

Basically so long as you're just picking a random direction and wandering, it feels 'right'. As soon as you try to actually do a quest or get into any of the story, it all just falls apart a bit. :irked:

Oh, and brotherhood are much better this time. By no means are they the same, or even overly similar, to the west coast BoS, but i'm so happy to see they've changed them up from Fo3's lawful good protectors of justice and rightness and kittens. They're different, but they're still morally ambiguous, and now pretty overt about their somewhat genocidal xenophobic ways. Much better.

Also i guess shooting isn't complete shit now, but if i was going to play a game for its' ability to accurately simulate shooting a zombie in the face, i wouldn't be grabbing a fallout game. Somewhat missing the point. Nice addition though.
I love the "art" design, the way the buildings look, with the "newagey" lady's bust on the corner of some of the buildings, showing that somebody totally took the FO1 art deco as a reference.

As ever, their ability to do the environmental story-telling is very well done.

What's weird is there inability to tie the things they did so well, and even improved on, with well written quests with plausible overt stories to complement, their situational stories.
I love the "art" design, the way the buildings look, with the "newagey" lady's bust on the corner of some of the buildings, showing that somebody totally took the FO1 art deco as a reference.

As ever, their ability to do the environmental story-telling is very well done.

What's weird is there inability to tie the things they did so well, and even improved on, with well written quests with plausible overt stories to complement, their situational stories.

I noticed the architecture was right on point. They definitely have the look down in parts.
Characters are good for the most part. They might use a bit more lines, but they are solid memorable characters. This game has the best writing and characters I have ever seen in any Bethesda's game, so they did try to improve and partly succeeded. The only downside in my books is this whole old "avenge wife save kid" which is really not necessary for the main quest to function more or less the same, lack of diplomatic options for quests, and less dialogue then I would like.
Characters are good for the most part. They might use a bit more lines, but they are solid memorable characters. This game has the best writing and characters I have ever seen in any Bethesda's game, so they did try to improve and partly succeeded. The only downside in my books is this whole old "avenge wife save kid" which is really not necessary for the main quest to function more or less the same, lack of diplomatic options for quests, and less dialogue then I would like.

I agree. I think Piper, Nick and Danse (from my experience) are above-average, especially for video-game standards. I like that they put some depth into their character commentary. I think Strong is shit though especially the milk of human kindness:P
Some of the storyline dialogues though seem really bad to me, especially when they explain motives and some science! It was severely rushed at points and at times felt cringeworthy (like Yup we're in a videogame!). I liked little Maxson's speech, it was definitely serviceable, explaining motives and such for the BOS, however maybe a bit more few people listening to Maxson trying so hard:P I liked the idea of Coursers (i liked why do androids dream of electric sheep:P - noodle bar how obvious i hope they at least read the book which i believe had no noodle bar - nevertheless derailing:P). The institute for me was environmental storytelling done beautifully. Wandering around the halls for the first time felt inspiring and i think some of the dialogue there (excl Father i'll get back) was more strongly written. However i felt the motives behind the actions of the institute were very poorly constructed to my tastes (why do they hate replicants so so bad! - to my recollection to make a comparison with NV and what i felt it's most poorly developed faction, the Legion, they treated women slaves as nice property to have which at least makes sense to a certain extent). To make a leap here i felt that since replicant clones made by human genetic tissue, was a road less traveled than female slaves, i expected a bit more thought into explaining their rancid behaviour to the replicant at least-half human clones other than edgy - also a problem at some points i think with the legion. I also felt father's initial dialogue with you to be a big hard boner slap in the face in terms of numb inducing stupidity:p
Other things fallout 4 does well IMO: environmental art, the Power armor looks and feels Epic (apart from the cores- think they needed more tweaking). The graphics are much better ( although should be expected to some degree:P). I also liked the Covenant quest although i wanted more! The glowing sea i felt is a pretty epic idea and again very nicely done, highly atmospheric! i feel this is one of Beth's greatest strengths.
are above-average, especially for video-game standards.

How many well written video games have you actually played? To say any of the characters in Fallout 4 are above average is an insult to the medium.

Have you played Age of Decadence, New Vegas, Planescape: Torment, Morrowind (only a couple in the game), Fallout 1/2 and some others?

Dude i was trying to be nice:p what fallout 4 does well and all (thread):p To be fair though i definitely did over-shoot..i mean did i actually write that the characters are above-average, especially for video-games..Am i implying that they are above-average even for other mediums apart from videogames...OH MY GOD..Wtf have i written!! PURGE ME!! (we'll call it a temporary brain derp;p)

Also i really want to play planescape, never have, heard so much about it, do you know where i can find it?

Ps. also, if ur interested, i wrote quite a lengthy post about 10 "recent" games that i think have considerably better storylines than Bethesda's turds in the "if fallout 4 had actual proper alternate endings" thread after a delightfully erudite conversation with a fellow poster, you can have a look if you wanna gauge my tastes:p
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