Even so, they couldn't help themselves from putting shooting-missions inside Vault 81 (the molerats)
Even in the super sleek shiny Institute, I had aaaaaalmost lowered my guard completely, but noooouuuuuhhhhh, OBVIOUSLY they had murky dungeons where you gotta shoot stuff - eeeven there
Which... by then should not have surprised me, considering I have dead super-mutants thrown atop my fucking BED - IN my home (after they came knockin, and I had to shoot them). Fuckin Bethesda respects nothing o_-
Shit even that little island you can build a settlement on - I decided I'm *not* gonna put up a radio tower there, I went back to check if the mirelurks bethestidly respawned - but they didn't! I almost, almost, almost thought "wow - finally!" untill I found one dead body, never-disappearing. Then another, then another.
We have to tell Bethesda that we prefer more dead bodies in our homes. I KNOW!
Spawn points IN your home! Why haven't they thought of that!? Have they? They have!!! They did for Skyrim!!! (rats spawn in the basements of player-made homes. Pure genius! fight-fight-fight!!! As well as enemy-spawn points litterally on the PLOT where you build your home, resulting in them being stuck behind the walls! SHEER BRILLIANCE!!!)
Come on Bethesda, you can do it! You CAN put enemy spawn-points inside player homes! Why hold back like this? :/